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  • RCDOW Burnt Oak


The Ascension of the Lord (8th May)

We celebrate today Christ’s Ascension to his eternal glory in heaven. Jesus had completed his work on earth but he did not leave his disciples abandoned. Through the Holy Spirit, he gave them all the graces they needed to carry on the task of building up God’s kingdom by spreading the Good News. Furthermore, in seeing Jesus return to his Father it should give us confidence that in time we might follow Him heavenward.

Pentecost (15th May)

At Pentecost we celebrate the occasion when the Holy Spirit came down upon the Apostles and gave them the gifts they needed to carry on the work of Jesus after he had ascended into heaven. We can see how powerful and effective this was by the accounts of what the apostles did in the early life of the Church. We too have received the Holy Spirit through the Sacraments and continue to receive these graces, enabling us to do God’s work, being embraced in his love in all the activities we undertake.

World Communications Day

Ascension Day coincides with World Communications Day. Communication lies at the heart of the Gospel. It is necessarily a foundation for the life and development of the Church. There is a second collection for the Catholic Communications Network, which promotes the values of the Gospel that speak of the dignity of the person and the priorities of building justice and peace. There is a prayer card for World Communications at the back of the church, which also gives details about the CCN and a quote from Pope Francis for the Day.

House Masses

Fr Colin and Fr David are available to celebrate Mass in your home for your family and for those in your immediate neighbourhood. If you are interested, please have a word with us.

Prayer of the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit come into our lives

Open our ears: to hear what you are saying to us

In the things that happen to us

In the people we meet

Open our eyes: To see the needs of the people around us.

Open our hands: To do our work well, to help when help is needed.

Open our lips: To tell others the Good News of Jesus

To bring comfort, happiness and laughter to other people.

Open our minds: To discover new truth about You and the world.

Open our hearts: To love you and our fellow men and women

As you have loved us in Jesus.

To you with our Father and the Son, one God, all honour and praise shall be given now and for ever. Amen.

Baptism Preparation

There will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised this afternoon (Sunday 8th May) at 4pm in the Dominic Room in the Parish Centre. Application forms can be collected from the sacristy.

First Communion

There will be First Communions at the 10.30 Mass on Sundays 8th and 15th May. The rehearsal for the children receiving First Holy Communion on 15th May will be on Friday 13th May at 6pm in the church.

On Sunday 22nd May at 3pm there will be a Thanksgiving Mass for all the children who would have received First Holy Communion over the three weeks. They are invited to come in their First Communion outfits. This will be followed by a party for the children and their families in the Parish Centre.

Confirmation Programme

There is a Reconciliation Service for Confirmation candidates on Wednesday 11th May at 7pm in the church. The rehearsals for Confirmation take place on Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th May at 7pm in the church. Candidates need to attend both rehearsals. Then on Friday 20th May, we welcome Bishop John Sherrington for the Confirmation ceremony at 7pm. Please pray for the candidates and their families.

May Procession

The May Procession takes place on Sunday 29th May at 3.30pm. We start in the church and then process to Our Lady’s Grotto for the crowning of the statue and then return to the church for Benediction. Refreshments will be served in the Parish Centre afterwards.

Mercy Mass

The next Mercy Mass will be on Friday 27th May at 7.30pm, taking the theme of the Spiritual Works of Mercy.

No Novena on 17th May

There will be no Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help on Tuesday 17th May because of the Confirmation Rehearsal.

Parish Website

The Parish Website has recently been revamped. You can take a look on and pass on the word.

Spirit In The City

(1-4 June 2016): Catholic festival of Mercy in the West End of London. Join the programme of prayer, talks, celebrations in Notre Dame de France and the all day festival in Leicester Square gardens on Saturday. For details visit:

or T: 020 7440 2663

Full programme:


Leaflets are available in the porch.

Hail Holy Queen

Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy:

Hail, our life, our sweetness and our hope;

To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve;

To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping

in this vale of tears.

Turn then most gracious advocate,

thine eyes of mercy towards us;

And after this our exile,

show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary

Good Neighbour Scheme For Mill Hill & Burnt Oak

Part time: Co-Ordinator Required 20hours per week at £14.00 per hour

GNS office is currently based at The Wilberforce Centre, St Pauls Church,

The Ridgeway, Mill Hill, NW7 and is open Mon – Fri from 9am – 1pm. Phone: 020 8906 3340

If leaving a message please clearly state name & address/email address.

Closing Date: 27th May

Proposed interview date is 23rd June


Age had taken a toll on her body, so when the parish started a keep-fit class, the elderly woman quickly joined, but just as quickly she was disappointed and left. When asked what the problem was she said “I bent, twisted, gyrated, jumped up and down, and perspired for an hour. But by the time I got my leotard on, the class was over.”

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