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RCDOW Burnt Oak

Trinity Sunday

Having celebrated the Feast of Pentecost last Sunday today’s Feast of the Trinity celebrates God’s love to us through the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Father is our Creator, the Son is our Redeemer and the Holy Spirit is our sanctifier. In our Gospel today, we see the Holy Spirit in the role of bringing us to the complete truth. This is not just a learning process but coming into a deeper relationship with God himself.

May Procession

Next Sunday we will be having our May Procession at 3.30pm. We are approaching the end of Our Lady’s month and it is good to give special honour to Mary during the month. It is also good to see people coming to pray at Our Lady’s grotto. We will do that on Sunday afternoon, starting in the church, processing to the grotto for Rosary and Devotions and returning to the church for Benediction. It is also appropriate to receiving the blessing of the Eucharist on that day as it will also be the Feast of Corpus Christi; After Benediction, there will be refreshments in the Parish Centre.

First Communion Thanksgiving

There will be an extra Mass at 3pm today for all the children who have made their First Holy Communion over the last three weeks, and their families. This will be followed by a party in the Parish Centre for the children and their families. Copies of the photographs taken at the First Communion will be available in the Dominic Room. We congratulate all the children on receiving the Sacrament and pray that they will always value the Eucharist throughout their lives. We thank their parents and the catechists for guiding them towards the Sacrament.

House Masses

Fr Colin and Fr David are available to celebrate Mass in your home for your family and for those in your immediate neighbourhood. If you are interested, please have a word with us.

Mercy Mass

Our monthly Mercy Mass will be on Friday at 7.30pm, taking the theme of the Spiritual Works of Mercy.

In June, the Mass will be on Friday 24th when the Sacrament of the Sick will be administered.


Vocations Discernment Group for adults (18-30’s): Friday 27 May, the Missionaries of Charity on the Corporal Works of Mercy 7-9pm in the Hinsley Room, Morpeth Terrace next to Westminster Cathedral. For more info contact Fr Richard at

Baptism Preparation

The next session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised will be on Sunday 10th July at 4pm in the Dominic Room in the Parish Centre. Application forms can be collected from the sacristy.

Euthanasia Threat To

Elderly & Terminally-ill

Last year we faced a grave threat to our common humanity. Mercifully, this threat was averted and the Assisted Dying Bill was defeated but tragically the practice of hastening death for elderly and disabled people remains widespread in NHS hospitals. New guidelines now being followed promote dangerous practices such as deciding a patient is certain to die within three days, stopping food and fluid and giving powerful sedation to patients who are not in pain. If you agree that these practices should be eliminated from all NHS hospitals, please sign the petition on the table at the back of the church. This is part of the ‘Lives Worth Living’ campaign, organised by SPUC. Please take a copy of the Pro-Life Times available in the porch.

John Murphy

Please pray for the repose of the soul of John Murphy of Gervase Road. His funeral Mass took place last Friday.


Next week’s newsletter will cover two weeks.

Meeting for Readers

There will be a meeting for Parish Readers on Tuesday 28th June at 7.45pm in the church.

Meeting for Eucharistic Ministers

There will be a meeting for Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist on Wednesday 15th June in the church at 7.45pm.

Spirit In The City

(1-4 June 2016): Catholic festival of Mercy in the West End of London. Join the programme of prayer, talks, celebrations in Notre Dame de France and the all day festival in Leicester Square gardens on Saturday. For details visit: or T: 020 7440 2663

RCIA Come & See

Do you know of anyone who is thinking of becoming a Catholic or a baptised Catholic who has not received the other Sacraments? If so, bring them along to a Come and See evening at 8pm on Tuesday 21st June in the Parish Centre.

Pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi

The parish of St Erconwald in Wembley is having a parish pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi from 11th to 17th July. There are still four places left. If you are interested, please see the poster on the notice board by the Sacred Heart Statue. Fr Colin has some booking forms.

Hail Holy Queen

Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy:

Hail, our life, our sweetness and our hope;

To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve;

To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears.

Turn then most gracious advocate,

thine eyes of mercy towards us;

And after this our exile,

show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary

Good Neighbour Scheme For Mill Hill & Burnt Oak

The GNS is currently looking for a keen dedicated volunteer to act as Treasurer. If interested please contact the GNS office by email putting “Treasurer as subject.

Would you like to be a Bereavement Visitor?

We are holding the Initial Bereavement training course on 21st & 28th June (attendance on both days required) at John Keeble Church from 9.30-4.30pm, the cost is £20 per person. If you would like to add your name to attend, please contact Maggie 8959 7918.

Watch This Space - J.D.S

An elderly Florida lady returned to her car with her shopping to find four men in the act of leaving with her vehicle. She dropped her shopping bags, drew her handgun, and shouted at the top of her voice “I have a gun and I know how to use it! Get out of the car!” The four men didn’t wait for a second invitation, they got out and ran for it. The lady somewhat shaken, loaded her shopping bags into the back of the car and got in the driver’s seat. Her hands were trembling so much that she could not get her key into the ignition. She tried again and again and then it dawned on her why.

More next week………………….

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