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TakeHomeNews - 4th Sunday of Easter

RCDOW Burnt Oak

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Today is Good Shepherd Sunday when we reflect on Jesus in the role of shepherd. A shepherd knows his sheep. He cares for them. He guides them in the right direction. He brings back the stray. Today Jesus tells the disciples that he is also the gate of the sheepfold. This implies that the only way for us as sheep to get through to the other side is to approach Jesus. Any other way would not lead to the life that Jesus refers to. So we listen out for the voice of the shepherd, calling us into his care. At the same time, we try to ignore the call of the stranger, which we see as the devil, enticing us away from God.

Priest Training Fund

Today’s second collection is for the annual Priest Training Fund. The Fund helps pay for the training of seminarians (we currently have 39), the education of priests for special ministries, and ongoing enrichment to strengthen priests. Your gift helps ensure we can provide training for these men responding to Christ’s call to dedicate their lives serving the Church. Please be as generous as you can. Please also pray for vocations; please take home a prayer card for vocations. If you do not have a donation leaflet, plenty are still available at the back of the church. You can donate online anytime at Deacon Carlos will speak at Masses this weekend about the training of priests.

Prayer For Vocations

Loving Father, you have given us Jesus your Son to be our Good Shepherd. Help us to listen to his voice and to follow in his footsteps on the road to holiness.

May your Holy Spirit raise up in your Church men willing to be true models of Christ, who will become merciful and caring priests for your people.

May Jesus the Good Shepherd guide those being called to priesthood and give them the strength to say ‘yes’.

I ask you this in Jesus’ Name.


May Procession

This year our May Procession will take place on a Saturday, 20th May at 10.30am, following the 10am Mass. We will process to the shrine of Our Lady where there will be the crowning of the statue and the Rosary. We will return to the church for Benediction. There will be refreshments in the hall afterwards.

Barnet Unity Festival of Faith & Culture

This takes place next Sunday at Burnt Oak Leisure Centre in Watling Ave, between 12 noon and 5pm. There is free entry to this family fun day with music, dance, food stalls, children’s entertainment and much more. To register for a free ticket contact Refreshments will be available throughout the day. At 4pm, representatives of the various faiths will be making a united pledge.

Further details at

Imelda Grasso Rip

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Imelda Grasso whose funeral Mass will be on Wednesday at 11am. Her body will be brought to the church on Tuesday at 6pm. There will also be a Mass at 9am on Wednesday but the Holy Hour that follows will take place at Our Lady’s altar.

The International Mass

Everyone is invited along on Thursday at 7.30pm in the Dominic Room to plan the International Mass which takes place on Saturday 3rd June at 6.30pm. On that evening, we invite people to come in their national costume and children to carry their national flag in the opening procession. If there is any group who would like to sing a hymn at the Mass, please let Fr Colin know. We are also looking for readers to do Bidding Prayers in different languages. The Mass will be followed by a reception in the Parish Centre to which we invite you to bring along a dish of food.

First Communion

The first set of First Communions takes place at the 10.30am Mass today. Please pray for the children of our parish who are making an important step in their sacramental lives. We pray also for the parents that they will bring their children to Mass every Sunday to receive the Lord. Those who are receiving Holy Communion for the first time next Sunday are reminded of the rehearsal on Friday at 6pm in the church.

Baptism Preparation

There is a session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised this afternoon (Sunday) at 4pm in the Dominic Room.

Confirmation Programme

The final session for Confirmation candidates will be on Wednesday at 7pm in the Parish Centre. Then on Wednesday 17th May, there will be a Reconciliation Service for Confirmation candidates in the church. The rehearsals for Confirmation will be on Tuesday and Wednesday 23rd and 24th May at 7pm and the Sacrament of Confirmation will be ministered by Bishop John Sherrington at 7pm on Friday 26th May.

Parish Council

The Parish Council meet on Thursday 18th May at 7.45pm in the presbytery.

Nursery Places

The Annunciation Catholic Infant and Nursery School has places available in the afternoon Nursery Class in September 2017. If your child was born between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014 they are entitled to a Nursery place. If you are interested please contact the school on 020 8959 2325 or pop in for an application form. We are right next door to the Church.

Ordination Gift

If you would like to contribute to an ordination gift to Deacon Carlos, please use a ’Parish Gift’ envelope at the table at the back of the church and put it in the collection. Deacon Carlos will be ordained at Westminster Cathedral on Saturday 24th June at 10.30am. His first Mass will be here at the Annunciation on Sunday 25th June at 12 noon.

Cake Sale

There will be a Cake Sale after the 10.30am Mass next weekend.

Lenten Alms

Thank you to all those parishioners who contributed during Lent, the total raised by the Parish was £655.68.


Becoming anxious about the extra weight she was putting on, a woman went to see a therapist. The woman told him that no matter how hard she tried she had never been able to stick to diets. He told her “The key to a happy and successful life is always finish what you start.” The woman took his advice on board and when she returned for her next appointment, she had a much more optimistic outlook. “I feel better already” she told the therapist, “So far today I’ve finished a giant bag of chips, a packet of biscuits and a chocolate cake”.

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