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  • RCDOW Burnt Oak

TakeHomeNews - Christ the King

Christ the King

We have been listening to a series of parables over several weeks. Today we reach the climax of the Church’s year with the parable of the sheep and the goats. It is a powerful parable set at the final judgement with the Son of Man seated in glory and surrounded by angels. The sheep are those who have recognised that the Lord is found in the poor and the needy. The goats are those who have not. As we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King, we remember that Jesus is our shepherd, the humble king who serves and requires his followers to do the same.

The Kanyike Project

Today Fr Kakuba will be here on his bi-annual visit to give us an update on developments in the Kanyike Project in Uganda which we have been supporting for several years. There will be a second collection to assist in the next stage of the project.

Blessing of Graves

This Sunday afternoon, Fr Colin and Deacon Ronnie will be available to bless the graves in Hendon Cemetery. Please gather near the chapel at 2pm (we might not be able to use the chapel if a funeral is going on). We will then proceed to the various corners of the cemetery to carry out the blessings.

Parish Bazaar

Very many thanks to everyone involved in last week’s Parish Bazaar. Thanks to everyone who contributed items, to those who worked so hard throughout the day and all who came along. A total of £1999 was raised for parish funds.

Also ‘Not Just Travel’ Company kindly donated a Free Spa Day prize for two people, and Michelle Madden was the lucky winner.

Advent Resources

The Season of Advent starts next weekend. This year we have a shortened Advent, lasting not much more than three weeks. At the time of writing, there are still copies of Walk With Me and Bible Alive available in the porch, giving reflections on the daily readings.

CAFOD World Gifts

As we begin to think about Christmas gifts to our family and friends, it is good to think about gifts for the needy throughout the world. As in recent years, CAFOD have produced a booklet of suggestions of various gifts that can be sent for us to the needy, such as trees for life, chirpy chickens, a goat, a school starter pack or water for a family. Please take a booklet from the pack and make your order direct to CAFOD.

Christmas Arrangements

We will be issuing a card with all the Christmas arrangements in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, please note that the Night Mass on Christmas Eve will be at 10pm, not at Midnight. The Advent Reconciliation Service will be on Wednesday 20th December at 7.30pm.

Sleepout for New Horizon Youth Centre

Next weekend there will be a second collection for the New Horizon Youth Centre. Last Friday, young people of the parish slept outside the Parish Centre to raise funds for this charity which supports young homeless people to overcome their issues in order to secure stable accommodation. Please see posters in the church.

World Day for the Poor

Thanks to your generosity we were able to deliver a substantial amount of items to the Local Foodbank last week.

Signing School Forms

Father Colin will be available to sign school forms on Thursday between 3 and 4pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre, and on:

Thursday 14th December 3-4pm

Saturday 6th January 12-1pm

Confirmation 2018

Those in Year 10 or above are invited to join the Confirmation Programme. Application forms are available in the porch and should be returned by Sunday 17th December at the latest. Sessions for candidates will start in January. The date of the Confirmation has been fixed for Friday 25th May at 7pm.

First Communion Programme

There will be a meeting for parents of First Communion children at 7.45pm on Tuesday in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. The children have a session next Sunday at 9.15am.

School Governors Required

The Annunciation Infants School is looking to recruit foundation governors. If you are interested or would like to know more, please speak to Fr Colin.

Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch

This takes place on Sunday 17th December in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. Application forms are available in the porch and should be returned as soon as possible as there is a limit to the numbers we can cater for.

St James’ Senior Citizens Christmas Dinner

Senior Citizens' Christmas Party is taking place at St James' Catholic High on Thursday 7 December at 4pm. Admission by ticket only. We have been allocated 10 tickets, please let Loretta in the office know if you would like any.

Winter Wonderland

Four:12 is hosting the annual parish Christmas social, Winter Wonderland on Saturday 9th December in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre, doors open at 7.15pm. It’s a chance to celebrate the outgoing year with a three course meal and everyone is welcome to attend. Tickets will be on sale after all masses this weekend priced at £8 for adults, £5 for children under 16 years and free for under 5’s.


Northern Star Travel have seats available for the following Special Pilgrimages to Lourdes, 5th to 9th December by Air, Immaculate Conception, 5 days cost £450 sharing £550 single room. 22nd to 27th December by Coach, Christmas in Lourdes 6 days cost £390 sharing and £450 single room. For booking contact C E Roberts 8205 9155 or mobile 07814614749.

Bishop’s Visitation

Bishop John Sherrington will be making a visitation to our parish on the weekend of 9th/10th December. On the Saturday afternoon he will visit some of the sick and housebound in the parish. He will celebrate and speak at all of the Masses over the weekend, and will join us for the Winter Wonderland meal on Saturday evening. After the 12 noon Mass he will bless the new stone sign, to be installed on the wall, dedicating our Parish Centre to Canon Smyth. We will then have a shared lunch in the centre for which we invite you to bring along a dish of food. We will provide the drink. At about 2pm, Bishop John will meet members of the Parish Council and Finance Committee.

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