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Nativity of St John the Baptist

RCDOW Burnt Oak

The Nativity of St John the Baptist (24th June)

There are three people for whom we celebrate their birth in the church calendar—Jesus, Mary and John the Baptist. John the Baptist showed signs that he was a prophet even before he was born. He leapt in his mother’s womb. At his birth, his family is full of wonder as they ask ‘What will this child turn out to be?’ Elizabeth had given birth at an advanced age. John’s father, Zechariah had been struck dumb and there was the dispute as to what name they should call their son. Once Zechariah’s power of speech returned and the child was born, the parents and neighbours praised God for what had happened. John would grow up to be the prophet who pointed the way to Jesus.

13th Sunday of Ordinary Time B (1st July)

Today’s Gospel gives accounts of two miracles which Jesus performed - the little daughter of Jairus who Jesus brought back to life and a woman with a haemorrhage who touched the cloak of Jesus and was cured. Each time Jesus works a miracle it is a sign of his mighty power and a demonstration of his deep love for ordinary people. Little miracles happen in our time - moments when Jesus comes to our help when we have made an attempt to ‘touch’ him.

St Peter & St Paul

On Friday 29th June, we celebrate the Feast of St Peter and St Paul, the great apostles who gave their lives for the foundation of the Church. This is a Holy Day of Obligation, meaning that every Catholic is expected to attend Mass on that day. Masses in the church will be at 9am and 7.30pm, in the Annunciation Infants School next door at 11am Mass and in the Annunciation Junior School in the Meads at 2pm. At the 7.30pm, the Sacrament of the Sick will be ministered to those who wish.

Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers are asked please to tick their names off on the rota in the sacristy before the Mass to which they are due to minister. Please come forward at the Sign of Peace ready for your ministry.

The new rotas are available in the porch of the church. Please note that there is no rota for August or 1st/2nd September as Holy Communion will be in one kind on Sundays during the holiday period. During this time, just one minister is asked to come forward to assist the priest with the distribution of hosts.

New Altar Servers

Children who have already received their First Holy Communion are invited to become an altar server.

There will be a rehearsal for those who are interested on Tuesday 3rd July at 5pm in the Church.

Let It Be

We continue our reflections on Our Lady on Tuesday evenings from 7.30pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre with the video ‘ Let It Be’, produced by CaFÉ. Refreshments will be available and we finish by 9pm.

Second Collections

After several weeks without any second collection, we will be having three in successive weeks. On 30th June/1st July we have the annual collection for Peter’s Pence, on 7th/8th July it is Sea Sunday when there is a collection for Apostleship of the Sea, and on 14th/15th July Harrow Mencap will be taking a collection.

Sponsored Walk and Cake Sale in aid of the Four:12 Lourdes Group

This summer, members of Four:12 will be giving up a week of their time to travel to Lourdes as ‘Redcaps’ – the group of teenage/young adult volunteers which supports the sick and elderly on the annual Westminster Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage. To subsidise the costs – which run into several hundreds of pounds per volunteer – we are organising a Sponsored Walk to and from Westminster Cathedral on Saturday 7th July, and also holding a cake sale after all Masses on Sunday 8th July.

To sponsor the group, please visit or speak to Frances O’Neill. If any Four:12 members or parishioners would like to join us on the walk or would be willing to donate cakes to be sold, please ring 07732392749 or email by Wednesday 4th July.

First Communions in 2019

If your child is starting in Year 3 or above in September and would like to receive First Holy communion next year, please take an application form from the porch and return it to the presbytery by 16th September at the latest. Application forms cannot be accepted after this date.

Baptism Preparation

This afternoon (Sunday 24th June) there will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised at 4pm in the Dominic Room.

International Mass

Our annual International Mass will take place at 12 Noon on Sunday 15th July. Those who would like to do a reading are asked please to contact Fr Colin. If there is a group who would like to lead a hymn or song also please let Fr Colin know. The Mass will be followed by a barbecue and other foods for which we invite you to bring along an international dish. We will provide the drink.

Finance Committee Meeting

The Finance Committee meet on Thursday 12th July at 7.30pm in the Dominic Room.

Walk to Church Sunday

Well done to those who have walked to church today, helping in a small way to cut down our carbon emissions and keeping ourselves fit and healthy.

St Michaels Catholic Secondary School

The Open Evening for Admissions 2019, to St Michael’s, will this year be held on Thursday 28th June 2018. There are two sessions on the 28th June; 3:30pm until 5:00pm and 7:00pm until 9:00pm. The Headteacher will address prospective parents at 5:00pm, 7:00pm and 9:00pm. The Supplementary Information Forms are available to download from the School’s website and should be returned to St. Michael’s no later than Tuesday 10th July 2018.

Good Neighbour Scheme For Burnt Oak & Mill Hill & Burnt Oak

Film Afternoon, Wednesday 27th June

Doors Open, Film Commences 2.15pm

Trinity Church, Mill Hill Broadway,

Donations welcome

“My Big Fat Greek Wedding”


This newsletter covers two weeks. The next Takehomenews will be on 8th July.

Parish Council Meeting

The Parish Council meet on Wednesday 4th July at 7.45pm in the presbytery.


When my daughter, Kelli, said her bedtime prayers, she would bless every family member, every friend, and every animal (current and past). Then for several weeks, after we had finished the nightly prayer, Kelli would say, "And all girls." This soon became part of her nightly routine, to include this closing. My curiosity finally got the best of me and I asked why she always included the part about ‘all girls’. She replied, ‘Because everybody always finishes their prayers by saying 'All Men.’


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