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RCDOW Burnt Oak

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)

Today we have the 3rd Epiphany in successive weeks. The account of the wedding feast at Cana when Jesus turned water into wine marks the third of the occasions when Jesus was made manifest. The first occasion was when the 3 Wise Men followed the star to behold the new-born king in the stable at Bethlehem. The second occasion was when Jesus was baptised in the River Jordan with the voice of the Father being heard and the Holy Spirit descending on him. At this third Epiphany, Jesus showed his miraculous power by turning water into wine, but it might not have happened had Mary not alerted Jesus that the wine had run out. It was an indication that Jesus would provide for the needs of everyone—the needs of those in a dilemma, the needs of the sick and incapacitated and the needs of the sinner.

Peace Sunday

Today is Peace Sunday, taking the theme ‘Good politics serves peace.’ Pope Francis invites us to reflect on our role as peacemakers. Drawing on the everlasting teaching of the Church and looking at eh signs of the times, Pope Francis is uncompromising in his challenge to war and violence. He has remarked that the endless and horrifying sequence of wars, conflicts, genocides and ethnic cleansings are a major cause of migration of thousands across the globe. Pope Francis added `How I wish that all men and women of good will would look at the Cross if only for a moment. There, we can see God’s reply: violence is not answered with violence, death is not answered with the language of death. In the silence of the Cross the uproar of weapons ceases and the language of reconciliation, forgiveness, dialogue and peace is spoken`

A prayer for Reconciliation

Loving God, you have reconciled us in Christ Jesus and have given us the ministry of reconciliation. We pray for all those from whom we are estranged. Bring healing to strained or broken relationships. Forgive us for the times we have wronged others, whether by ignorance, neglect, or intention. Grant us the courage and the grace to seek their forgiveness and opportunity to make amends. Where others have wronged us, grant us a gracious spirit, that we might forgive even as we have been forgiven in Jesus Christ. Amen.

Christian Unity Week

The week of Prayer for Christian Unity continues until Friday. You may like to use this prayer:

Tender-hearted God, your Son Jesus prayed that we may be one. As we journey together in openness and truth, may we draw closer to each other. May our love embrace people of all faiths, Send your Spirit to empower us to promote dignity and compassion in societies, nations and world. God of life, lead us to justice and peace, Amen.

Carers Available

Two of our parishioners are available to help in a home as paid carers. If you or anybody you know needs someone, please let Fr Colin know.

Our Lady of Lourdes Mass

The annual Mass in honour of Our Lady of Lourdes will take place in Westminster Cathedral on Saturday 9th February at 2pm. The Sacrament of the Sick will be administered during Mass. All are welcome to attend. A special invitation is extended to all who are sick or infirm., all hospital chaplains, doctors, nurses healthcare assistants and all who work in healthcare. If you or someone you know plan to attend in a wheelchair, please let (Fr Colin) know by Sunday 27th January.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee meet on Thursday at 7.30 pm in the Dominic Room?

Parish Council

The Parish Council meet on Thursday 31st January at 7.45pm in the Presbytery.

90th Anniversary Mass

Both the Junior and Infants Annunciation Schools will be coming together in the Church at 10.45 on Thursday to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the parish.

2019 Weddings

If you are planning to get married this year and have not done so already, please get in touch with Fr Colin at least six months before the date of the wedding.

A Celebration Concert

Of Irish music, theatre, poetry and dancing in the week of St Brigid hosted by the Irish Chaplaincy at St James’ Church Piccadilly. January 30th 2019 at 7pm

Tickets available via

Baptism Preparation

There will be a preparation session this afternoon at 4pm in the Dominic Room for parents who wish to have their baby baptised. Application forms can be collected from the sacristy.

First Communion Programme

The children will be taking part in a Celebration Mass at 10.30 this morning.

Confirmation Programme

Applications for the 2019 Confirmation Programme have now closed. There are 30 Candidates. There will be a session for their parents on Wednesday 30th January at 7.30pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. The first of seven sessions for candidates will be on Wednesday 6th February at 7.00pm. The Confirmations will take place on Friday 07th June at 7.00pm.

Lately Dead

The Funeral Mass for ANN NOLAN will be on Friday 25th January at 10.00am, replacing the 9.00am Mass that day. The Funeral Mass for PETER DOYLE will be at 1.30 am on Tuesday 29th January. The Funeral Mass for NORA GRIFFIN of Littlefield Road will be on Friday 1st February at 10.30am.

Appletree Court Care Home

158 Burnt Oak Broadway, HA8 0AX

Would like to invite you to join and celebrate their recent refurbishment on Wednesday 23rd January at 2pm.

Symbols of Faith Workshop

Preparing to the Sacraments and Participation in the Liturgy for people with learning disabilities. A workshop that trains individuals in the preparation of the children and adults with special needs for the sacraments, using symbolic catechesis. The workshop will be held at Our Lady of Dolours Church Hall, 4 Egerton Gardens, Hendon, NW4 4BA on Saturday, 2 February 2019, 10am—2pm. Details from Sue Day at / 020 8202 3999

Catholic History Walks—London

The City and Tower of London

Sunday 20th January, 3pm. A walk through the city with its turbulent history, as we hear the story of brave heroes such as St Thomas More and St John Fisher, walking towards the Tower of London. Meet at Monument Tube Station.

A Royal Walk

Sunday 27th January, 3pm. A walk exploring the history of the Royal Family and Catholicism, through St James' Park and on to Buckingham Palace. Meet on the steps of Westminster Cathedral. Nearest Tube: Victoria.


Wednesday 13th February, 6.30pm. A walk through the historic city of Westminster, from the mother Church of English Catholics, through St James's Park, and on to Whitehall. Meet on the steps of Westminster Cathedral. Nearest Tube: Victoria.

The City of London

Friday 15th February, 2pm. The City of London has an ancient and varied history, from its Saxon origins, through to the turbulence of the Reformation and Great Fire, and has many of London's most beautiful and interesting Churches. Meet at St Mary Moorfields, EC2M 7LS. Nearest Station: Moorgate.

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