2nd Sunday of Lent (C)
The Transfiguration must have been a thrilling experience for Peter, James and John, the privileged apostles who went up the mountain with Jesus. They saw Moses and Elijah appearing in glory and Jesus transfigured. Peter wanted to capture that moment – a pity that there weren’t cameras in those days. Then they heard a voice from heaven ‘This is my Son, the chosen one, Listen to him’. As they came down the mountain, the apostles would have felt on a spiritual high, knowing that they had made the right decision to leave their fishing nets to follow Jesus. They would have been strengthened for the difficult time to come, when Jesus would be arrested and put to death. This too should be an uplifting point in our Lenten journey as we brace ourselves for what is to come but also be ready for the joys of the resurrection.
Last Friday was CAFOD Lent Fast Day. Today there is a second collection in which you can return the CAFOD envelopes. Below you can read how small acts of love can make big things happen:
Five years ago, Lombeh was born in Sierra Leone in Africa, one of the poorest countries in the world.
She was tiny and she wasn’t growing. A little bracelet she was given could fit all the way up to her shoulder. That bracelet was no bigger than the size of a two pence coin.
Some people thought Lombeh wouldn’t live. It was a difficult time in Sierra Leone as the country was still dealing with the Ebola virus. The family had lost their business and good food was expensive.
Her mum, Amie, was very worried. But she didn’t give up hope.
She found out from some other new mums about a local clinic CAFOD supports. There, she met Sister Anthonia, who’s an expert in mother and child health.
Sister Anthonia could see that Lombeh was very sick, but she had faith. Lombeh was not getting the right food to grow. So, in a small act of love, Sister Anthonia showed Amie how to make a rich, healthy sesame seed paste to feed her.
Within a few weeks, baby Lombeh got better and began to grow.
Now Lombeh is five years old. She’s big and strong. Her little bracelet now only fits around her thumb.
The funeral Mass for PETER MacCULLOCH will be this Friday 18th March at 10am. It replaces the 9am Mass that day.
The funeral Mass for TERESA HARVEY will be on Tuesday 22nd March at 10.30am.
The funeral Mass for DANIEL Mc AULIFFE will be on Monday 28th March at 12 Noon. May they rest in peace.
We are all thinking and praying for the people of Ukraine. Next Weekend we will have a second collection to help the people in their plight. Donations well be sent to the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral in London, Alternatively, you can send direct to the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of the Holy Family of London, Chancery Office, 21-22 Binney Street, London W1K 5BQ. Cheques should be made payable to AUGB Ltd– Central Appeal Fund.
A Prayer for Peace in Ukraine
Heavenly Father, Your will for your people is peace not war, unity not division. We pray for the people of Ukraine and the people of Russia; for their countries and their leaders. Pour out on our world, especially in Eastern Europe at this time, your Spirit of forgiveness and fraternity. We pray for all those who are afraid; that they may know your hand in theirs in these days of great fear, panic and despair. Bring hope and help to the widow, the orphan, the refugee and to all those whose lives are being torn apart. We pray for all those who hold the lives of others in their hands; that they will choose the path of light not darkness. We pray for those who choose war; that they will turn away from the madness and misery of conflict.
We pray for leaders on the world stage; that they may be inspired by the courage and compassion of Christ. Give wisdom beyond human wisdom to the peacemakers who seek the path of reconciliation and healing. Lord, we fall to our knees and pray for peace for Ukraine. Bring an end to this terrible suffering. Make silent once more the weapons of war. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. Lord have mercy. Amen
Parents who wish to have their baby baptised are asked to come to a preparation session next Sunday afternoon, 20th March, at 4.pm in the church.
First Communion Programme
The children have a session today (13th March) at 9am in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre and next Sunday take part in a celebration Mass at 10.30.
The Confirmation candidates have a session this Wednesday (16th March) at 7pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre.
There will be Stations of the Cross here at the Annunciation Church at 7pm on Friday.
On Friday 25th March, we will be celebrating the Feast of the Annunciation, our Parish Feast Day. Masses will be at 9am and 7.30pm. The evening Mass will be followed by a get-together in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre, for which we invite you to bring along a dish of food and we will provide the drink. As it is a Solemnity, there is no abstinence that Friday, so you can bring along a meat dish if you wish.
Fasting and Feasting in Lent
Fast from discontent—Feast on Gratitude
Fast from complaining—Feast on appreciation
Fast from bitterness—Feast on forgiveness
Fast from self-concern—Feast on compassion for others
Fast from Suspicion—Feast on truth
Fast from idle gossip—Feast on purposeful silence
Fast from unrelenting pressures—Feast on unceasing prayer.
This year, we celebrate 10 years of Caritas Westminster, the social action agency of the Diocese, working with parishes to restore hope, and enable people to lead a life of dignity and worth. Funds raised in this year’s Cardinal’s Lenten Appeal will be shared between parishes and Caritas Westminster. Cardinal Nichols has expressed his gratitude to everyone who supports the Appeal, with whatever they can afford. Just as a mosaic is made up of many different coloured pieces, each one unique, each person’s contribution to this mosaic of hope, will bring light into the lives of people across our Diocese. The effects of the pandemic are making daily life harder for many people. The Church is responding, with thousands of people putting their faith into action by serving those in need, those who feel like they’re pushed to the margins of society. Please take a donation envelope. You can use the QR code to make your donation online, Thank you for your generosity. Your donations including envelopes can be placed in the wooden box marked ‘Lenten Alms’ which can be found near Our Lady’s altar.
Items for the local foodbank can be left in one of the boxes in the porch. Many thanks to those who have donated already. It has been very much appreciated.
GNS Supporting our seniors
The Good Neighbour Scheme for Mill Hill & Burnt Oak have vacancies at their lunch clubs for seniors. The Mill Hill lunch club meets on Tuesdays in the parish centre of the Sacred Heart Church. The Burnt Oak lunch club meets on Thursdays here in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. If you are interested, please call 020 8906 3340.
THANKSGIVING FOR MATRIMONY at Westminster Cathedral Saturday 14th May 2022 at 3:00pm
The Cardinal is inviting to this Mass all couples in the Diocese, who are celebrating a significant anniversary their 5th 10th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th and 60th (and every year over 60) wedding anniversary of Catholic marriage in 2022. If you would like to join in this Mass, please give your details: husband and wife’s names, wedding date, full postal address, email address and telephone number, by 1st April 2022. to Fr Colin, Fr David or email to Susan in the office. (burntoak@rcdow.org.uk).
Every Thursday through Lent from the 3rd March to 7thApril inclusive, at 7pm to 8pm, there will be Adoration, Prayer and Reflection on our Lenten Journey. Please do come.
Roger & Maureen Corby (nee Mitchell) on 11 March 2022