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Fifth Sunday of Easter

RCDOW Burnt Oak

Sixth Sunday of Easter

We continue hearing Jesus’ Final Discourse to his disciples in today’s Gospel. In indicating that he will soon be leaving them, he promises that the Holy Spirit will come to them. They will not be abandoned. The Holy Spirit will be their Advocate, defending them, guiding them and showering them with God’s gifts. In leaving them, Jesus gives the disciples a peace that the world cannot give, and told them not to be troubled or worried. We can take this message to the disciples for ourselves. We have received God’s peace and the Holy Spirit continues to guide us, protect us and shower us with blessings.

First Communion

Today at the 10.30 Mass, we have the first of three First Holy Communion Masses. Please pray for these children and their families that they will always value the presence of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament.

For those who receive First Holy Communion next Sunday there will be a rehearsal on Friday at 6pm in the church.

Please note that the 10.30 Mass will be particularly crowded on these three Sundays and you may prefer to attend a different Mass.

World Communications Day

Next Sunday is Ascension Day, which coincides with World Communications Day. There will be a second collection for Catholic Communications.

House Masses

Fr Colin and Fr David are available to celebrate Mass in your home for your family and for those in your immediate neighbourhood. If you are interested, please have a word with us.

Mercy Masses

This month’s Mercy Mass will be on Friday 27th May at 7.30pm, taking the theme of the Spiritual Works of Mercy.

The June Mass will be at 7.30pm on Friday 24th, the Feast of the Birth of St John the Baptist, when the Sacrament of the Sick will be administered.

Ukraine Collection

Thank you to all those parishioners that contributed to last week’s collection, £452.13 was raised. With parish funds, we forwarded a total of £500 to this worthy cause. Thank you.

Deborah Lodge Mass

The monthly Mass at Deborah Lodge is this Friday at 3pm.

No 7.30am Mass

There will be no 7.30am Mass tomorrow (Monday). Mass is at 9am only.

Baptism Preparation

There will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised next Sunday at 4pm in the Dominic Room. Application forms can be collected from the sacristy.

Confirmation Programme

The final session for Confirmation candidates takes place on Wednesday at 7pm in the Parish Centre.

On Wednesday 11th May at 7pm in the church there will be a Reconciliation Service for Confirmation candidates. Then on Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th May, there are Confirmation Rehearsals. Candidates need to attend on both days. Bishop John Sherrington will be here for the Confirmation on Friday 20th May at 7pm.

Polling Day Signposting

On Thursday the Parish Centre is being used as a Polling Station. While they are here, some voters may like to pop in and see the church. If you have an hour to spare on that day to be around the church to welcome people and hand out leaflets, please put your name and telephone number on the sheet at the back of the church.

Spirit In The City

(1-4 June 2016): Catholic festival of Mercy in the West End of London. Join the programme of prayer, talks, celebrations in Notre Dame de France and the all day festival in Leicester Square gardens on Saturday. For details visit:

or T: 020 7440 2663

Full programme:


Good Neighbour Scheme For Mill Hill & Burnt Oak

Part time: Co-Ordinator Required

20hours per week at £14.00 per hour

GNS office is currently based at The Wilberforce Centre, St Pauls Church, The Ridgeway, Mill Hill, NW7 and is open Mon – Fri from 9am – 1pm.

Phone: 020 8906 3340

If leaving a message please clearly state name & address/email address.

Closing Date: 27th May

Proposed interview date is 23rd June

May Procession

Our annual May Procession will be on Sunday 29th May at 3.30pm, starting in the church.

Annual Migrants Mass

Cardinal Vincent invites you to join him at the annual Mass for Migrants in honour of St Joseph the Worker on Bank Holiday Monday 2nd May at Westminster Cathedral. The banner procession will begin at 10am. All are welcome

Pastoral Letter

Today we have a Pastoral Letter from Cardinal Vincent Nichols on the Papal Exhortation on the Joy of Love. This will be read at all Masses, except the First Communion Mass at 10.30am. Copies of the letter are available at the back of the church.


Next week’s newsletter will cover two weeks.


God our Father, by the power of the Holy Spirit

Draw from the disciples in this Diocese,

The men you wish to be with Christ to serve your Church as priests,

To proclaim the Gospel, to teach the Faith, to celebrate the Sacraments

And minister to your people with mercy.

We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Our Blessed Lady Immaculate, Patroness of our Diocese, pray for us.

St John Vianney, Patron of Priests, pray for us.

St Thomas of Canterbury, Patron Saint of English Clergy, pray for us.

St John Southworth, Martyr of our Diocese, pray for us.

Easter Garden and Path of Mercy & Hope

The Dominican Sisters at St Rose’s, 160 Anson Road, welcome everyone to come and pray in the Easter Garden and walk the Path of Mercy and Hope. The garden is open from 7.30 am to 7.30 pm. There will be Adoration with prayer and reflection every Thursday from 7.00pm to 8pm in St. Rose’s Chapel.


A young policeman was assigned to an experienced partner and while out driving a call came over the car radio telling them to disperse some people who were loitering. They drove to the street and observed a small crowd standing on the corner. The young policeman quickly opened his window and shouted “move away from the corner”. No one moved so he shouted again “move away from the corner.” Intimidated the crowd began to move, casting puzzled glances at the police car. The young policeman asked the older officer “How well did I do” “Pretty good” said the more experienced man “Since that was a bus stop!”

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