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  • RCDOW Burnt Oak

Takehomenews-25th Sunday of the year

25th Sunday of Year B

Jesus turned the world upside down. He said that if you want to be first, then you must make yourself last of all. To be first, you must be a servant to everybody. This applies to all in authoritative positions. Our attitude must be one of service and humility, not one of dominance and power. The letter of St James says that wherever you find jealousy and ambition, you find disharmony. What the Lord provides us with is wisdom, purity, peace, compassion and love. If we allow these virtues, these gifts from God, to dwell within us, then we will be truly great.

Sister Amy Dunne RIP

We were all sad to hear that Sister Amy died last weekend. She was a great pastoral worker in our parish. She had been Head Teacher at Annunciation Infants School, the final Dominican Sister to have that role. Even when she moved away form Burnt Oak, she would come back regularly to visit the school and parishioners. One felt that although she was in a different Dominican Community, her heart was always in Burnt Oak. May she rest in peace. Her funeral will take place on Tuesday at 11am at Rosary Priory, Bushey.

90th Anniversary of Parish

Sister Amy has played an important part in the life of our parish over a large proportion of its 90 years. We commemorate this anniversary on Sunday 25th November at the 12 noon Mass followed by a reception in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. Do you have any photographs from the past? If so, could we borrow them please to produce a slide show during the reception. We are also planning to produce a booklet to include memories from the past and invite you to write down something to include in this booklet. We would like to get this all finished by the end of October. Thank you.

Older Children for Baptism

Children aged 7 or over who wish to be baptised are invited to join classes on Saturday mornings at 11am in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre, starting on 6th October.

First Communion Programme

The application process for next year’s First Communion has now closed. There will be a meeting for the parents of those who have applied on Tuesday at 7.45pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. The first of 7 sessions for the children will be on Sunday 7th October at 9.15am in the Parish Centre.


Sessions for those adults who are interested in becoming Catholics and baptised Catholics who have not received the other sacraments start on Tuesday 9th October, upstairs in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. Everyone is welcome.

Secondary School Transfer

Fr. Colin will be available to sign secondary school application forms for those who attend Mass here regularly on Tuesday between 4 and 5pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. Future signing times will be: Wednesday 3rd October 4-5pm.

Saturday 13th October 12-1pm.

Thursday 18th October 4-5pm.

Volunteers in Annunciation Junior School

The Annunciation Junior School in The Meads is looking for volunteers to help pupils in reading and sowing. If you can spare some time, please ring the school office on 020 8906 0723. The school is also looking for stories you may have about World War II.

Counting Heads

We will be counting heads at Masses this weekend and also for the next three weekends. Many thanks to those who help us in this.

New Stained–glass Window

The new stained-glass window dedicated to St James and provided by the Bourke Family will be blessed at the end of the 9:00 Mass this morning.

Lately Dead

Please pray for the repose of the soul of TONY DIAS, SISTER AMY DUNNE and MAY O’BRIEN of Gaskarth Road, who have died recently.

47th London Ballycroy Reunion

The longest running Irish association will be having a dance with jiving competition at: The Mazenod Social Club, Quex Road, Kilburn, NW6. on Saturday 13 October 2018. Dancing 8 till late, music by Seamus Moore and his band alongside Slim Attraction. Tickets are £10.00 and limited by capacity, pre-buy from: Martin Campbell 07803231668, Brid Howard 07852167318. Get your dancing shoes on all welcome.

St. Columba’s College and Prep School

The independent Catholic boys’ school in St Albans, will be holding an Open Morning for both the Prep and Senior School (4-18) on Saturday 6th October 2018 from 9.30am –12.30pm. Means-tested bursaries are available for a small number of Catholic boys entering Year 3 and Year 7. Bursary applications for September 2019 entry must be made by the end of October 2018 and, if eligible, boys will need to be successful in the entrance exams to be held in January.

For further information, please contact Mrs Hilary Causer, Admissions Registrar Email address: Direct line: 01727 892040

St Michael’s Catholic Grammar School Staff Vacancy

Cover Supervisor - As and when required on an ad-hoc basis£12.19 an hour

Required so soon as possible. Flexible Cover Supervisors required to cover internally across the subject board on an ad-hoc basis. Availability can be negotiated with the School for those who wish to restrict the days of the week which they would be available. Applications can be downloaded from

Please send all completed applications to

Closing date: 12 pm, Friday 12th October 2018

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