Fr Colin Writes:
When I look through my diary, there are more crossings out than entries: Baptisms and Confirmation Masses postponed and this weekend would have been the time for our Annual Parish Bazaar. Once we find out what the situation is for Christmas, I will announce the arrangements we have in mind.
Although we cannot come to Mass this month, it is good to come to pray before the Blessed Sacrament. The times of opening are on the front page of the newsletter and the last paragraph on the web site. The reason we don’t open the church until9.00AM on a Sunday is that both Father David and I need to celebrate our own individual private Masses under closed doors. Hopefully after 2nd December we will be able to resume public Masses.
We are making steps towards having Masses live-streamed from this church, but it will take time for this to be set up. We are also planning to upgrade our telephone system. At the moment we do not have an automatic facility to tell us the number of those who leave answer-phone messages. So please give your number when leaving a message. Thank you. Father Colin
Sick and Retired Priests Fund
Thank you for so generously supporting the Sick & Retired Priests’ Fund collection last weekend. Our priests give us years of dedicated service and it is only right that, together, we ensure they live out their days with the care they need. If you didn’t get the chance to donate, it’s not too late. Envelopes are still available in the back of the church or from the parish office, and you can give online at Thank you again. Please keep our sick and retired priests in your prayers.
Mary’s Meals
Many of you will be familiar with Mary’s Meals charity which we have been supporting over the last few years. In the past we have brought our unwanted clothes which the charity has collected on one pre-arranged Sunday. Unfortunately, Covid regulations prevent us from doing that this year. However, we can make a donation in next Sunday’s collection and the amount we give will be doubled by the UK government. This double the love appeal lasts until 31st January 2021. This funding will bring new hope to families in Liberia who struggle daily to feed their children.
Liberia is just one of 18 countries in which Mary’s Meals feeds children one good meal every day at school. Because of the low costs this can be done for as little as £14.00 per child per year.
Please pray for the repose of soul of Daniel Rodriguez whose funeral Mass will be on Tuesday at 10.AM. Attendance will be at the invitation of the family.
33rd Sunday Year A
Fr. David writes:
In our first reading today we have a selection of verses from the last chapter of the book of Proverbs. The title of this last section is called “Ode to a Capable Wife”. The book of Proverbs is part of a wider collection of Old Testament writings called the books of Wisdom. Saint John Paul II said during his General Audience in Rome on 10th April 1996 on this scripture: “Far from representing an unattainable model, she is a concrete image born from experience of women of great value.” In this wisdom literature, the author and reader “sees in woman’s fidelity to the divine covenant the culmination of her abilities and the greatest source of admiration. Indeed, ….woman transcends all expectations when her heart is faithful to God”. We see this especially in Our Lady at the moment of her Annunciation fiat and later on in the Gospels as she prompts Jesus to begin his ministry with the miracle at the Wedding feast at Cana.
The instruction to have a total faithfulness to God is also depicted in our Second reading from St Paul’s 1st letter to the Thessalonians. Here St. Paul tells us that we will not know the time or day when we will be called home to the Lord. That when we hold our faith first and foremost we will not need to worry as others do, because we will be ready and prepared. Like the Capable Wife in Proverbs who uses what she has found to spin the yarns of life to the glory of God. She teases out of the spinning wheel a good a strong thread, a thread that can be used to cloth the poor, to teach them to spin. We should do the same with our lives.
The Gospel today from St. Matthew gives us the parable of the talents. The first two servants were able to double their initial responsibility. There is a sense of peace with these two servants - However, as we see from the third servant, who feared his master’s attitude, he chose not to be able to turn a profit on his master’s investment and so just buried it and when the time came, returned it to his master upon his return.
Very few of us will know how to do something, we always need to be shown. A second child will, on the whole, be more confident and faster than the first child because they observe their older sibling in the simple tasks of walking and speaking for example.
We need to be able to share our faith with our younger generation, so that they can share it with their next generation. We don’t want those that survive us to get to the gates of heaven and say “I am a Catholic and here is the faith I was given.” This won’t cut it. They need to show that they have not only understood and lived their faith but also passed on the faith and demonstrate a care for others in need. This wisdom of charity is essential to helping those around us especially in these present days where there is so much induced poverty and despair. Yes, there is charity in giving money, but there is an even greater grace in the charity of sharing our knowledge and faith. How many of us have knowledge from our childhood of helping our mothers to cook – when in fact – they were teaching us to cook. How many of us in our childhood watched the plumber or the electrician when they came to the house to see how they did things. We are wired for learning and teaching – so let us use these skills and talents to great effect and build a stronger and larger family of faith which is more resilient to doubt and despair. Even in these days of lockdown, we have so many online ways to teach and help support our brothers and sisters in their need.
Right to life UK
We pray for all unborn children diagnosed with disabilities, we pray for protection for them and their mothers from the pressures of society to have an abortion, and that they would instead experience overwhelming support by all who surround them. Lord hear us”
Baptism Preparation
There will be a session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised on Sunday 6th December at 4.PM in the church. This meeting will go ahead only if we come out of lockdown as suggested on 2nd December.
First Communion 2021
Children in Year 3 or above who would like to receive First Holy Communion next year are invited to complete a yellow—coloured application form from the table at the back of the church or from the office and return it by 13th December. At the moment we are uncertain how the preparation sessions will be arranged but it will certainly require more parental help at home. Once we have the number of applications, we can start making arrangements for the preparation and the First Communion days.
Confirmations 2021
Those in year 10 or above who would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation next year are invited to complete a blue coloured application form from the table at the back of the church or from the office and return it by 13th December. At the moment we are uncertain how the preparation will proceed, nor of the date of the Confirmations.
Today marks the Fourth World Day of the Poor. This year Pope Francis has given this special day the theme “Stretch forth your hand to the poor” (Sirach 7:32). The effects of the global pandemic has seen record numbers of people losing their jobs or at least being on lower incomes, as normal working hours have been considerably reduced across almost every sector of society. However, this theme of stretching out a hand to the poor is also being lived out in many parishes through various initiatives. More people have been coming together, albeit socially distanced than ever before to support those who have been isolated or left behind. It is unfortunate, that due to the second lockdown, even more people are likely to be forced into poverty due to the uncertainty of the pandemic. The Holy Father invites us to not just offer handouts to those in need, but also a hand up out of poverty. In response to this call of Pope Francis, Caritas Westminster are launching the Road to Resilience. This new programme of work will focus on helping people out of poverty and empowering them to be more resilient to the shocks and challenges that cause insecurity.
This Week’s Saint’s Days Monday 16th—St. Edmund of Abingdon, Saturday 21st November—The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Confessions: Saturday
Church Opening Times
5.45PM — 7.00PM
Office: Opening Times
Tuesday 9:30—4:30PM
Wednesday 1—4 PM
Thursday 9:30—4:30PM
Friday 1—4PM