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Takehomenews Sunday 10 December

RCDOW Burnt Oak


A way for the Coming Lord.                                                                                                                                                                

We light the advent candle of faith this Sunday and are invited to add faith to our hope. We consider the faith with which God’s people awaited the fulfilment of God’s promises. Therefore, we renew our faith, knowing that “the Lord will keep his promises” (2 Peter 3).


In today’s first reading (Isaiah 40:1-5,9-11), the Lord consoles and promises forgiveness and restoration. “A voice cries……console my people. Tell them that her sins are atoned for”.  This prophecy invites us to act in faith and thus, “prepare….a way for the Lord, laying low every mountain, hill and cliff, and ridges. Then the glory of the Lord shall be revealed”.  These images of mountains, hills, cliffs etc symbolise all those things in our lives that hinder us from letting Christ in to manifest his glory in our lives. Interestingly, today’s Gospel evokes the same ancient invitation to openness and preparedness for the Lord who will baptise us with the Holy Spirit. 


With faith and confidence in God’s faithfulness, we await the coming, and manifestation of his glory in our lives. Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus.

Happy Advent Season. Fr Chinedu


There will be a weekly advent reflection/recollection here in the church on the following Thursdays: 14th, and 21st December. The time is 6 to 7 pm (except for the 14th of December which starts at 7 pm because it will be integrated into our parish Advent Penitential Service. Using the Image of the ADVENT WREATH CANDLES we shall prayerfully unpack the three-fold character of the Advent Season while focusing on the four Advent themes of Hope, Faith, Joy and Peace. All are welcome. 



Today, Mary’s Meals Volunteers will speak after  Mass.  If you wish  to make a donation, you can do so in the following ways.

By phone; 0800 698 112. By Cheque or postal order: Please make payable to Mary’s Meals and send to Freepost, MARY’S MEALS. 



Application forms for those in Year 10 or above who would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation next year are available at the back of the church. Please return the form to the presbytery by 17th December 2023.  Sessions will start in January.

                                                            Penitential Service

Our Parish Advent Penitential Service will be on Thursday 14th December at 7 pm.  We are encouraged to be part of that communal prayerful preparation for Christmas.



Please remember in your prayers those who have died recently:

BRIAN ROBERTS, his Funeral Mass takes place here at 11am. on Thursday 14th  December also Gladys Thompson, Her Funeral Mass will take place here at 11am. On Friday 22nd December, may their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, rest in peace.

Senior Citizens’ Christmas Lunch

This year’s Christmas Lunch takes place on Sunday 17th December at 1pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. Please retain the top sheet for your information and return the application form by  Today Sunday 10th December.


                                                           CAROL.SINGING                                                                                                                                           There will be carol singing around the streets next Sunday, 17th December. Parishioners from St Alphage Church will be joining us. Please gather in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre at 6.30pm. Everyone is welcome. We will return later for refreshments.



If any children would like to read, or take part in the presentation of the Nativity, at the 4pm Mass on Christmas Eve, please leave their name and your contact details  at the Repository.  There will be a rehearsal for those taking part after 10.30am Mass on Sunday 17th December.

Stella  maris

Thank you very much for your kind support for the work of Stella Maris  (the Apostleship of the Sea).  We are most grateful for your donation of £311.45.

St James’ HIGH School

St James’ High School are looking for invigilators for the exam season.  If you are interested please email our exam office.


Thank you to everyone who brought in their red box. You have raised £653.29.Please pick up your red box from under the table at the back of the church.If your box has your name and address on it, please pick it up from the sacristy.Thank you. The Missio team.

Office Notice

Could Michael Zelenka please contact the parish office via email  with your contact details.



"The SVP are distributing over 10,000 Vinnie Packs containing cold weather essentials to the homeless this winter. Please could you consider sponsoring packs at a suggested donation of £4.20 per pack? Donations can be sent to Vinnie Packs, PO Box 72264, London SW1P 9EZ with cheques made out to SVP or by bank transfer to Nat West sort code 60-60-04, account no. 4608 8237 . Thank you so much for your support."



The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults usually starts in October, if you know anyone who may want to become a Catholic, invite the person to speak with any of the priests.

Who is RCIA for?

1. Unbaptised adults asking for baptism, confirmation, and communion.

2. Adults baptised in another Christian tradition or candidates asking for reception into full communion in the Church.

3. Baptised Catholics asking for Confirmation and Eucharist



CAFOD are having a Carol Concert on Wednesday 13th December from 7-8pm.  The event will take place at St James’s Roman Catholic Church, Spanish Place, 22 George ST London W1U 3QY.



Next weekend we will be issuing a card giving the times of the Christmas services.  This doubles as our Christmas card to you. 







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