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Takehomenews Sunday 10 July 2022

RCDOW Burnt Oak


The parable of the Good Samaritan provides us with plenty for us to reflect on and indeed to examine our own consciences to see how well we treat our neighbour. We note how complete was the care shown by the Samaritan—his time, his money, his love. We note also how he made no distinction between the type of person he was helping. Jews would not normally associate with Samaritans. His response has enormous implications for how we are called to relate to the world around us, particularly to those who are poor and vulnerable. Jesus’ final words to the lawyer who had asked Jesus the original question ‘Master, what must I do to inherit eternal life’ was ‘Go and do the same yourself’. This of course is addressed to us. We all need to be Good Samaritans to attain eternal life.


Seafarers and fishers play a vital role in all of our lives. But they often work in difficult, hazardous conditions. In the last year, more crews have been abandoned by their employers than ever before. Many are still being denied the right to leave their ships for even a short break away from the relentless noise and pressure on-board. Many are reporting more stress and poorer mental health.

Today is Sea Sunday when the Church prays for all those who live and work at sea. Our support makes a big difference to seafarers and fishers in need.

Recently Olek, a Ukrainian seafarer, was working on the deck of a cargo ship when he had a serious accident. He fell into the hold and broke his back. He was taken to Hull Royal Infirmary for urgent medical help. He spoke very little English and had no family or friends here to support him.

Fortunately, Anne McLaren, a Stella Maris Chaplin, went and visited him in the hospital. During that first visit she found out that he was from Ukraine, his house had been bombed, and his family were still sheltering in the city.

Can you imagine how it must feel to be seriously injured, so far from home? Worried about your health, not able to speak the language of your doctors? And knowing your family are trapped in the middle of a war thousands of miles away, and you are unable to help them?

Olek stayed in Hull for several months while they stabilised his spine. Throughout that time, Anne and volunteers from Stella Maris visited him regularly and supported him as Good Samaritans. They arranged a translator. They brought him clean clothes, toiletries, and mobile SIM cards so that he could contact his family back home. They made sure that he was not alone. He was not forgotten. He had a friend.

Concern for the welfare of the stranger, and the value of friendship to those who are far from home, is exactly the reason why Stella Maris, Apostleship of the Sea, was established over 100 years ago. And today this has never been more relevant.

There will be a second collection for STELLA MARIS after Mass. Alternatively you can use one of the envelopes at the back of the church or visiting or by texting ‘SEA’ to 70460 to donate £5.00


Many thanks to everyone who came to our Summer Fayre yesterday, to those who worked to set up the stalls and those who helped clear up afterwards as well as those who worked behind the scenes. Many thanks too for all your donations to the fayre.


There will be a session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised on Sunday 17th July at 4pm in the church.


The funeral Mass for ELIZABETH BURKE will be on Tuesday 12th July at This will be in addition to the 9am Mass that morning. Her body will be brought to the church at 6pm on Monday.


The Finance Committee meet on Thursday at 7.30pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre.


The Parish Council meet on Thursday 21 July at 7.30pm (please note time) in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre.


The Annunciation Infants School will be coming to the 9am Mass on Wednesday for their Leavers Mass. So there will be no Holy Hour this week.

The Annunciation Junior School will have their leavers Mass in their school at 6pm on Thursday.


Please pray for the repose of the soul of Fr. David Wilson who has died in France. He was an Assistant Priest in this parish for 2 years after his ordination in 1970. He spent most of his ministry thereafter in France, working with the L’Arche community, devoted to people with special educational needs.


I was very disappointed to see so few people attending Mass here on the Feast of St Peter and St Paul, a Holy Day of Obligation. There may have been several attending Mass elsewhere, which is fine. However, I do think that a large proportion of parishioners do not bother to come to Mass on these special days when we are obliged to. It is interesting that the church is packed on days like Ash Wednesday, when there is no obligation to attend Mass. In June, we can’t blame the poor weather or a dark evening for not attending Mass.

There are now just 6 Holy Days of Obligation in the year:

Epiphany - 6th January

Ascension - 6th Thursday of Eastertide

St Peter & Paul - 29th June

Assumption of Our Lady - 15th August

All Saints - 1st November

Christmas - 25th December

If these dates fall on a Saturday or Monday (except Christmas), the obligation is transferred to the Sunday. This year, the Assumption will be celebrated on Sunday 14th August, so the next weekday Holy Day of Obligation is on Tuesday 1st November, All Saints Day.


Items for the local foodbank can be left in one of the boxes in the porch. Many thanks to those who have donated already. It has been very much appreciated.

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