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Takehomenews Sunday 12 September 2021

RCDOW Burnt Oak

24th SUNDAY OF Year B

The question as to who Jesus is and what is the destiny of his mission comes to the fore in today’s Gospel. It is Peter who speaks up and proclaims that Jesus is the Christ. In other words, he is the Anointed One sent by God. The disciples can accept this but when Jesus reveals that as the Christ he will have to suffer, to be put to death and then to rise again, they find it hard to accept. Jesus has come to serve the people. As disciples, they too will have to take up their crosses and serve one another. So too, this is our mission as imitators and followers of Christ.

Education Sunday

Today is Education Sunday, a day to give thanks to God for all who teach and all who study, for all who continually have to find the right words and deliver them with enthusiasm and graciousness. We pray for our schools, the Annunciation Infants and Annunciation Junior School as they start out on a new academic year. There will be a second collection today for the Catholic Education Service.

Dear Lord, Thank you for the gift of Catholic schools.

Thank you for all those who have given their talents to educating our young people. Through the challenges they encounter each day, lead them to an ever deeper appreciation of the sacred duty to which you have called them.

Thank you for all those who contribute to the efficient running of our schools; support staff, kitchen staff, maintenance staff, governors and chaplains.

We thank them for their hard work and dedication.

Thank you for all those who lead our Catholic schools.

May they be people of integrity so that they can be witnesses as well as teachers.

We pray that the schools they lead will become places where our young people can experience your love in their lives.

Thank you for our pupils. May your love strengthen and nurture them through the influence and example of those who care for them.

We pray that through their time at school they will flourish and grow to discover who you have called them to be.

We make this prayer through your Son, Jesus Christ, our teacher and our Lord, Amen.


These workshops were under way when COVID lockdown took place in March 2020. We hope to revive them. Vicky Vinegas will be speaking to us at Masses on the weekend of 9th and 10th October about the project.

Jury Service

Fr. Colin is on jury service from tomorrow for at least 2 weeks. He should however be available in the evenings and at weekends.

Recently Deceased

Please pray for the repose of the soul of JOHN O’NEILL whose funeral Mass will be on Friday 1st October at 10.30am. His body will be brought to the church at 7pm on Thursday 30th September. If you wish to attend the Viewing of John, the family have requested you go between 10am and 4pm on Thursday 30th at W.H.Putnam Funeral Directors, 6 Homstall Parade, Burnt Oak. HA8 5HX. It will be family only viewing between 4pm and 6pm. No flowers, if you wish to make a donation to John’s Charities there will be a box at the back of the church.

Please remember your face mask.

Also please pray for BENJAMIN SERRA who has recently died, his funeral Mass will be on Monday 27th September at 9.00am.

Flower Arranging

We are very grateful to those who arrange the flowers in the church. However, we do need more flower arrangers to join the rota. If you would like to help, please speak to Emilia of one of the priests.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee meet on Thursday at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre.

First Communion Programme

Usually at this time of the year we have been getting ready to start the programme. We have decided to delay the start until the New Year. Application forms will be available next month and should be returned by Christmas. More details to follow.

There will be a meeting for First Communion Catechists on Friday 24th September at 7pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre to plan the 2022 programme.

Parish Council

The Parish Council meet on Thursday 23rd September at 7:45pm in the Parish Centre.

Two Lines to receive Holy Communion

We have now re-introduced having a Eucharistic Minister assisting the priest with the distribution of Holy Communion at weekend Masses. So please form 2 lines as you proceed down the central aisle. You will be guided by the stewards. Thank you.


We plan to start sessions for adults who wish to be baptised, received into the Catholic Church or Confirmed, in October. If you know of anybody interested in this please speak to Father Colin or Father David.

Home Mission Sunday

Next Sunday is Home Mission Day and there will be a second collection for Home Missions.

Mass Count

Starting next weekend and for the following 3 weekends there will be a Mass count. It will be taken by the servers/stewards at Holy Communion time.

St Joseph’s Caritas

Later this month on 19th September I will celebrate being one year ordained to the priesthood, and since arriving here in the parish of The Annunciation, Burnt Oak I have met and worked alongside so many great people. I would like to thank everyone who have welcomed me here as part of the parish. I look forward to continuing the ministry which I have been given over the next few years. But, to enrich my ministry further, His Eminence Vincent Cardinal Nichols has asked me to take on some additional responsibility in the diocese by taking up the role of Chaplain to CARITAS St. Joseph’s as a part time addition to my work here in Burnt Oak. I am humbled by this expression of confidence in me by H.E. and Canon Colin.

What this will mean is that in addition to my regular duties here in Burnt Oak, I will also be supporting the work done by the agency in the diocese that supports people with physical and Intellectual disabilities, their families and friends. I will be providing priestly support to the people who work and volunteer at St. Joseph’s Pastoral centre in Hendon as well as being a priest for the people who make use of the centre each month. In addition to this work at St. Joseph’s Hendon, there are also the many outreach projects in the parishes a cross the diocese that will also need some additional pastoral support.

I am looking forward to being of service in this very important part of our Christian ministry to those who perhaps have no voice or ability to live the faith in mainstream society. Thank you to all those parishioners who showed interest in helping to relaunch our parish outreach project last weekend which has been running for the last 30 yrs. supporting adults with learning disabilities. Fr David

Apply to work for Right To Life UK

Are you looking to leave a corporate career and instead use your skills and energy to make a significant positive difference to this world?

Right To Life UK are currently hiring for a number of positions across media, public affairs, digital and operations.

In particular, they are looking to urgently fill positions in their Public Affairs team, to ensure that they have the right team in place ahead of their opposition making further attempts to introduce radical changes to abortion and assisted suicide legislation.

They are looking for highly-skilled, hard-working, professional individuals to join them.

If this is of interest to you or if you know of anyone that would be suitable for one of the positions, please visit the link below to view the roles they are looking to hire for and learn how to apply.



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