2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
John the Baptist gained many followers when he was preaching about baptism for forgiveness of sins and the need to repent. But John’s role was to introduce Jesus to the people. So it was that when Jesus approached, he introduced Him to the people, with these words ‘Look, there is the lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world’. At the time, the people would have wondered what this all meant. In hindsight, we know that it refers to Jesus’ subsequent death when he would be the sacrificial lamb for the forgiveness of all sins. At Mass we receive that Lamb of God for the forgiveness of our sins. As Jesus after his baptism mingled with the people, teaching and healing, so in receiving Him in Holy Communion, he mingles within us enabling us to become more like him.
The Society for the Protection of Unborn children (SPUC) will be holding its annual appeal this weekend.
SPUC wants a world where abortion is unthinkable, and is raising awareness of the widespread problem of abortion coercion.
According to an independent poll, 87% of GPs are concerned that the Government’s “pills by post” scheme leaves women vulnerable to coerced abortion. SPUC is calling on the Prime Minister to condemn this abhorrent tragedy.
Please be generous as you can to help SPUC defend unborn babies and their mothers by highlighting this urgent crisis.
Today is Peace Sunday. At the forefront of our mind is the situation between Russia and Ukraine. But these are not the only countries suffering from war around the world. The constant faithful voice of Pope Francis urges us to keep going in our efforts to bring peace and justice to our world, Pax Christi is based on the gospel and inspired by faith, with a vision of a world where people can live in peace, without fear of violence in all its forms. If you would like to make a donation towards the work of Pax Christi, envelopes are available on the table at the back of the church but there won’t be a general collection because we are already donating to the White Flower Appeal this Weekend.
May we see the sorrow of war in the eyes of those who suffer and have known only violence in their lives.
Give us a voice for those who have no voice and are not heard; those who know that there is no tomorrow in war, and the violence of weapons destroys both the beauty of creation and the joy of life.
That way, with your help, we will become true instruments of your peace. Amen.
First Communion Programme
The children have their first session today (Sunday) at 9am in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. There will be a meeting for parents tomorrow (Monday) in the Parish Centre
Please pray for the repose of the soul of SEAN KELLEHER whose funeral Mass will be on Wednesday at 10.30am. This will be in addition to the 9am Mass but there will be no Holy Hour this week. Also please pray for the repose of the souls of GEORGETTE SACKEY, for NORAH MAHON whose cremation is on Friday and for MICHAEL NKEMDILIM. May they rest in peace.
Next Sunday is the Sunday of the Word of God when we focus on the power of God’s Word in the scriptures. On that weekend, we will be commissioning and re-commissioning those who read at Mass in our parish. We will invite them to come forward towards the altar before the readings for this short ceremony.
Bishop John Sherrington has requested our help on this topic, He writes: The House of Commons Health and Social Care Committee has launched an inquiry into assisted suicide and is inviting individual members of the public and interested organisations to comment, and also suggest what actions might be helpful for the debate. One option is to include a ‘Citizens’ Assembly’, further independent research, or a referendum. Bishop John would like all healthcare and legal professionals in the parish to respond from their expertise. A two-page document is available at the back of the church to take away and digest. It will direct you to where you can make your contribution to this important national inquiry. The document is also a good source of Catholic Social teaching against the topic of Assisted Suicide and why it should not be allowed to enter the UK Statute books.
The Parish Annual General Meeting takes place on Sunday 19th February at 2pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. This will be preceded by a shared lunch which will start after the 12 Noon Mass. We will invite you to bring along a dish of food to share. We will provide the drink.
At the AGM we will be looking back at what has happened in the last year and make plans for the coming year and elect a new Parish Council.
If you would like to nominate somebody for the Parish Council, please speak first to them and submit their name to Fr Colin by 12th February.
The Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity starts on Wednesday and concludes the following Wednesday with the feast of the Conversion of St Paul.
As we open the week of prayer for Christian Unity, we pray especially for our shared calling to protect and preserve all life. We pray that our unity and ecumenical efforts on all life issues would inspire the world to join us in defending the lives and rights of all vulnerable in society. Lord hear us”
There will be a meeting for parents of the candidates at 7.30pm on Wednesday 25th January in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. The first session for the candidates will be on Wednesday 1st February at 7pm in the Parish Centre.
There will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised at 4pm on Sunday 22nd January in the Church.
Weddings in 2023
Couples who wish to be married in this church next year or require us to prepare them for marriage elsewhere, please get in touch with Fr Colin or Fr David.
Maintenance Co-ordinator
We are looking for someone who could co-ordinate the maintenance work required on the church premises. It would mean keeping an eye on the structure and efficiency of the various parts of the church, parish centre and presbytery. It would suit someone who is available during the day who could contact the various builders etc. and be around when they come. If you think you could help, please speak to one of the priests.
If you have any used stamps please can you put them in the box in the porch. Just leave a border around them. They will go to the Royal National Institute of the Blind.
Foodbank for the community
Non – perishable food is required for the foodbank, please leave your donations in one of the marked boxes in the church porch. Thank you.
Flower Arranging
We are very grateful to those who arrange the flowers in the church. However, we do need more flower arrangers to join the rota. No experience is required. If you would like to help, please speak to Emilia or one of the priests.