We Draw life from Jesus
In Jesus, God took flesh, was broken on the cross and given to us as real food (Christ’s Body and blood) so that we may be sustained and share in his Divine Life.
Jesus Christ wants us to share his life with the Father in the Holy Spirit. Thus, he offers himself to us and says in this Sunday’s Gospel, “As I…..myself draw life from the Father; so whoever eats me will draw life from me”. Jesus, the Wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 1:24), invites us to come, eat and draw from him the life he shares with the Father. This invitation is messianic and is foreshadowed in the Wisdom’s invitation in this Sunday’s first reading (Proverbs 9). There, Wisdom invites all to come, eat bread and drink wine .
Sharing worthily in the banquet of Christ's body and blood fills us with the Holy Spirit as St Paul admonishes us in the second reading. Therefore, through the life of God which we draw from Jesus, we strive daily to yield to God’s will as instruments of redemption in our world. “This may be a wicked generation, says St Paul, but it is being redeemed through us. Lord, through the Holy Spirit, may we draw life from you and become channels of the same in our world today. Amen
You can access Fr Chinedu's full audio reflection on Purifying Word or Spotify
Happy Sunday
Fr Chinedu
For a Successful Funeral Mass for Doreen
Thank you to all who came, arranged or supported the funeral mass of Mrs Doreen O’Callaghan. The funeral mass went very well. I am certain that Doreen would have been pleased by our participation.
Diocesan Retreat for Catechists
There will be a retreat for catechists on Saturday 19th October, 10 am to 3:30 pm in Welwyn Garden City. Location TBC. Tea and coffee are provided. Please, bring with you a packed lunch. Suggested donation: £10. To register email: . Include the name of your parish
Flower Arranging
We are very grateful to those who arrange the flowers in the church. However, we do need more flower arrangers to join the rota. No experience is required. If you would like to help, please speak to one of the priests.
There will be an evening of prayer and adoration on Friday 30th August 6-8 pm. There will be Holy Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, and Intercessory Prayers for various intentions. All are welcome.
Eight million stitches expressing God’s love! Textile artist Jacqui Parkinson spent three years stitching twelve HUGE (almost 3m high) silk panels to make this spectacular art exhibition: ‘Threads through Creation’ is showing at Southwark Cathedral from now until 26th August. You'll see the black and white pages of the creation story in Genesis transformed into astonishing colours and designs. It’s beautiful, breath-taking, uplifting and inspiring for all ages.
Southwark Cathedral, London Bridge, London SE1 9DA
Mondays to Saturdays 9-6
Sundays 8.30-5
Please check cathedral website in case of occasional closures. more information and photos at
St Patrick's, West Hendon, Pilgrimage to Our Lady's Shrine
At the Friars in Aylesford, Kent, on Saturday 31st. August 2024.The coach will leave St Patrick's, 167 West Hendon Broadway, London NW9 7EB at 9am and we will be leaving Aylesford at 5pm The journey to Aylesford takes about 1.5 hours (depending on the traffic). Cost for the day: £30.00 to book a place ring Regina, at St Patrick's on 020 8202 5143. between 9am to 12.30pm on Mon., Wed, and Friday.
Readers ,Eucharistic ministers & Counters
The Diocese has asked for the above people to complete the Rota consent form. They can be found on the table in the porch. Please complete and return in the brown envelope marked Susan Office and give it to one of the priests.
You are cordially invited to the official launching of ‘Treasure of the Heart: The Ultimate Drive to Living the Faith’ by Fr Chinedu Enuh.
Launch Date: 31st August 2024
Time: 1 pm -6 pm and 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Venue: Annunciation Church,
Canon Smyth Parish
4 Thirleby Road
Burnt Oak,
HA8 0HQ All are welcome.
If you wish to listen to Fr Chinedu's song please click here
There will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised on Sunday 1st September, at 4pm in the church.
Four:12 Quiz Night has returned
You are invited to enjoy an evening of fun trivia. Friday 11 October 2024, doors open 7pm. Entry is only £10/adult and £5/child (under 16). Admission includes fish and chips. Sign up today by visiting
Marriage Encounter (Book Now!) 21-22 SEPTEMBER 2024
The link is now up on our website for booking a space for yourself in our parish non-residential weekend Marriage Encounter. There are also some leaflets in the Church. Please take some and give to couples you think may benefit from the programme. “Love must be nourished and renewed… and communication is a decisive key at the heart of this nourishment.”
If you would like to get the Takehomenews electronically, please, go to our parish website and subscribe. It only takes two steps and a few seconds.
Foodbank for the community Closed until September