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  • RCDOW Burnt Oak

Takehomenews Sunday 31 October 2021


Today’s Feast Day presents us with an opportunity to reflect on the lives of all those who have completed their journey to the heavenly kingdom. There will be some who have been recognised as saints by the church, who normally have a feast day each year in the church’s calendar. There will be many others who are in the heavenly realm, some of whom we have known in our lifetime. Today we share in the joy of their achievement, praise God for his welcome and re-direct our own lives in a heavenly direction. An excellent way that we can do this is through the Beatitudes which make up our Gospel of the day. To be poor in spirit, to be gentle, to hunger and thirst for what is right, to be merciful, to be pure in heart and to be a peacemaker are all means by which we can be saintly. We will be fulfilling the words in today’s Preface– eagerly hastening as pilgrims advancing by faith and rejoicing in the glory of the saints through whom God gives us strength and good example.


The Second Collection next weekend will be for the sick and retired priests of our Diocese. Most priests offer their resignation at 75, but many continue to serve in our schools, hospitals, hospices and parishes. By supporting the Sick and Retired Priests’ Fund, you can help cover essential costs and give them peace of mind that in the event of an emergency, their needs will be met.

This is our chance to say thank you to our sick and retired priests who have given us so much. You will find a donation envelope at the back of the church today. Please take one home and return it next weekend with your donation. Please continue to pray for the wellbeing of all our clergy: active retired and ill. You can donate online at—the envelopes and posters feature a ‘QR Code’ that you can scan with a phone camera to give online.


The Diocesan Annual Report and Accounts are now available and can be found on the Diocesan website: Finance committee members are encouraged to read the full report which is available to download at


"The SVP are distributing 11.500 Vinnie Packs containing cold weather essentials to the homeless and those spending the principal part of their day on the streets. Each pack contains thermal gloves, thermal hat, two pairs of socks, wet wipes, toothbrush, toothpaste, Pavement magazine, information sheet and pen. Please could you consider sponsoring packs at a suggested donation of £3.70 per pack? Donations can be sent to Vinnie Packs, PO Box 72264, London SW1P 9EZ with cheques made out to SVP or by bank transfer to Nat West sort code 60-60-04, account no. 4608 8237. Thank you so much for your support."

Month OF the Holy Souls

Tomorrow we start the month of the Holy Souls and Tuesday is All Souls Day when Mass will be at 7.30pm as well as The Memorial Book for you to enter the names of those you wish to be remembered is on a table near the statues on the left side of the church. Please sanitise you hands before touching the pen or book. There is no need to enter names you have already entered in previous years. Alternatively, you can write names on a piece of paper and put it in one of the envelopes at the back of the church. They will be placed in a box in front of the altar during November together with the Memorial Book. Several Masses will be offered during November for the Holy Souls

Bereavement mass

The Bereavement Mass, at which we remember in particular those who have died in the last 2 years, takes place on Saturday 13th November at 3pm. Everyone is welcome.


Items for the local foodbank can be left in one of the boxes in the porch. Many thanks to those who have donated already. It has been very much appreciated.


There will be an admissions meeting for families who are considering a place for their child in the Annunciation Infants School or Nursery next September. The meeting will take place in the Infants School next to the church on Wednesday 10th November at 7.30pm. It includes those who wish to move from Nursery to Reception Class in September 2022.


The next session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised is on Sunday 14th November at 4pm in the church.


The Finance Committee meet on Thursday 11th November at 7.30pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre.


Application forms for parents who wish their child to receive 1st Holy Communion next year are available on the table at the back of the church. Children should be in Year 3 or above. Please return the form to the presbytery by 5th December 2021. They are in a yellow colour.

There will be a meeting for the parents of those who apply on Tuesday 11th January at 7.45pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. The first of seven sessions for the children will be on Sunday 16th January at 9am, also in the Parish Centre. The dates of the First Communions will be Saturdays 11th and 18th June, at 2pm and 3.30pm. The allocation of these dates will be revealed at the first parents meeting on 11th January.


Application forms for those who wish to be confirmed next year are available on the table at the back of the church. They are in a blue colour. Please return the form to the presbytery no later than 5th December. The programme starts in January and Bishop John Sherrington will minister the confirmation on Thursday 12th May at 7pm, with the following Thursday as a reserve date if numbers are high.

Recently Deceased

Please pray for the repose of the souls of PAT ROBERTS, PEPITO LAXAMANA and MARTIN MANGAN.


Dear Parishioners, as a family we were very touched by your prayers, Mass cards, donations and support for the late John O’Neill. A Mass will be offered for your intentions. O’ Neill family.


Fr Colin & Fr David will be available for the Blessing of the graves at Hendon Cemetery on Sunday 21st November at 2pm.


We are now starting the process, a listening process, by which we can pass our views and ideas towards the 2023 Synod in Rome, based on our dream for the Church in the years to come. In each of the next 4 weeks, we have a question for you to consider and suggest you put your short answer on a yellow post-it-note and stick it on the board by the statues on the left-side of the church. The question is:


Your answer may be positive or negative. There is no need to sign your response—it can remain anonymous. Thank you.

Members of the Parish Council and Finance Committee are invited to a meeting this Thursday, 4th November at 7.30pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre to get the wider consultation on its way. The meeting will last about an hour.

Then on Sunday 7th November, after the 12 noon Mass, we invite anybody to come along for an hour to listen to each other about the experiences and dreams that we each have for the church as we move out of lockdown.

To help you prepare for all this, please read the ’Journeying Together—Participants Guide’



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