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First & Second Sundays of Lent

RCDOW Burnt Oak

First Sunday of Lent (14th February)

Each year on the First Sunday of Lent, we consider the temptations of Jesus. It is a reminder to us that Jesus in his humanity had to undergo many of the trials that we have in our lives. But Jesus did not yield to those temptations. May we be strengthened in our resistance to temptations and steadily focus on Jesus as we journey through Lent.

Second Sunday of Lent (21st February)

Each year on the Second Sunday of Lent, we have an account of the Transfiguration. Peter and James and John went up the mountain with Jesus. There, the aspect of Jesus was changed. It was a privileged experience for these apostles and they were able to have a preview for the resurrection. In these early days of Lent, Easter seems a long way off. But our Lenten duties should help us to see Jesus more clearly and work towards the light of the resurrection.

CAFOD Lent Fast Day CAFOD Lent Fast Day falls on Friday 19th February. You are invited to take an envelope and return it with your contribution next weekend. This Lent the focus is on girls living in the world’s poorest countries who need to change their lives by getting an education. CAFOD is working with local expert organisations around the world to bring water to family homes, so girls who used to spend hours collecting it every day, now have time for school and study. Every pound and penny you give to this collection will be doubled by the UK government.

Lenten Alms Appeal– Caritas Westminster Lenten Alms this year is devoted to Caritas Westminster. The flyers available last weekend explain some of the things that Caritas supports, including foodbanks, winter night shelters and tackling the scourge of human trafficking. The Lenten Alms box remains by Our Lady’s altar during Lent. In addition, there will be second collections on 6th and 13th March to support CARITAS.

Visit from Bishop John Bishop John Sherrington, now the Auxiliary Bishop responsible for North London parishes will be celebrating Masses here on the morning of Sunday 6th March.

New Parish Council The members of the Parish Council for 2016 are Kenneth Blake, Christopher Collins, Frances Dymock, Joey Flores, Linda Lynch, Basil Ogunmaike, Anthony Okwuokei, Vivian Omo, Joanne Randall, Vince Randall and Josey Santangelo. The next meeting is on Thursday 7th April at 7.45pm in the presbytery.

Feast of the Annunciation

Our Parish Feast Day, the Annunciation, has been transferred this year to Monday 4th April. At the 7.30 Mass that evening we would like to celebrate the international composition of our parish with readings and hymns in different languages. This will be followed by a reception in the Parish Centre to which we invite you to bring along an international dish. We invite you to come along to a planning meeting on Thursday 3rd March at 7.30pm in the Dominic Room in the Parish Centre. In the meantime, any ideas or offers of participation would be welcome. Thank you.

Rite of Signing At the 12 Noon Mass today, those adults who are to receive the Sacraments at Easter will take part in the Rite of Signing. They will then go to Westminster Cathedral for the Rite of Election at 3pm.

Baptism Preparation There will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised on Sunday 13th March at 4pm in the Dominic Room. Application forms can be collected from the sacristy.

Lately Dead Please pray for the repose of the soul of Kathleen Boland of Montrose Ave whose funeral Mass will be on Friday 19th at 12.30.

Cleaners Needed We desperately need more cleaners to clean the Church on Saturdays for one hour from 8.30am. If you could please help in anyway, please let Fr Colin know or sign your name on the list at the back of the Church today.

Four:12 The Winter edition of Four:12's Family Quiz Night will be on Friday 26th of February 2016 in the Parish Hall. Doors open at 7pm. £6/adult & £3/child (under 16). Book your places after weekend masses or by calling 07543705135 or Fish and chips will be served for refreshments.

Parish Accounts

Copies of the Parish Accounts presented at last Sunday’s Parish Annual General Meeting are available in the porch.

Giving Lifts to Mass

If you know of anybody who would like a lift to Sunday Mass, please let me know. Also, anybody available to give a lift, please let us know. Thank you.

Lift Up Your Hearts

Copies of this Lenten meditation are available in the porch. They can be used individually or in groups. The groups which will be meeting are:

  • Wednesdays 11am Dominic Room, Parish Centre

  • Sheelagh Benson’s Group Contact 0208 952 0016

  • Vince Randall’s Group Contact 0208 952 6994

Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross is on Fridays at 7pm. On 19th February it will be here at the Annunciation and on 26th February it is at St Alphage in Montrose Ave.

February Mercy Mass

The Mercy Mass this month will be on Thursday 25th Feb at 7.30pm. The Mass will include the laying on of hands and the priests will be available for confession at the end of the Mass. We encourage you to bring along somebody to this Mass, particularly someone who has not been to Church for some time.

A Day With The Lord

Pope Francis has encouraged people throughout the world to come together to be with the Lord on Friday 4th March. On that day, we will have Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from after the 9am Mass, concluding with Benediction at 6.30pm. Please sign up for one or more half-hour slots on the sheet at the back of the church. After Benediction, Stations of the Cross will follow at 7pm.


This newsletter covers two weeks. The next Takehomenews will be on 28th February.

2016 Weddings

If you are planning to get married this year and have not done so already, please get in touch with Fr Colin or Fr David at least six months before the date of the wedding.


SPEC is part of Westminster Youth Ministry. Each year a number of young adults (aged 18-25) join the resident community for a year as volunteer missionaries. They help the community in its primary mission of retreat ministry for children and young people in the parishes and schools of the Diocese of Westminster. Perhaps this is the ideal opportunity for you—or someone you know—to combine a year of service with a year of formation in faith in a supportive Catholic community. More details are available at: Web: or from Fr David.

Solid Foundations

Are you looking to grow in your Spiritual Life? A course titled “Solid Foundations”, will be taking place over 8 Saturdays between February and June, starting on 27th February. The course provides a practical introduction to the spiritual life through the teaching of saints such as John of the Cross and Teresa of Avila and focuses on kinds of prayer; Lectio Divina and Silent prayer (Prayer of the Heart). The cost of the course is £25 per day. Leaflets in the church porch.


A man and his wife were having an argument about who should brew the coffee each morning. Wife says “you should do it because you get up first and then we don’t have to wait so long for our coffee” Husband says “You are in charge of cooking, that is your job, and I’ll wait for my coffee.” Wife says “No you should do it and besides it is in the Bible that the man should make the coffee.” Husband answers “I can’t believe that, show me. “ So she fetches the Bible and opened the New Testament and showed him that at the top of several pages it indeed says ‘HEBREWS’.

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