15th Sunday Of Year C
The parable of the good Samaritan presents us with two paths: the path of love and mercy and the path of pride and fear. Those who follow the path of the good Samaritan recognise their own poverty and need for healing; the path of pride and fear leads to a world in which only those who pass our judgement are admitted. Jesus Christ came into this world to welcome all people into his kingdom. If we open our lives to the love of God we can learn to overcome our pride and fear and see the humanity of all people.
Sea Sunday
Today is Sea Sunday when the church prays for all those who live and work at sea. Without them we would not have most of the items we buy in the shops. Today’s second collection is for the Apostleship of the Sea, the Church’s official maritime welfare agency. It supports seafarers both practically and spiritually. This annual collection is absolutely vital to enable to continue its work, so please give generously and remember seafarers in your prayers. Incidentally, Father David was at one time a chaplain for the Apostleship of the Sea, based in Hull. For more information on the work of the Apostleship of the Sea, please visit www.apostleshipofthesea.org.uk.
Envelopes are available at the back of the church if you would like to Gift Aid your contribution. Also available are cards, relating to the corporal works of mercy, and Apostleship of the Sea stickers for children.
RCIA Sessions
Sessions for those adults who are considering baptism, reception into the church or confirmation start on Tuesday 11th October at 8pm, upstairs in the Parish Centre. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process whereby adults journey in the faith toward receiving the Sacraments and become full members of the Catholic Church. Please let those interested know about this, or you may like to introduce them to one of the priests.
Walk to Church Sunday
Today is Walk to Church Sunday. If you have walked to Mass today and normally drive, please complete the list on the table at the back of the church. As a Parish, we would like to measure the savings in energy we make through this project. This is part of our response to Pope Francis’ message in his encyclical ‘Laudate si’ to protect the environment. We thank Joey Flores who has co-ordinated this project. Joey is our parish Justice and Peace representative and is a member of our Parish Council.
Mass on Mondays
As we revert to having just one priest in the parish, starting from 25th July, there will be just one Mass on Mondays and this will be at 7.30am. The final Monday 9am Mass will be on 18th July. For anybody who has booked a 9am Monday Mass in advance, that intention will be transferred to the 7.30am Mass. When Deacon Carlos arrives, there will also be a Communion Service on Mondays at 9am, starting from 12th September.
Four: 12/Summer Fayre
The Four 12 Summer Fayre takes place this Saturday in the Parish Centre between 12 noon and 4pm. It is a family themed day filled with face painting, a bouncy castle, an Xbox Zone, BBQ, a fully stocked bar, candy floss, tombola, cake sale, DVD and lots more. All proceeds from the day goes to the Parish.
Wednesday Mass in School
The Wednesday morning Mass this week will be at 9.15am (not 9) in the Infants School next door. This will be a Mass, particularly for those who are about to leave the Infants School. Parishioners are very welcome toattend. There will be Morning Prayer as usual in the church at 8.40 but there will be no Holy Hour this week.
There will also be a Leavers Mass in the Junior School at 2pm on Wednesday.
Burnt Oak Parade & Festival
On Saturday 17th September, Altogether Better Burnt Oak are organising its third Multi-cultural Parade and Festival. The parade starts from Edgware Hospital, gathering between 10.30 and 11am. We invite you to join the group from Annunciation Church. Schools and other groups will be taking part. The parade will make its way along Burnt Oak Broadway to Silkstream Park where there will be games, entertainment, refreshments and stalls. We will have a Parish stall, which will sell religious items and cakes. If you were able to provide cakes for the occasion (nearer the time of course) we would be grateful. We will need volunteers for the stall at which we will also have Parish publicity leaflets. If you are able to help, please speak to Fr Colin.
Baptism Preparation
This afternoon (Sunday) at 4pm in the Dominic Room in the Parish Centre, there will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised. Application forms can be collected from the sacristy.
First Communion 2017
Application forms are available in the porch for parents who wish to apply for their child to join the First Communion Programme. Forms should be returned by 11th September at the latest. The child should be starting in Year 3 or above next September. There will be an introductory meeting for the parents who have applied for their child on Tuesday 27th September at 7.45pm in the Parish Centre. There will then be 7 sessions for parents and 7 sessions for children during the course of the programme, starting on Tuesday 4th October for parents (7.45pm) and Sunday 9th October (9.15am) for children.
More Catechists Required
We need some more catechists to help prepare the children for First Holy Communion. This would be ideal for a parent whose child has already received Holy Communion and is familiar with the programme. If you are interested, please speak to Fr Colin or Vivian Sproule.
Tuesday Novena& Wednesday Holy Hour
The final Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help before the summer break will be on Tuesday 19th July at 7pm, resuming on 13th September.
The final Wednesday Holy Hour will be on 20th July at 9.30am, resuming on 14th September.
Hail Holy Queen
Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy:
Hail, our life, our sweetness and our hope;
To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve;
To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears.
Turn then most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy towards us;
And after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary
Wednesday 20th July 2016. Doors open 2pm, film commences 2.15pm
Trinity Church Mill Hill Broadway
Donations welcome
M*A*S*H* is a 1970 satirical dark comedy/anti-war/drama film
Next film to be shown on 17th August.
The editor of a small country newspaper, furious over several government bills that had recently been passed, printed a scathing editorial with an enormous headline. “HALF THE LEGISLATORS ARE CROOKS.” Many local politicians were outraged and exerted tremendous pressure on him to print a retraction. He finally gave in to the pressure and ran his apology with the headline “HALF OF OUR LEGISLATORS ARE NOT CROOKS.”