33rd Sunday Of Year C
The disciples of Jesus were concerned about the future. Jesus had told them “The time is near at hand”, and “the end is not so soon”. He was preparing them for his second coming, but we are still waiting. At the same time, we must always be ready. What Jesus did predict was that there would be famines, wars, earthquakes, and plagues. He prepared them for these disasters but promised he would be with them. For ourselves, we can be confident that Jesus will remain with us through all our trials and as Jesus says, endurance will win us our lives.
Sick & Retired Priests Collection
Today’s second collection is for the annual Sick & Retired Priests Fund of the Diocese of Westminster. The Fund ensures elderly and infirm priests are not alone in their senior years, after a lifetime of service. Your gift helps defray the costs the Diocese bears in fulfilling its lifetime commitment to these men for their housing, medical, convalescence, companionship and spiritual support needs. Please be generous. Most priests retire with modest means, and later on circumstances with health, mobility, or frailty can adversely impact their ability to live independently. If you do not have an envelope, plenty are still available throughout November, or you can donate online at www.rcdow.org.uk/donation.
Parish Bazaar
On Saturday we have our Parish Bazaar in the Parish Centre from 12 noon to 3pm. Many thanks to those who have already contributed items. These can be left in the church porch or on Friday evening from 6pm brought straight to the Parish Centre. There will be a bottle stall, books, toys, tombola, groceries, bric a brac and cakes. There will also be Santa’s grotto and refreshments served throughout. Please do not leave any clothes, shoes, broken items, or electrical goods. There will be a raffle and lucky ticket draw. The proceeds will go towards replenishing parish funds, which have been depleted by a high amount of expenditure on maintenance in the last year.
We need helpers to set up stalls on Friday evening from 6pm and also on Saturday at 10am, ready for the 12 noon start. Please contact Frances Dymock on 020 8959 1081 if you are able to help or if you will be providing food. Many thanks.
Bereavement Mass
This will take place on Friday 25th November at 7.30pm. It will be our final Mass for the year of Mercy. There will be refreshments in the Parish Centre afterwards.
The Art of Dying Well
“The Art of Dying Well” is a new website that offers a helping hand to those grappling with issues around death and dying. Based in the Catholic tradition but open to all, it features real-life stories about dealing with the journey through death to eternal life. It will launch in November –the traditional month of remembering and praying for the dead. www.artofdyingwell.org.
Baptism Preparation
There will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised next Sunday at 4pm in the Dominic Room. Application forms are available in the sacristy.
First Communion Programme
There will be a session for the First Communion children today and also next Sunday at 9.15am in the Parish Centre. The children will take part in a Celebration Mass next Sunday at 10.30. The parents meet this Tuesday at 7.45pm in the Parish Centre.
Confirmation 2017
Those in Year 10 or above who wish to be confirmed next year are asked to complete a green application form and return it no later than 20th December. Confirmations will take place at the Annunciation on Friday 26th May at 7pm.
Closing Of Door Of Mercy At Cathedral
This afternoon (Sunday) the closing of the Door of Mercy takes place at Westminster Cathedral at 3.30. Everybody is welcome to go along. The Year of Mercy officially ends next Sunday, the Feast of Christ the King.
Remembrance Sunday
Today is Remembrance Sunday when we pray for all those who have lost their lives at war. We will pause for 2 minutes silence during the Bidding Prayers at the 10.30 Mass.
Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch
This takes place on Sunday 18th December in the Parish Centre. Application forms are available in the porch and should be returned as soon as possible as there is a limit to the numbers we can cater for.
School Signing
Fr Colin will be available to sign school forms on Thursday between 3 and 4pm in the Parish Centre.
Further dates will be:
Tuesday 22nd November 3-4pm
Thursday 1st December 3-4pm
Saturday 17th December 12-1pm
Free DVD Available
Please help yourself to a DVD available on the table at the back of the church. It concerns the case of Asia Bibi, who is waiting for execution in a Pakistani prison cell.
Ivan Wayne Rip
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Ivan Wayne of Mollison Way. His funeral will take place at Hendon Crematorium on Tuesday at 1pm.
Junior School Meeting
The admissions meeting for the Annunciation Junior School takes place on Monday 28th November at 7pm in the school in The Meads. This is for parents who wish their child to be considered for a place in September 2017, including those currently in Year 2 of the Infants School.
St James School
Senior Citizens' Christmas Party is taking place at St James' Catholic High on Tuesday 6 December at 4pm. Admission by ticket only. The Parish will be allocated 10 tickets, if you are interested please contact me in the Parish office.
Sleepout for Young Minds
Mental health is not a glamorous topic but we all need to be aware of our own status. Most of us wouldn't hesitate to see the GP for physical illness; we need to bring mental health to the same level. Adverse mental health affects people of all ages and works of life. On the 25th of November young people in the Parish will be sleeping outside the Hall to raise awareness of mental health and funds for Young Minds. This is a Charity that supports young people and their families to face the challenges posed by adverse mental health. To donate and/or find out more please
visit www.justgiving.com/FOUR-12 or see posters in the Church.
Living Jesus
The autumn discussion booklet is available in the porch, price £2. As before there are six chapters which can be used either individually or in groups. Each chapter has a section for children. There are 3 groups meeting in the parish as follows:-
Sister Amy’s Group Dominic Room 11am Wednesdays
Sheelagh Benson’s Group 0208 952 0016
Vince Randall’s Group 0208 952 6994
A masterful blend of suspense and romance starring Cary Grant, James Mason and Eva Marie Saint. Directed by Alfred Hitchcock Wednesday 23rd November. Doors open 2pm, film commences 2.15pm. Trinity Church Mill Hill Broadway. Light refreshments served at the end. Donations welcome.
This is for those who remember when the Holy Spirit was called the Holy Ghost. Some children found a dead robin. Feeling that a proper burial should be performed, they secured a small box and some cotton wool, dug a hole in the garden and made ready to bury the robin. One of the children said “I think we should say a prayer and I have been learning some at school and I know one to say.” And with great dignity he intoned “Glory be to the Father….and unto the Son… and into the hole goes.”