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TakeHomeNews 3rd Sunday of Advent

RCDOW Burnt Oak

3rd Sunday of Advent (A)

Today an extra sparkle comes into our Advent liturgy. Rose-coloured vestments are worn on this Gaudate Sunday with the Entrance Antiphon “Rejoice in the Lord always……” Yes, the Lord is near. He is coming to save us. Today’s Gospel passage is set late in Jesus’ ministry when John the Baptist is in prison. Jesus reflects back on the ministry of John the Baptist who prepared the way for Jesus’ appearance. Of all the children born of women, a greater than John the Baptist has never been seen.

Advent Litany

Lord Jesus you are the light of the world COME LORD JESUS

You are light in our darkness COME LORD JESUS

Son of God, save us from our sins COME LORD JESUS

Bring hope into the lives of all people COME LORD JESUS

Give your peace to all nations COME LORD JESUS

Be the joy of all who love you COME LORD JESUS

Bless us as we gather here in your name COME LORD JESUS

Lord Jesus, stay with us. COME LORD JESUS

Christmas Arrangements

Please take a card giving the times of all the services over the Christmas period. This doubles up as a Christmas card from us to you.

The Parish Reconciliation Service is on Monday 19th December at 7.30pm when several priests will be available for confession.

Nativity Presentation on Christmas Eve

Children are invited to take part, acting or reading at the Vigil Mass on Christmas Eve at 6.30pm. If you would like to take part, please meet Teresa O’Neill after the 10.30am Mass today. There will be a rehearsal on Sunday 18th December after the 10.30am Mass. Children will be required to be in the hall by 6pm on Christmas Eve to be ready for the 6.30pm start. Many thanks.

Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch

This takes place next Sunday at 1pm in the Parish Centre. Applications for this are now closed.

Rose Faherty & Una Kelly

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Rose Faherty Rip of Colchester Rd whose body is being received into the Church on Thursday at 8pm. Her Requiem Mass will be on Friday at 10am. This replaces the 9am Mass on that day.

Also for Una Kelly of Horsecroft Rd, Requiem Mass will be on Wednesday 21st Dec at 11am, there will still be a 9am Mass on that day. Please keep both ladies in your prayers.

Confirmation 2017

Next Sunday is the final day for those in Year 10 or above who wish to be confirmed next year to submit their application. There will be a meeting for the parents of those who have applied on Wednesday 25th January at 7.30pm. The first session for candidates will be on Wednesday 1st February at 7pm. Confirmations will take place on Friday 26th May at 7pm when Bishop John Sherrington will administer the Sacrament.

Westminster Year Book 2017

Copies of the 2017 Westminster Year Book are available in the porch, price £4.50. It gives useful information about parishes, priests, schools and organisations in our Diocese.

CAFOD World Gifts

As we approach Christmas and start to think about Christmas presents for family and friends, we also think about the poor. CAFOD has devised a scheme entitled World Gifts in which we can choose a gift to be sent on for us. Please take a catalogue from the porch and send your order and payment directly to CAFOD.

Mass at Appletree Court

There will be a Mass at Appletree Court at 11.30am on Thursday.

Christmas Flowers

There will be a second collection next Sunday for Christmas flowers.

Baptism Preparation

The next session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised is on Sunday 22nd January at 4pm in the Dominic Room. Application forms are available in the sacristy.

School Signing

Fr Colin will be available to sign school forms next Saturday between 12 noon and 1pm in the Parish Centre.

Growing in Faith Newsletter

Please take a copy of the Growing in Faith newsletter, available at the back of the Church. There is a list of the parishes which have received grants for various parish projects. We still have 18 months in which we can make claims. Many thanks to all those who contribute to Growing in Faith.

Carol Singing

Next Sunday there will be carol singing around the streets, gathering in the Parish Centre at 6.30pm and returning at about 8pm for warm refreshments and mince pies. If you have one, please wear your Santa hat.

Advent at the Niland Centre

Celebrating Christmas in Song with Sister Avril OP & friends. Friday 16 December 7.00 pm. Suggested donation £10. Followed by seasonal refreshments Niland Conference Centre at Rosary Priory, Register at


Office Volunteer required to help

co-ordinate workshops/sessions in Secondary Schools

We are looking for a computer-literate volunteer with good admin skills— ideally with some experience of working in a secondary school or college. You would be liaising with a team of experienced school volunteers and full training will be given. Our CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) Westminster Volunteer Centre is based at the Catholic Church of Christ the King, Oakwood N14 4HE. To find out more telephone Joanna Jarvis at the Volunteer Centre on 0208 449 6970 or email


Remember the man last week, who was trying to have a sleep in his car as he had been driving all night and joggers kept asking him the time. He knew it was only a matter of time before another one disturbed him, so to avoid the problem, he got a pen and paper and put a sign on his window saying “I do not know the time!” Once again he settled back to sleep. He was just dozing off when there was another knock on the window. “Sir, Sir? Its 8.45!”

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