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TakeHomeNews Second Sunday

RCDOW Burnt Oak

Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (A)

The Baptism of the Lord was celebrated last Monday and today’s Gospel refers to that event. John the Baptist, who had baptised Jesus, had seen the Spirit descending on him in the form of a dove. He was a witness of this and that Jesus was the Chosen One of God. Now John the Baptist had the role of pointing out Jesus. ‘There is the Lamb of God, that takes away the sins of the world.” We too have a role of pointing out Jesus to others. He is present and active in our life. When this happens, we should not keep it to ourself.

Peace Sunday

Today is World Peace Day, and Pope Francis has chosen the theme ‘Non Violence: a style of politics for peace.’

In our world this offers a timely opportunity to explore the Catholic tradition of non violence which goes back to Jesus, and to develop ways to make Gospel nonviolence better known through our sacramental and education programmes, as well as an effective influence on our social justice work and political choices.

Prayer For Peace

Recognising the violence in my own heart

Yet trusting in the goodness and mercy of God,

I seek to practice the nonviolence of Jesus:

By striving for peace within myself and

Seeking to be a peacemaker in my daily life;

By refusing to retaliate in the face of provocation and violence;

By living conscientiously and simply so that I do not deprive others of the means to live;

By actively resisting evil and working non-violently to abolish war and the causes of war from my own heart and from the face of the earth.

God, I trust in your sustaining love and believe that you will give me the grace to live out this prayer.


Altar Servers Meeting

There will be a meeting for all altar servers on Saturday 28th January at 11am in the Church. Altar servers are asked please to bring their albs with them so sizes can be worked out. Anyone who would like to become an altar server is also invited along to this meeting. Also, for those who have ceased to be altar servers and still have

The Cardinal’s Appeal

Cardinal Vincent Nichols has launched “The Cardinal’s Appeal’ to help fund three areas of need and mission to which the Church is perpetually called: strengthening marriage and family life; evangelising young people, and bringing a Catholic response to service in a civil society. Please take a leaflet home with you, learn more about this new initiative, and if you are inclined to help him and the diocesan church in this way, give generously. Grants are then given out to parishes, schools, Catholic organisations and programmes which meet one or more of these three focal areas of ministry. Visit for more information and to donate online. We realise that many of you are contributing regularly to Growing in Faith, and although it has a different purpose, you may prefer to hold back on the Cardinal’s Appeal until after our Growing in Faith commitment is completed in 2018.Thank you for your support of this Parish and of the Diocese.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee meets on Thursday 26th January at 7.30pm in the Dominic Room.

Parish Council

The Parish Council meets on Thursday at 7.45pm in the presbytery. their albs, they are asked please to return their albs. Thank you.

Baptism Preparation

Next Sunday there will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised at 4pm in the Dominic Room in the Parish Centre. Application forms can be collected from the sacristy.

First Communion Programme

There is a session this morning for First Communion children at 9.15am in the Parish Centre. Next Sunday they take part in a Celebration Mass at 10.30am.

Confirmation Programme

There will be a meeting for the parents of Confirmation candidates on Wednesday 25th January at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre. The first session for candidates will be on Wednesday 1st February at 7pm. The Confirmation take place on Friday 26th May at 7pm.

Parish AGM & Lunch

The Annual General Meeting for the Parish takes place on Sunday 19th February at 2pm in the Parish Centre. This will follow a shared lunch at 1pm to which you are invited to bring along a dish of food. We will provide the drink. If you would like to nominate somebody to serve on the Parish Council, please give their name to Fr Colin by 12th February.

St Rose’s Chapel & Prayer Garden

The weekly Thursday evening of Adoration and Prayer from 7pm to 8pm will continue until Holy Week. The address is: 160 Anson Rd, Cricklewood, NW2 3AU. The chapel and prayer garden are open every day from 8am to 7.30pm. The outdoor crib will be open until 2nd of February for visiting and prayer. All welcome.

Christian Unity Week

On Wednesday we start the Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity. You may like to use this prayer:

Tender-hearted God. Your Son Jesus prayed that we may be one.

As we journey together in openness and truth,

May we draw closer to each other.

May our love embrace people of all faiths.

Send your Spirit to empower us to promote dignity and compassion

In societies, nations and world.

God of life, lead us to justice and peace. Amen.


One afternoon in the Arctic, a father polar bear and his polar bear son were sitting in the snow. The cub turned to his father and said “Dad am I 100 per cent polar bear? “Of course, son,” replied his father. A few minutes later the cub said “Dad, tell me the truth, I can take it. Am I 100 per cent polar bear? No brown bear, black bear or grizzly bear?” The father put a loving paw on his son’s head “Son” he said “Both your mother and I are polar bears so you are definitely 100 per cent polar bear.” The cub thought for a minute and said “Are you sure.” By now the father was becoming distressed by the continual questioning and said “Why do you keep asking if you are 100 per cent polar bar?” The cub replied “Because I’m freezing!”

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