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TakeHomeNews 5th Sunday of the Year

RCDOW Burnt Oak

5th Sunday of Ordinary Time (A)

Jesus continues his Sermon on the Mount today by using two symbols to explain how we can put into action the beatitudes which he listed last week. The first symbol is salt. Jesus tells his disciples that they are the salt of the earth. It is they who will put into action God’s words. If they don’t , nobody else will. Each of us must be imitators of Christ in his gentleness, purity, mercifulness, poverty, peacefulness and integrity.

The second symbol that Jesus uses is light. That light which we were given at our baptism must not be hidden. We must carry that light of Jesus wherever we go. Our good works are the light which can bring others to Jesus.

APF Red Box Than You & Appeal

This weekend we welcome Fr Donie O’Connor MHM to our Parish. Fr Donie will be making the 5 yearly APF-Mill Hill Thank You & Appeal for new members. Fr Donie will explain how we can all be involved in the Mission of the Church in our homes and families. Jesus asks his followers to “go and bring the Good News to all people”. By responding to Fr Donie’s Appeal this weekend, we can truly be a parish ‘involved in the Mission of the Universal Church.’ It would be fantastic if every home was involved in this work of the Church by supporting Missionaries throughout the world.

Racial Justice Day

Next weekend our concern turns to Racial Justice. It is Racial Justice Day and we will have a second collection for this cause.

Growing in Faith

Many thanks to all those who are contributing to Growing in Faith. The Bulletin on the notice board by the central doors shows that our parish has so far contributed £93,850 to this project with a further £17,897 through Gift Aid. This magnificent total of £111,747 has been distributed to Sick and Retired Clergy (40%), Training of Priests (20%), Caritas (20%), and for our Parish Projects (20%).

As you will know, we have already claimed some of this £22,349 for the television screens in the Church, for renewed lighting in the Parish Centre and for its decoration. There will be more available for us by the time the 5 year project is completed in the summer of 2018. We will be considering this at our Annual General Meeting on 19th February. Thank you so much for your generosity.


All are welcome to join us for a first-hand account on CAFOD’s long term development work in Zambia. The talk will take place next Saturday 11th February from 10am to 12 noon at the CAFOD volunteer centre, 1st Floor, Catholic Church of Christ the King, 29 Bramley Road, London N14 4HE.For further information regarding our supporters day or to book a place contact us on 0208-449-6970 or email

Confirmation Parents

The confirmation candidates have a session at 7pm on Wednesday in the Parish Centre. Next Sunday they will be enrolled into the Confirmation Programme during the 12 Noon Mass. Their parents should also be attending this Mass. Thank you.

Four:12 Quiz Night

The Early Spring edition of Four:12's Family Quiz Night will be on Friday 24th of February 2017 in the Parish Hall. Doors open at 7pm. £6/adult & £3/child (under 16). Book your places by speaking to Arinze or Kenneth or by emailing Refreshments (fish & chips) will be served.

First Communion Programme

The children have a First Holy Communion session this morning and will take part in a celebration. Mass next Sunday, at 10.30am.

Baptism Preparation

There will be a preparation session for parents who would like their baby to be baptised on Sunday 12th March at 4pm in the Dominic Room in the Parish Centre. Application forms are available in the sacristy.

Pilgrimage to Fatima

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Fatima from 24th to 27th April 2017, in the Centenary Year of the Apparitions. Led by Cardinal Vincent Nichols. For more details, see poster at the back of the Church.

2017 Weddings

If you are planning to get married this year and have not done so already, please get in touch with Fr Colin at least six months before the date of the wedding.

Parish A.G.M and Lunch

On Sunday 19th February we will be having a parish shared lunch, an opportunity to come together and enjoy each other’s company before we move into the Season of Lent. We invite you to bring along a dish of food and we will provide the drink. This will start after the 12 Noon Mass. Then at 2pm we have our Parish Annual General Meeting. It will include reports on the various activities during the past year, discussion of plans for the coming year and election of the new Parish Council. If you would like to nominate somebody (or yourself) for the Parish Council, please give their name to Fr Colin by next Sunday.

Everyone is invited to either or both of these events.


Next week’s newsletter will cover two weeks.

THE Good Neighbour Scheme For MILL HILL & BURNT OAK


Wednesday 22nd February 2017. Doors open 2pm,

Film ‘Strictly Ballroom’commences 2.15pm

Trinity Church Mill Hill Broadway. Light refreshments served at the end.

Donations welcome.

Looking For Residential Care

Nazareth House east Finchley has just completed a full refurbishment programme and have vacancies. If you wish to come and see, please Contact Christine Small - General Manager on 0208 883 1104 or Sister Celine-Marie-Sister Superior on 0777 8512 144

Cardinal’s Mass of Thanksgiving for the Sacrament of Matrimony

Westminster Cathedral, Saturday 3rd June 2017 at 3pm

The Cardinal will be inviting to this Mass all couples in the Diocese who are celebrating their 10th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th, and 60th (and every year over 60) wedding anniversary of Catholic marriage in 2017. If you are celebrating an anniversary, please give your parish clergy the following details: husband and wife’s names, wedding date, full postal address and email (or telephone number, if no email).

Mass for Bereaved Parents

On Saturday 11th March at 2.30pm in Westminster Cathedral, a Mass will be celebrated for all bereaved parents. As parents arrive in the Cathedral that day they will be invited to write the name of their deceased child, which will later be collected and taken to the sanctuary.

Beginners Fitness Class

For adults every Tuesday 14.00-15.00 and Friday 18.30-19.30 in the Parish Hall. All abilities and ages welcome. FIRST SESSION FREE! Contact John (full time Personal Trainer) on 07921333390 or email me at to book your place. The session is designed for anyone who wants to lose some weight and to increase energy levels. All you need to bring is a bottle of water and an exercise mat if you have one.


Driving along a remote country road, a motorist saw a sign that said “Watch For Fallen Rocks.” A few miles later he spotted some small rocks by the side of the road and picked a few up and put them in his car. When he reached the next town, he took them to the highway maintenance office. Placing them on the counter, he said to the officer, “Here are your fallen rocks. Now where’s my watch?”


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