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TakeHomeNews 8th Sunday of the Year

RCDOW Burnt Oak

8th Sunday of Ordinary Time (A)

In a world where there is much uncertainty, we are often invited to ensure that our future is secure. Although this is important, how much can we control of our lives? The Gospel today mentions of being ‘the slave of two masters’. The first is God, the source of life. The second is money, something that comes and goes. We are challenged with this question; On whom or what do we want to sustain our life? Ultimately, we want to put our lives in God, but often we are tempted to look for the world for security. The reality, however, is that this life comes and goes, but God, who is eternal, says to us today, ‘I will never forget you.’ The choice, then, is ours. Whom will we choose to be our master today?

Ash Wednesday

Lent starts this Wednesday when Masses in the church will be at 9am and 7.30pm. There will also be a service in the Infants School at 11am and a Mass in the Junior School at 2pm. Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting and abstinence.

Stations of the Cross

During Lent, we will be having Stations of the Cross on Friday evenings at 7pm. As in previous years, we will be alternating the venue between here and St Alphage. We start this Friday here at the Annunciation.

Lenten Alms

This year the Lenten Alms donations will go towards three specific needs in our Diocese:-

· Evangelisation and formation among young people.

· Our promotion and strengthening of marriage and family life.

· Our service within society, especially for those on the margins, through poverty, imprisonment or exclusion.

A Lenten Alms box will be available near Our Lady’s altar and there will be special envelopes at the back of the Church.

Guests For Ordination

In light of his upcoming ordination, Deacon Carlos would like to ask if parishioners would be willing to offer accommodation for his guests coming from overseas for a few days. If anyone is willing to offer any space or room, please let Carlos know. If anyone is willing to offer assistance in order to collect guests from the airport, please give your details to Deacon Carlos. On behalf of his guests, Deacon Carlos appreciates you for this act of charity.

His ordination is at Westminster Cathedral on Saturday 24th June and his first Mass will be here at the Annunciation on Sunday 25th June.

Pastoral Letter

Cardinal Vincent has written a Pastoral Letter to be read out at Masses today. It relates to the Care of the Sick which will be a theme for action in the Diocese over the next few months.

A Talk On Lent & Holy Week

Fr Francesca Donega will be giving a talk on Lent & Holy Week on Wednesday 8th March at 7.30pm at the Church of St William of York, Stanmore. Everyone is welcome.

First Communion Programme

Parents of First Communion children have a session on Tuesday at 7.45pm in the Parish Centre. The children meet next Sunday at 9.15am in the Parish Centre.

Thanks from SPUC

The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children have written to thank us for last month’s White Flower Appeal which amounted to £336.85.

APF Red Box Appeal

We had such a demand for Red Boxes at the recent appeal that they ran out. A new supply has now arrived. Please take one and put your name and address on. Please return the box when it is reasonably full. Our representative, Breda Randall will empty the box and leave it to be collected by you in the porch a week or so later.

Lenten Discussion Groups

This Lent’s discussion leaflets are entitled ‘Meeting Mercy’. They will help to take us deeper into the Sunday Gospels of five weeks of Lent and the resource uses the Holy Father’s Apostolic Letter at the end of the Holy Year of Mercy to help us read with fresh eyes. This time the leaflets are free, and can be found in the porch. There will be three groups meeting in the parish:-

Wednesdays 11am in Dominic Room

Sheelagh Benson’s Group

0208 952 0016

Vince Randall’s Group

0208 952 6994

No Deborah Lodge Mass

There will be no Mass at Deborah Lodge in March.

Baptism Preparation

There will be a preparation session for parents who would like their baby to be baptised on Sunday 12th March at 4pm in the Dominic Room in the Parish Centre. Application forms are available in the sacristy.


Those adults who are to receive the Sacraments at Easter take part in the Rite of Signing at the 12 Noon Mass today. Then on Saturday they go with other catechumens and candidates to Westminster Cathedral for the Rite of Election at 3pm. ‘The Catechumens’ become ‘the elect’ meaning that God has chosen them to be baptised members of the Church.

Parish Accounts

Copies of the Parish Accounts for 2016, presented at last Sunday’s Parish Annual General Meeting, are available in the porch. You will see that the Parish made a surplus last year, mainly due to less expenditure on property repairs compared to 2015.

Catherine Sheehan

I am running the London Marathon this year to raise money for Brent Centre for young people and need sponsors. To sponsor me the link is as follows:

Medjugorje Irish Centre Pilgrimages

For more details contact Darren Tel 020 3239 8662 or email

Parish Council

At the Parish AGM last Sunday, the following were elected to serve on the Parish Council for the coming year:

Kenneth Blake, Geraldine Bourke, Christopher Collins, Frances Dymock, Joey Flores, Linda Lynch, Vivian Omo, Aloysius Onuegbu, Joanne Randall, Andrew Reid, Josey Santangelo, and Radka Wehbe. The first meeting of the new Parish Council will be on Thursday 16th March at 7.45pm in the presbytery.

Feast of the Annunciation

The Feast of the Annunciation falls on a Saturday this year, but we have decided to have our main celebration on Friday 24th March with a Mass at 7.30pm followed by a get-together in the Parish Centre. Last year we combined our Parish Feast Day with an International Mass. This year we will have our International Mass on the Eve of Pentecost, Saturday 3rd June at 6.30pm with a social in the hall afterwards. More details nearer the time.

Get Fit With John

NEW Fitness class for all ages and abilities Tuesday 2pm-3pm and Friday 6.30pm-7.30pm. First session is FREE and only £6 per person thereafter. Book your place now by contacting John on 07921333390 or email


After their ship went down, four sailors were able to escape to safety in a lifeboat. Relieved just to be alive, they decided to light a relaxing cigarette, however, although their cigarettes were dry, their matches were wet and so they had no way of lighting the cigarettes. Eventually one of the sailors came up with a solution. He threw a cigarette overboard and they were all able to smoke because……the lifeboat had become a cigarette lighter.


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