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TakeHomeNews Third Sunday of Lent

RCDOW Burnt Oak

Third Sunday of Lent (A)

Jesus meets the Samaritan woman at the well. This was a chance encounter, but it would change her life and indeed many other Samaritans as well. It was the hottest part of the day. Jesus was tired after a long journey and the woman came at this unpopular time to avoid others because she was an outcast. It was there that she gradually realised that she was speaking to the Messiah. Her joy was so overwhelming that she hurried to tell the people who she had found. This was a great act of evangelisation. In our own small way, we can be evangelisers by telling others how Jesus has come into our life.

Cardinal’s Appeal & Lenten Alms

There will be a second collection today for the Cardinal’s Appeal as you leave Mass. You can return the special envelopes in this collection. The Cardinal’s Appeal helps fund evangelisation programmes, marriage and family life promotional efforts and our presence in charitable works and service in society, especially among those on the margins. Leaflets are available in the porch about this fund. The Lenten Alms box will remain near Our Lady’s altar throughout Lent to add anything to this appeal. Thank you for your generosity.

Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross takes place this Friday at St Alphage Church, Montrose Ave, at 7pm.

New Offertory Envelopes

The new weekly envelopes are now available on the table at the back of the church. Please make sure you take the box with your own name and address, but please do not start using the envelopes until the weekend of the 9th April. If you would like to start using envelopes, please put your name on the list on the table.

You can Gift Aid your contributions by completing one of the forms on the table. This enables us to receive an extra 25 pence for every £1 you give without any expense to yourself.

You may decide to switch to Standing Order Payment. Forms are available on the table. If so, you will not need to put anything in the collection and can return your weekly envelopes.

Fr Jim Fanning Rip

Memorial Mass at Sacred Heart, Mill Hill on Saturday 25th March at All are welcome to attend.

Lourdes Special Offers

If you interested in a pilgrimage to Lourdes,

please look at the Poster at the back of the Church.

First Communion Programme

There will be a session for all parents of First Communion children on Tuesday at 7.45pm in the Parish Centre. The children have their final session next Sunday at 9.15am. Don’t forget to change your clocks.

Feast Of The Annunciation

We are celebrating the Feast of the Annunciation, our Patronal Feast, on Friday with Mass at 7.30pm. This will be followed by a get-together in the Parish Centre for which we invite you to bring along a dish of food (including meat dishes—we are dispensed from abstaining from meat on Friday evening as we are celebrating a Solemnity). We will provide the drink. There will also be a Mass of the Annunciation at 10am on Saturday.

Confirmation Programme

Confirmation candidates meet on Wednesday at 7pm in the Parish Centre.

St Joseph’s Day

St Joseph’s Day has been transferred to tomorrow (Monday). Mass will be at 7.30am and a Communion service at 9am.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee meet on Thursday at 7.30pm in the Dominic Room.

Clocks Going Forward

Clocks and watches should be put forward one hour on Saturday night as we move into summer time.

A Day With The Lord

We are having a Day of Exposition on Friday 31st March starting after the 9am Mass and concluding with Benediction at 6.30pm. Please sign up for one or more half-hour slots on the sheet at the back of the Church. After Benediction, Stations of the Cross will follow at 7pm.

Stopping Abortion

1967 - 2017: 8.7 million babies killed by abortion. SPUC will be holding a meeting in the area Monday 27th March 7.30pm, All Saints Church, Parish Room, Kenton Rd, Harrow, HA3 0UQ. All are welcome. For more details please contact Katherine Hampton at SPUC on telephone 0207091 7091.

Come and See -Becoming a Permanent Deacon

Men wanting to know more about the permanent diaconate are invited to come to a two hour meeting at St Edward the Confessor, 700 Finchley Rd, Golders Green, NW11 7NE on Saturday 25th March from 10am to 12. No booking needed. Contact details Deacon Adrian Cullen 07961 594725 or Deacon Anthony Clark 07545 373548

Holy Week Arrangements

Next weekend a card will be available, giving the arrangements for Holy Week and Easter.

Lenten Discussion Groups

There are 3 groups meeting in the parish discussing ‘Meeting Mercy’ for which copies are available in the porch:

Wednesdays 11am in Dominic Room

Sheelagh Benson’s Group 0208 952 0016

Vince Randall’s Group 0208 952 6994

Guests For Ordination

In light of his upcoming ordination, Deacon Carlos would like to ask if parishioners would be willing to offer accommodation for his guests coming from overseas for a few days. If anyone is willing to offer any space or room, please let Carlos know. If anyone is willing to offer assistance in order to collect guests from the airport, please give your details to Deacon Carlos. On behalf of his guests, Deacon Carlos appreciates you for this act of charity. His ordination is at Westminster Cathedral on Saturday 24th June and his first Mass will be here at the Annunciation on Sunday 25th June.


On a visit to the cinema, a man was struggling to hear the dialogue above the chatter of the two women sitting directly in front of him. Unable to bear it any longer, he tapped one of the women on the shoulder, “Excuse me” he said “I can’t hear” “I should hope not” replied one of the women sharply “This is a private conversation.”

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A motorist was furious at getting a ticket for speeding. “What am I supposed to do with this?” he asked the policeman. “Keep it” said the officer. When you collect four of them, you get a bicycle.”

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