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TakeHomeNews Fifth Sunday Of Lent

RCDOW Burnt Oak

5th Sunday of Lent (A)

Pope Benedict XVI wrote concerning this Sunday: ‘There are only two weeks to go until Easter and the bible readings of this Sunday all speak about resurrection—not yet that of Jesus, but our own resurrection.’ Even before celebrating that great night, when Jesus destroys death, he comes today to give us the sure hope that we no longer have to experience death. Just as he goes to Lazarus in the tomb after four days, he comes to us. He wants to free us from our death—that is, to free us from anything that leads us away from God, the source of all life.

Covering of Statues

You will notice that the statues in the church have been covered and that there are no votive candles. This is because we are now entering the season of Passiontide and that we have reached the most solemn period of Lent as we focus on the Cross. Candles will be burning again in abundance when we reach the Feast of the Resurrection in two weeks time.

Holy Week Arrangements

If you did not do so last week, please take a card giving all the times of all the services for Holy Week and Easter. The Lenten Reconciliation Service will be on Monday 10th April at 7.30pm, when several priests will be available for confession.

Children are invited to take part in the Children’s Stations of the Cross on Good Friday at 11.30am, either acting or reading. There will be a rehearsal on Maundy Thursday (13th April) from 2.30 to 4pm and again on Good Friday itself at 10am. This will all take place in the Parish Centre.

At the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Maundy Thursday, there will be the commissioning of members of the Parish Council and the recommissioning of Eucharistic Ministers.

Lately Dead

Please pray for the repose of the soul of PATRICK DAVEY, formerly of The Chase, whose funeral Mass takes place on Tuesday at 11am. This is in addition to the 9am Mass that day.

Also please pray for LAWRENCE LANAGAN, of Sheaveshill Court, whose funeral has already taken place.

The funeral Mass of TERENCE O’REILLY of Wembley High Rd will be on Wednesday 12th April at 11am.

First Communion Programme

The First Communion children will take part in a Celebration Mass at 10.30am this Sunday morning.

Baptism Preparation

There will be a session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised on Sunday 7th May at 4pm in the Dominic Room. Application forms can be collected from the sacristy.

Altar Servers Rehearsals

There will be a rehearsal for altar servers to explain the Holy Week services on Saturday at 11am in the church. Then during Holy Week there will be rehearsals at the following times:

Wed 12th April 4.30pm

Fri 14th April 12.15pm

Sat 15th April 11am

Recommissioning of Eucharistic Ministers

At the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Maundy Thursday, 13th April at 8pm, we invite Eucharistic Ministers to be re-commissioned. If you cannot be present, please see Fr Colin for a private recommissioning.

Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross this week takes place at St Alphage Church in Montrose Ave at 7pm on Friday.

Arrangements for Palm Sunday

Next weekend is Palm Sunday. Masses (including Saturday at 6.30pm) will start from the Parish Centre with the blessing of palms. We will then process to the church. Please wave your palm in the procession, recalling the greeting Jesus received when he made his triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Please do not park any cars to obstruct the procession. Once in the church, we will have the Passion according to St Matthew. We invite you to take part by reading the words of the crowd, marked ‘C’ in the booklets.

Mass at Deborah Lodge

There will be a Mass on Friday at 3pm at Deborah Lodge.

Lenten Alms

The Lenten Alms box is near Our Lady’s altar and donations will be sent to the Cardinal’s Appeal.

Lenten Discussion Groups

There are 3 groups meeting in the parish discussing ‘Meeting Mercy’.

Wednesdays 11am in

Dominic Room

Sheelagh Benson’s Group

0208 952 0016

Vince Randall’s Group

0208 952 6994


A woman went to a hospital to visit a friend. She hadn’t been inside a hospital for several years and felt very ignorant about all the new technology. A technician followed her into the lift, wheeling a large intimidating-looking machine, with wire and dials. She looked at it and smiled, “I certainly wouldn’t want to be hooked up to that” “Neither would I” replied the technician “It’s a floor cleaning machine.”


A man went to the hospital out-patients department and said to a nurse, “A wasp has given me a nasty sting, is there something you can give me”? “Whereabouts is it” asked the nurse, “I don’t know” said the man “It’ll be miles away by now.”


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