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TakeHomeNews Trinity Sunday

RCDOW Burnt Oak

Trinity Sunday

On this Sunday, we praise God for his great love for us: to the Father who created us, to the Son who has redeemed us and to the Holy Spirit who sanctifies us. We have been made in the image of God and he invites us to share in that unique relationship of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Today is a celebration of God’s love.

Little Sisters of the Poor

Today we welcome the Little Sisters of the Poor to the parish. They will be speaking about their work, particularly in their care home of St Anne’s in Stoke Newington. There will be a collection as you leave Mass today.


Closed Circuit Television has been installed around the church premises. There are 10 cameras on the premises: in the Church and Parish Centre. This was one of the projects that was planned when we started Growing in Faith four years ago. The CCTV system has therefore been financed by your Growing in Faith contributions which has also financed the monitors in the Church, the upgrading of the electrics in the Parish Centre and also its redecoration. We thank the Monday Club who have made a donation towards the CCTV.

Many thanks for your continuing contributions to Growing in Faith. A chart on the notice board by the central doors shows that an amazing sum of £117,272 had been raised by the Parish over the 4 years up to the end of this April. 20% of this has been allocated to our Parish Project, 20% to Caritas, 20% to Priest Training and 40% to Sick and Retired Clergy. We have one more year to go in our Growing in Faith contributions. Many thanks.


ECHO is a retreat for young adults aged 16-25. It is an opportunity to explore the beauty and depth of what the Church teaches about what is to be human, and how we can be happy. We are inviting you to join us in a journey to discover more of who you were made to be; we will have live music, sports, art, times for questions, times for prayer, times to learn and lots of good food and conversations. Ever wondered what you were made for? Want to live ‘fully alive’? Come join us to find what ECHOs in your heart. More information: /

Lately Dead

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Joe Fernandes, father of Father Norbert, whose funeral Mass will be on Wednesday at 11am at St Anthony’s, Edgware.

Also please pray for Jeremiah Cahill of Knightswood Court and Anthony Magri of Stag Lane, whose funerals have already taken place.

Preparing for the Ordination

Deacon Carlos will be away on retreat from Friday until the following Thursday in preparation for his ordination on Saturday 24th June at 10.30am in Westminster Cathedral. (There will be no morning Mass here or morning confessions that day). Please pray for Deacon Carlos as he approaches this important day. There will be a Holy Hour on Friday 23rd June between 7 & 8pm to pray for and with Deacon Carlos on the eve of his ordination.

If you would like to contribute to an ordination gift to Deacon Carlos, please use a ‘Parish Gift’ envelope from the table at the back of the Church and put it in the collection.

A presentation will be made after his first Mass which is on Sunday 25th June, here at 12 noon.

Baptism Preparation

There will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised on Sunday 9th July at 4pm in the Dominic Room in the Parish Centre. Application forms can be collected from the sacristy.

First Communions in 2018

We have just completed the First Communions this year and it is time to start preparing for next year. If your child is starting in Year 3 or above in September and would like to receive First Holy Communion next year, please take an application form from the church and return it to the presbytery by 10th September at the latest. Applications cannot be accepted after this date.

Paediatric Specialist Required

A paediatric specialist is required to be on hand during the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes from 23rd to 29th July. If you can help or know anyone who can, please email

Holy Father’s Prayer Intention

Urgent Intention

Peace and Healing: May the Holy Spirit grant peace to the entire world. May he heal the wounds of war and terrorism, which most recently struck innocent civilians in London. Let us pray for the victims and their families.

Come & See Evening

Over the past years we have had several adults each year coming forward to be baptised or to be received into the Catholic Church as well as baptised Catholics who have not received the other Sacraments. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) sessions start in the autumn, but we have a Come & See evening on Tuesday 20th June at 8pm. If you know of anyone who is interested, please bring them along on that evening. It will take place in the stage area of the Parish Hall, enabling us to have some refreshments at the same time.

Four: 12

The Summer edition of Four:12's Family Quiz Night will be

on Friday 30th of June 2017 in the Parish Hall. Doors open at 7pm.

£6/adult & £3/child (under 16). Refreshments (fish & chips) will be served.

Book your places by speaking to Arinze or Kenneth by emailing


A woman was out in her yard one afternoon when she saw an elderly cat approach her. She stroked the cat, and it followed her indoors where it proceeded to curl up on the most comfortable chair and fall asleep. Two hours later, the cat went to the door and the woman let it out. The same thing happened the following day and continued on and off for several weeks. By then the woman was curious as to who owned the cat so she attached a note to its collar saying “who owns this lovely old cat?”

More next week……………………………………….


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