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TakeHomeNews - 12th Sunday of Year

RCDOW Burnt Oak

12th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A)

A Christian should never think that life will always be like a bed of roses. Christianity, rather involves trials, distress, and sometimes persecution. It does not necessarily mean that this always happens, there are also moments of joy and happiness. But the Christian is called to be joyful always, even in the dark moments. And the certainty, we are called to have along with this joy is faith. The prophet Jeremiah, even in the midst of his persecutions, trusted in God. He, as Jesus says in the Gospel, does not disown God, for God will provide. We, too, are to trust in God because we have the certainty of one thing—we have been given the grace of the love and mercy of God, which is greater than our sins.

Father Carlos

We congratulate Fr Carlos on his ordination yesterday in Westminster Cathedral. May he have many happy years in the priestly ministry. He will be here until 5th July, return briefly in the middle of July and return again at the end of August before taking up his appointment in Bishop’s Stortford in September.

Fr Carlos’ First Mass is at 12 noon today. Please follow the guidance of the fire wardens as we are expecting a large number of people. There will be a reception in the Parish Centre afterwards. Fr Carlos will return to the church later to impart first blessings on those who wish.

Peter’s Pence

The annual collection for Peter’s Pence takes place today. It is a collection taken all around the world for the Vatican to distribute to various charitable causes.

St Peter & St Paul

On Thursday we celebrate the Feast of St Peter and St Paul, a Holy Day of Obligation. We are celebrating two great Apostles who were instruments in building up the early Church through the grace of God. Masses in the church will be at 9am and 7.30pm. There will also be a Mass in the Infants School next door at 11am and in the Junior School at 2pm.

Monday Masses

Tomorrow Mass will be at 7.30 and 9am. On Monday 3rd July it will be at 9am only. From Monday 10th July, Masses will be at 7.30am only. The 9am Communion Service will resume when the new deacon arrives.

Fr Colin Away

Fr Colin will be away from later on Sunday 2nd July to Wednesday 5th July.

Bible Alive

Free copies of the publication ‘Bible Alive’ are available in the porch. They give commentaries on the daily readings for the month of July. They should be of particular interest to Mass Readers and Eucharistic Ministers. If there is sufficient interest, we will order copies in the future.

Grenfell Tower Fire

Our hearts go out to those who died in the terrible tragedy, as well as their families and friends. We remember too the survivors who have had to find a new home. Our prayers are that love, compassion, consolation, care and justice may follow.

Parish Council

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on Thursday 6th July at 7.45pm in the presbytery.

Baptism Preparation

There will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised on Sunday 9th July at 4pm in the Dominic Room in the Parish Centre. Application forms can be collected from the sacristy.

First Communions in 2018

Application forms are available in the porch for parents who wish to apply for their child to join the First Communion programme.

Forms should be returned by 10th September at the latest. The child should be starting in Year 3 or above next September. There will be an introductory meeting for the parents who have applied for their child on Tuesday 26th September at 7.45pm in the Parish Centre. There will then be 7 sessions for parents and 7 sessions for children during the course of the programme, starting on Tuesday 3rd October for parents (7.45pm) and Sunday 8th October (9.15am) for children.

Lately Dead

Please pray for Marcella Hayward whose funeral Mass will take place on Wednesday at 11am. This is in addition to the 9am Mass that day but Holy Hour will take place at the Lady Altar. Marcella’s body will be brought to the church at 6pm on Tuesday.

Four: 12

The Summer edition of Four:

12's Family Quiz Night will be this Fridayin the Parish Hall.

Doors open at 7pm.

£6/adult & £3/child (under 16).

Refreshments (fish & chips) will be served.

Book your places by speaking to Arinze or Kenneth by emailing

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee Meeting meet on Tuesday at 7.45pm in the presbytery.



For further information please email giving contact details and the chair of trustees will be in contact.

Congratulations to

Fr Carlos Quito


Annunciation Church


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