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TakeHomeNews - 13th Sunday of the Year

RCDOW Burnt Oak

13th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A)

Most of us were baptised as babies, long before we could understand what it meant, and the great significance it has. At our baptism, we become part of Christ, sharing in all that he had and did. Today’s second reading speaks about going into the tomb with Christ and then being raised to a new life. At our baptism we take on the name of Christ, and as Christians we are required to take up our own Cross, whatever form that might take. In doing so others should recognise Christ in us and we in them.

A Message from Father Carlos

I wish to thank you all for providing such a great few days in preparation and celebrating my Ordination to the Priesthood. I was really happy to meet all of you. I must also say that I was very moved to speak with all of you and even imparting my first blessings, having known you all for the past year. I also wish to thank you all for your gifts. Don’t worry; I am not running away to Tahiti. But I do ask you to continue to pray for me as I will remember you in my heart and in my prayers.

Fr. Carlos E. Quito

Next week is Sea Sunday, when the Church prays for all those who live and work at sea. There will be a second collection for Apostleship of the Sea, the official maritime welfare agency of the Catholic Church. It provides practical and spiritual support to seafarers visiting our ports. As it is dependent on voluntary donations, please give generously. For more information about its work, visit

Fr Colin Away

Fr Colin will be away from late morning today until Wednesday 5th July.

Parish Council

The Parish Council meet on Thursday at 7.45pm in the presbytery.

Mass at Deborah Lodge

There will be a Mass at Deborah Lodge on Friday at 3pm.

Monday Masses

Tomorrow Mass will be at 9am only.

From 10th July, Monday Masses will be at 7.30am only.


Congratulations to Joyce and Peter MacLean who celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of their wedding with a Mass at 3pm on Saturday.

Congratulations too to Fr Hugh Moore of St Alphage Church who celebrates his 80th birthday this week.

Baptism Preparation

Next Sunday, there will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised. It takes place at 4pm in the Dominic Room in the Parish Centre. Application forms can be collected from the sacristy.

First Communions in 2018

Application forms are available in the porch for parents who wish to apply for their child to join the First Communion programme.

Forms should be returned by 10th September at the latest. The child should be starting in Year 3 or above next September. There will be an introductory meeting for the parents who have applied for their child on Tuesday 26th September at 7.45pm in the Parish Centre. There will then be 7 sessions for parents and 7 sessions for children during the course of the programme, starting on Tuesday 3rd October for parents (7.45pm) and Sunday 8th October (9.15am) for children.

RCIA Sessions

Sessions for those adults who are considering baptism, reception into the church or confirmation start on Tuesday 10th October at 8pm, upstairs in the Parish Centre. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process whereby adults journey in the faith toward receiving the Sacraments and become full members of the Catholic Church. Please let those interested know about this or you may like to introduce them to Fr Colin.

Peter’s Pence

The annual collection for Peter’s Pence last Sunday raised £340.80. Thank you to all those parishioners who donated.

Summer Fayre

The Parish's Annual Summer Fayre is on Saturday the 15th of July and everyone is invited to come along. It serves to raise funds for the upkeep of the Parish. More importantly it is a time for us all to come together as a Parish to enjoy a burger (or a salad) and the sun. There will be games for kids, face painting, potted plants for sale, toys and other items for sale. If you want to help out on the day, rent a stall, donate cakes or other items for sale, please let Father Colin or Arinze know.

Bible Alive

Free copies of the publication ‘Bible Alive’ are available in the porch. They give commentaries on the daily readings for the month of July. They should be of particular interest to Mass Readers and Eucharistic Ministers. If there is sufficient interest, we will order copies in the future.


One Christmas Eve a burglar broke into the home of a prominent local lawyer. He took the lawyer’s Christmas gifts from under the tree but left behind those packages intended for the lawyer’s wife and children. As he was leaving the house, the burglar was apprehended by a police officer. Caught red-handed, he had little choice other than to confess to what he had done but he maintained he couldn’t be arrested for it. “Why not?” asked the police officer. “Because,” replied the burglar, “the law states that I’m entitled to the presents of an attorney.”


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