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RCDOW Burnt Oak

27th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A)

This week’s parable is about the tenants of the vineyard who attacked anyone who came to collect the owner’s produce, including the son of the Landowner. Jesus addressed this parable specifically to the chief priests, the guardians of the faith of Israel, who were not open to Jesus’ teaching. But the message of this parable is relevant to all of us, who hold a role of authority or ministry among God’s people. When we do not nurture the natural and spiritual gifts God has given us, we are in danger of losing everything.

CAFOD Harvest Fast Day

After Mass today we will have a second collection for last Friday’s CAFOD Harvest Fast Day. Please return your special envelope in this second collection. This Harvest Fast Day, we have been standing with Edelmira, a farmer in El Salvador, as she works to sustain her family with good crops and harvests. With our help, CAFOD is giving her fruit trees, training and strong seeds.

RCIA Sessions

On Tuesday we start our RCIA sessions at 8pm upstairs in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. These sessions are for anybody thinking of becoming a Catholic or baptised adult Catholics who have not received the other Sacraments. Those who would like to have a refresher on their faith are also welcome to come along. Each session has a particular topic relating to our faith, but our first session on Tuesday is an introductory one for you to decide whether this is something you would like to pursue.

Growing in Faith

Next year we will have completed our Growing in Faith contributions. Many thanks for all your donations. We have collected an amazing amount of £104,841, supplemented by £20,120 from Gift Aid to give a total of £124,962, by the end of August. We have claimed £23,619 of this back so far for our parish projects. A chart is displayed by the central doors of the church, showing how the remainder of the money has been distributed.

Prisons Week

This week is Prisons Week. Please take a prayer leaflet from the back of the church. You may like to use this prayer during the week:

Lord, you offer freedom to all people. We pray for those in prison. Break the bonds of fear and isolation that exist. Support with your love prisoners and their families and friends, prison staff and all who care. Heal those who have been wounded by the actions of others, especially the victims of crime. Help us to forgive one another, to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly together with Christ in his strength and in his Spirit, now and every day. Amen.

Baptism of Older Children

Children aged 7 or over who want to be baptised are invited to join a group which will be meeting on Saturdays at 11am starting from 14th October.

First Communion Programme

This morning (Sunday) the children have their first class at 9.15am in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. Next Sunday they will be taking part in a Celebration Mass at 10.30am. This will include an Enrolment Ceremony at which the children and their parents make a commitment to be part of the preparation programme while everybody else promises to pray for them.

Secondary School Transfer

Fr Colin will be available to sign school forms on Wednesday, between 4 and 5pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre.

Mass Count

The number of people at Mass last weekend was 625. there will be another Mass count this weekend and the following two weekends.

Baptism Preparation

On Sunday 19th November at 4pm in the Dominic Room, there will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised.

Application forms are available in the sacristy.

Four 12: Quiz Night

The Autumn edition of Four:12's

Family Quiz Night will be on Friday 20th of October 2017 in the Parish Hall. Doors open at 7pm. £6/adult & £3/child (under 16). Book your places by speaking to Arinze or Kenneth or by emailing

Refreshments (fish & chips) will be served.

Love & Say It With Your Life

The phrase ‘Love and say it with your life’ was first used by St Augustine and beautifully encapsulates a deep truth at the heart of our faith. The living of our Christian faith is based on love. Every vocation starts from love.

Pope Francis has frequently issued an invitation to see beyond our Church buildings and to step forward in love. The Pope has instituted a new World Day of the Poor, which this year will be on 19th November. He asks all of us, whatever our means or background, to unite in love, in acts of service to one another and in genuine encounter.

To help us in this, please take one of the booklets from the porch (£1.50 each). These will be used in our prayer discussion groups over the next six weeks but you can also use them individually:

Sheelagh Benson’s Group

0208952 0016

Vince Randall’s Group

0208952 6994

National Eucharistic Congress

This takes place in Liverpool from 7th to 9th September 2018. The last Eucharistic Congress in England was held in 1908. The title of next year’s Congress is Adoremus. Its aim is to rejuvenate Eucharistic Adoration in parishes, to engender a deeper understanding of the place of the Eucharist in the life of the Church, to provide better resources for Eucharistic Adoration and to confirm Parish ministry around the centrality of the Eucharist. Each parish is invited to send delegates to the Congress. If you are interested or want to know more, please speak to Fr Colin.

Mary’s Meals

With only 1 week to go before Mary’s Meals will be at our Church on the morning of Sunday 15th October please remember to bring along all your unwanted clothing/bedding (no duvets or pillows please).

Put all clothing/bedding into tied black sacks and bring them with you when you come to church—the cut off time is 12 noon.

Mary’s Meals is a no-frills charity committed to spending 93p in every £1 received on its charitable activities with only 6p spent on Fundraising and 1p on Governance.

The Good Neighbours Scheme

We are committed to helping our senior neighbours in your community. Giving them social interaction through our lunch clubs, helping food shop through our shopping bus, give company through our befriending service and practical help like lifts to doctors or hospital visits. If you have a few hours to spare for serving lunches, driving, escorting or befriending then we would love to hear from you. Phone Cheryl or Lorraine on 0208 906 3340. Website


Attending a wedding for the first time, a little girl whispered to her mother, “Why is the bride dressed in white?” The mother replied, “Because white is the colour of happiness, and today is the happiest day of her life.” The child thought about this for a moment then said, “So why is the groom wearing black?”

What happened when the cat swallowed a coin? There was some money in the kitty.


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