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  • RCDOW Burnt Oak

Takehomenews 28th Sunday of the Year

28th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A)

We have another harsh parable from St Matthews’ Gospel today. The king invites guests to his son's wedding feast but they refuse to come. So he invites others who do come but are not properly dressed. The harsh message from the parable is that we should not only want to be part of God’s kingdom but we should work towards it throughout our life, always being ready for the invitation.

Church Etiquette

In order to make everything safe and comfortable for those who come here to Mass, we have issued a list of requests which accompanies this newsletter. Please try to abide by these. I stress that everybody is welcome at Mass.

Mary’s Meals

Mary’s Meals will be at church this Sunday morning to collect all your unwanted clothing and bedding. (No duvets or pillows please). Please bring all your bags by 12 noon when a van will collect them. Please do not bring any after this time because they would have missed the bus. Please ensure all clothing/bedding is put into tied black sacks. Four full sacks will feed a child one good nutritious meal every school day for a whole year! Thank you.

World Mission Sunday

Next Sunday, the Holy Father invites all Catholics to contribute to a special collection for Missio, his official charity for overseas mission. Your support on World Mission Sunday will help brave missionaries in proclaiming the Gospel of peace in South Sudan and around the world. Please join in this special day that unites Catholics all over the world in prayer, celebration and care for the mission of the Church. You will be able to Gift Aid all donations by using envelopes provided by Missio. Thank you.

CAFOD Harvest Fast Day

Thank you for your generous support to CAFOD’S Harvest Fast last week. Our Parish raised £700.07 which will mean more farmers around the world will be able to support their families, now and into the future. Please continue to pray for them and for CAFOD’s work with the most vulnerable communities across the world. We are keeping the collection open for a further week. Envelopes are at the back of the church.

Love & Say It With Your Life

Copies of the latest prayer discussions booklet are available in the porch, price £1.50. You can either use it individually, get a group of people together or join Vince Randall’s group, contact 0208 952 6994.

Four 12: Quiz Night

The Autumn edition of Four:12's

Family Quiz Night will be this Friday in the Parish Hall. Doors open at 7pm.

£6/adult & £3/child (under 16).

Book your places by speaking to Arinze or Kenneth or by emailing

Refreshments (fish & chips) will be served.

RCIA Sessions

RCIA sessions continue this Tuesday at 8pm, upstairs in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. These are for those adults who wish to become Catholics and for baptised adult Catholics who have not received the other Sacraments. Everybody is welcome.



Wednesday 25nd October 2017. Doors open 2pm, film commences 2.15pmTrinity Church Mill Hill Broadway Donations welcome

“Educating Rita”

Next film: November 22nd………The Fourth Protocol, a cold war thriller starring Michael Caine and Pierce Brosnan.


Next week’s newsletter will cover two weeks.

Mass Count

The number of people at Mass last weekend was 763. There will be another Mass count this weekend and next weekend.

Baptism Preparation

On Sunday 19th November at 4pm in the Dominic Room, there will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised.

Application forms are available in the sacristy.

First Communion Programme

Today (Sunday) at the 10.30am Mass, the First Communion children will have a celebration Mass. During the Mass, the children will be enrolled into the programme, the parents will make a promise to help them and we will make a promise to pray for them. Doves will be placed around the church with the name of each child.

Planning the Bazaar

If you have any ideas or can offer your help at the Parish Bazaar (Sat 18th November), please come along for a chat and refreshments on Wednesday 1st November at 8.15pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. This follows the 7.30pm Mass in the church for All Saints.

Faith Matters

Thursday 9th Nov ‘17

7-9pm at Westminster Cathedral Hall, Ambrosden Ave, Westminster.

In preparation for the first World Day of the Poor, an evening exploring Catholic Social Teaching. With Fr James Hanvey. Registration is required.

Email at Telephone 0207931 6078.

The Good Neighbours Scheme

We are committed to helping our senior neighbours in your community. Giving them social interaction through our lunch clubs, helping food shop through our shopping bus, give company through our befriending service and practical help like lifts to doctors or hospital visits. If you have a few hours to spare for serving lunches, driving, escorting or befriending then we would love to hear from you. Phone Cheryl or Lorraine on 0208 906 3340. Website

Cheeky Chums

The Wednesday weekly Mums & Toddlers Group need more good conditioned high chairs. If you are able to donate a high chair, please contact Vicky 07388365634.

National Eucharistic Congress

This takes place in Liverpool from 7th to 9th September 2018. The last Eucharistic Congress in England was held in 1908. The title of next year’s Congress is Adoremus. Its aim is to rejuvenate Eucharistic Adoration in parishes, to engender a deeper understanding of the place of the Eucharist in the life of the Church, to provide better resources for Eucharistic Adoration and to confirm Parish ministry around the centrality of the Eucharist. Each parish is invited to send delegates to the Congress. If you are interested or want to know more, please speak to Fr Colin.


An avid golfer and his wife went to his dentist. The golfer said to the dentist, “I’m in a heck of a hurry, I have two friends in my car waiting for us to go and play golf, so forget about the anaesthetic, I don’t have time to wait for the gums to numb. I just want you to pull the tooth and be done with it. We have a 10am tee time at the best golf course in town and it’s 9.30 already.” The dentist thought, “My goodness, what a brave man, asking to have his tooth pulled with nothing to kill the pain” so he asked “Which tooth is it?” The man turned to his wife and said “Open your mouth darling, and show him.”

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