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TakeHomeNews - 33rd Sunday of the Year

RCDOW Burnt Oak

33rd Sunday of Year A

Today’s parable - the parable of the talents - is urging us to use the gifts and resources that God has given us to help others. Today is the World Day for the Poor so our minds turn towards those who are lacking resources in all parts of the world, in other countries and this country. Today, Pope Francis urges us to become poor ourselves, to be poor in spirit, to think of others rather than ourselves. What we give can go a long way. In fact, it helps to build up God’s Kingdom. Lord, pour out on us your grace so that we may grow as your faithful people, always seeking your kingdom of Truth, Justice and Peace.

The Kanyike Project

Next weekend Fr Kakuba will be here on his bi-annual visit to give us an update on developments in the Kanyike Project in Uganda which we have been supporting over the years. There will be a second collection to assist in the next stage of the project.

Blessing of Graves

Next Sunday, 26th November, Fr Colin and Deacon Ronnie will be available to bless the graves in Hendon Cemetery. We ask you to gather near the chapel at 2pm (we might not be able to use the chapel if a funeral is going on). We will then proceed to the various corners of the cemetery to carry out the blessings.

Bereavement Mass

On Friday at 7.30pm we have our annual Bereavement Mass when we remember those who have died over the last year. There will be refreshments in the Parish Centre afterwards.

Lately Dead

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Carmel McAuley of Southbourne Ave whose funeral Mass takes place on Tuesday at 11am. This is in addition to the 9am Mass that morning. Carmel will be brought to the Church at 6pm on Monday.

Please also pray for May Grennan of The Mall, Kingsbury, whose funeral has already taken place.

Baptism Preparation

This afternoon (Sunday) there will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised. It takes place at 4pm in the Dominic Room in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre.

World Day For The Poor

Today is the World Day of the Poor. Items for the Colindale Foodbank can be left in the porch in the boxes marked ‘Foodbank’.

Food items such as Tinned Meat, Tinned Fish, Tinned Vegetables, Pasta Sauce, Rice Pudding, Tinned Fruit, Tinned Soup. Rice, UHT Milk, small packets of sugar, tea bags, coffee, juice and biscuits will be welcome.

Non—food items are also welcome: Washing Powder, washing up liquid, wipes, razors, toothbrush and toothpaste.

Prayer cards for the World Day of the Poor are available on the table at the back of the church.

Sick & Retired Priests’ Fund

The clergy of this parish thank everyone who donated to the Sick & Retired Priests’ Fund Collection last weekend. It is not too late to make a donation if you wish. Donation leaflets are available at the back of the church. You can also donate online at This important collection helps cover the financial expenses of priests who are sick or retired in the Diocese of Westminster. Thank you for your prayers for all our Catholic priests, and especially for those concluding a lifetime service to the Church.

Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch

This takes place on Sunday 17th December in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. Application forms are available in the porch and should be returned as soon as possible as there is a limit to the numbers we can cater for.

Junior School Admission Meeting

Tomorrow (Monday) the Annunciation Junior School has their Admissions Meeting at 7pm in the school in The Meads. This is for parents who wish their child to be considered for a place in September 2018, including those currently in Year 2 of the Infants School.

Father Colin will be available to sign school forms (including those for the Infants School & Nursery) between 3 and 4pm on Tuesday in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre, and on:

Thursday 30th November 3-4pm

Thursday 14th December 3-4pm

Saturday 6th January 12-1pm

Confirmation 2018

Those in Year 10 or above are invited to join the Confirmation Programme. Application forms are available in the porch and should be returned by Sunday 17th December at the latest. Sessions for candidates will start in January. The date of the Confirmation has been fixed for Friday 25th May at 7pm.

Annual Report & Accounts

A copy of the Annual Report & Accounts for the Archdiocese of Westminster is available in the porch as well as the Annual Review. A summary is also available in this month’s edition of the Westminster Record. Nearly 147,000 people attend Mass every weekend in our churches, our schools teach around 92,000 pupils and just under 840 current social justice projects are underway.

Love & Say It With Your Life

Copies of the latest prayer discussions booklet are available in the porch, price £1.50. You can either use it individually, get a group of people together or join Vince Randall’s group, contact 0208 952 6994.

St James’ Senior Citizens Christmas Dinner

Senior Citizens' Christmas Party is taking place at St James' Catholic High on Thursday 7 December at 4pm. Admission by ticket only. We have been allocated 10 tickets, please let Loretta in the office know if you would like any.

Parish Bazaar

Very many thanks to everyone involved in yesterday’s bazaar - those who worked on the various stalls, those who contributed items and all who came along.

Winter Wonderland

Four:12 is hosting the annual parish Christmas social, Winter Wonderland on Saturday 9th December in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre, doors open at 7.15pm. It’s a chance to celebrate the outgoing year with a three course meal and everyone is welcome to attend. Tickets will be on sale after all masses next weekend priced at £8 for adults, £5 for children under 16 years and free for under 5’s.

Sleepout for New Horizon Youth Centre

For the past 6 years young people in the parish have held a campaign to raise awareness of homelessness and the issues that surround it. This Friday young people in the Parish will be sleeping outside the Canon Smyth Parish Centre to continue this campaign and raise funds for New Horizon Youth Centre. This is a Charity that supports young homeless people to overcome their issues in order to secure stable accommodation. To donate and/or find out more please see posters in the Church. We will be having a second collection for this on the weekend of 2nd/3rd December.


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