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TakeHomeNews - 2nd Sunday of the Year

RCDOW Burnt Oak

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

Finding Jesus is a very rewarding exercise. John the Baptist was one who helped others find Jesus. He pointed out Jesus as the Lamb of God. Some were intrigued. Andrew was one of them and spent a day getting to know Jesus. He then went to tell his brother about Jesus. His brother eventually became the first leader of the church on earth, Simon Peter. And so the word about Jesus spread and we have the same role today– to point out Jesus present in our lives.

White Flower Appeal

Today we have the Annual White Flower Appeal from the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children. Thank you for your continuing support. The key objectives for 2018 are:

* To expose the grave medical risks associated with abortion.

* To take the pro-life message to the public and to schools.

* To provide practical pro-life help.

* To block moves in the political arena to decriminalise abortion.

During 2017 our support achieved:

* Pro-life tour of Britain’s towns and cities.

* Calling out pro-abortion bias at the BBC.

* Defending Northern Ireland’s unborn babies.

* Providing help for those carrying the emotional scars of abortion.

* Honouring abortion victims with acts of public witness.

* Challenging abortion clinic abuses.

* Outreach to doctors.

Aid To The Church In Need

Many thanks for your support for the Aid to the Church in Need last weekend. A total of £562.21 was raised.

Prayer for Peace Sunday

Pour out upon us the power of your love, that we may protect life and beauty.

Fill us with peace, that we may live as brothers and sisters, harming no one……..

Bring healing to our lives that we may protect the world and not prey on it,

That we may sow beauty, not pollution and destruction.

Touch the hearts of those who look only for gain

at the expense of the poor and the earth.

Encourage us, we pray, in our struggle for justice, love and peace. AMEN.

Funeral Mass

The funeral Mass of Michael Berry of 16 Wood Common, Hatfield will be on Tuesday at 11am. His body will be brought to the church at 5pm on Monday.

Baptism Preparation

There will be a session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised on Sunday 28th January at 4pm in the Dominic Room. Application forms are available in the sacristy.

Confirmation Programme

There will be a meeting for the parents of Confirmation candidates on Wednesday 24th January at 7.30pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. The first session for candidates will be on Wednesday 31st January at 7pm.

First Communion Programme

The children have a session today (Sunday) at 9.15am and next weekend they take part in a Celebration Mass at 10.30.

Pro Pop

Each weekend the parish priest is expected to celebrate a ‘PRO POP’ Mass, which is for all the people of the parish, which includes you. So please do not ask to substitute a Mass of yours. Your intention would be included under ‘PRO POP’, though not specifically mentioned.

The ‘Private Intention’ on Monday Masses is used for the intentions of somebody who asked me to celebrate a Mass, usually not of this parish. I am also required to celebrate a Mass for the repose of the soul of each priest who dies in the Province of Westminster (Diocese of Westminster, Brentwood, Northampton, & Nottingham) and 4 Masses each year for the members of the Secular Clergy Common Fund. I also use this spot to celebrate a Mass for the repose of the soul of parishioners whose funeral I do that does not involve a Mass.

Four: 12

Westminster Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage Sat 21st - Fri 27th July ‘18, £625 per volunteer

Four:12 is exploring the possibility of taking a group of teenagers and young adults to Lourdes to participate in the Diocese’s annual pilgrimage as volunteers. 2018 will mark the 160th Anniv of the apparitions of Our Lady to Bernadette at the Grotto, as well as the 30th Anniv of the Diocesan Pilgrimage, making it a particularly special year. This opportunity will be open to all those who are currently in Year 10 or above. If anyone would like to find out more and/or obtain an information pack, please speak to a member of the Four:12 Committee or email

Parish Annual General Meeting

We will be having a shared lunch at 1pm on Sunday 11th February followed by the Parish AGM at 2pm, to which everybody is invited. Dishes can be brought to the shared lunch and we will provide the drink. This is the final Sunday before Lent starts on 14th February.

At the AGM, we will be having reports on what has happened during 2017, a discussion of plans for 2018 and electing a new Parish Council. If you would like to be nominated or to nominate somebody for the Parish Council, please submit their name to Fr Colin by 4th February.

Parish Council

The Parish Council meet on Thursday at 7.45pm in the presbytery.

Our Lady of Lourdes Mass

The annual Mass in honour of Our Lady of Lourdes will take place in Westminster Cathedral on Saturday 10th February at 2pm. The Sacrament of the Sick will be administered during the Mass by bishops and priests. If you are attending in a wheelchair, please let Fr Colin know so that a place can be reserved in the Cathedral.

Selection Conference

Fr Colin is on the selection panel for the Permanent Diaconate. This takes place on Saturday 27th January. This means that there will be no 10am Mass that day and no morning confessions. Deacon Ronnie will lead a Communion Service at 10am. Fr Colin should be back for the evening confessions and evening Mass that day.

Christian Unity Week

On Thursday we start the Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity. You may like to use this prayer: You may like to use this prayer:

Tender-hearted God. Your Son Jesus prayed that we may be one.

As we journey together in openness and truth, may we draw closer to each other.

May our love embrace people of all faiths. Send your Spirit to empower us to promote dignity and compassion in societies, nations and world.

God of life, lead us to justice and peace. AMEN.


An elderly lady from the country was visiting the city for the first time in her life. She booked in at a five star hotel and let the porter take her bags. She followed him but as the door closed, her face fell in disappointment. “Young man” she said, feeling hurt, “I may be old and not used to city ways, but I’m not stupid. I paid good money for this room and it won’t do at all. I expected something much better than this—it’s too small, and no proper ventilation, and where is the bed?” “Madam,” replied the porter, “this isn’t your room, it’s the lift.”

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