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TakeHomeNews 4th Sunday in Ord Time

RCDOW Burnt Oak

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

We are still on the first chapter of St Mark’s Gospel and Jesus’ ministry is going well. He taught in the synagogue and the teaching made a deep impression on the people. Jesus then cures a man who was possessed by an unclean spirit. Again the people were impressed. They recognised that Jesus acted and taught with authority, so much so that his reputation spread far and wide. We know that this would not last and Jesus would meet opposition. We too meet with success and also disappointment. Today we thank the Lord for all our successes and pray that we may persevere through the difficult times.

Racial Justice Sunday

“On this day Catholics are called to pray for those who experience unjust discrimination or are marginalised because of their race and ethnicity. We think in particular of those who feel they do not belong within our society or our communities because of this discrimination.”

“As Catholics we are asked to treat all humans with dignity, regardless of their background or circumstance. There are many stories of alienation throughout the Bible, with clear calls to “Love the stranger”. That the Church is a place where all belong is clearly seen in the recent Feast of Epiphany, when Christ is revealed not only to the Israelites, but to all of God’s people.”

“All the money raised will go towards supporting the Church’s work on racial justice issues. The theme this year is “Belonging”, emphasising that we are called not only to ensure our parishes welcome newcomers, strangers, and those from different backgrounds, but also that all people will know they will find a welcome in our parishes.”

Prayer For Racial Justice

O God,

Who created all people in Your Holy Image, Who loves the stranger.

Who cares for the downtrodden, Walk with those who face discrimination,

Protect them from harm help them see Christ in our community.

Guide those who fan the fires of discrimination to open their eyes to the beauty of all your creation and respect the human dignity of all people.

Open our hearts to those who face hatred and injustice because of their race,

Their background, their ethnicity that we might better help them belong.

Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Confirmation Programme

The first session for those who have applied to be confirmed in May takes place on Wednesday at 7pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre.

First Communion Programme

There will be a meeting for parents of First Communion children on Tuesday at 7.45pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. The children have a session next Sunday at 9.15am.

Baptism Preparation

There will be a meeting this afternoon (Sunday) for parents who wish to have their baby baptised at 4pm in the Dominic Room in the Canon Parish Centre.

Blessing of Throats

On Saturday we commemorate St Blaise and the blessing of throats will take place at the end of the 10am Mass.

Good Neighbour Scheme Lunch

Each Thursday during term-time the Good Neighbour Scheme for Mill Hill and Burnt Oak hold a lunch in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. We are looking for more volunteers to help serve the lunch. If you can help, perhaps every second week, please speak to Fr Colin.

2018 Weddings

If you are planning to get married this year and have not done so already, please get in touch with Fr Colin at least six months before the date of the wedding.

Candlemas Day

On Friday we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, Candlemas Day. Mass is at 9am and it will start in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre with the blessing of candles followed by a procession to the church.

Lately Dead

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Brian Rush of Appletree Court whose cremation takes place on Tuesday.

The funeral Mass for Catherine Clancy (nee Doyle) formerly of this parish takes place at Sacred Heart, Mill Hill at 1pm on Friday 2nd February.

SPEC Volunteers

SPEC are looking for young people enthusiastic about their faith and willing to share it with others, to spend a year living in community with other people their age; in return they receive formation in the faith, training in youth work, experience living in community. For information:

email or call 0203 757 2503.

Northern Star Travel

Northern Star Travel have seats available for the following Special Pilgrimages to medjugorje by air 1st to 5th May 2018 cost £399.00 per person sharing and £450.00 single room, Lourdes by air 23rd to 27th July, cost £550.00 per person sharing £640.00 single room. For booking contact C E Roberts 0208 205 9155 or mobile 07814614749.

Our Lady of Lourdes Mass

The annual Mass in honour of Our Lady of Lourdes will take place in Westminster Cathedral on Saturday 10th February at 2pm. The Sacrament of the Sick will be administered during the Mass by bishops and priests. If you are attending in a wheelchair, please let Fr Colin know so that a place can be reserved in the Cathedral.

Parish Annual General Meeting

Everyone is invited to the Parish Annual General Meeting on Sunday 11th February at 2pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. We will review what has happened during the last year, plan ahead for 2018 and elect a new Parish Council. If you would like to nominate somebody for the Parish Council, please give their name to Fr Colin by 4th February.

The A.G.M will be preceded by a shared lunch at 1.15pm to which you are invited to bring along a dish of food. We will provide the drink.

Everyone is invited to either or both of these events which take place on the final Sunday before the beginning of Lent.


Two lads, Jack and Paul, lived in a small village in a remote part of the country. As they had never left the village, Paul said lets go up to London. They were amazed at all the shops and all the people. Going down a little side street, they saw a sign on a shop window saying, ’Suits £5, Jackets £3 Trousers £2’. Jack said “That’s great, we can buy some and take them home and sell them for a profit”. So they went into the shop and ordered 10 suits, 5 jackets, and 5 pairs of trousers. The man in the shop looked at them and said “You’re not from these parts. This is a dry cleaners !

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