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  • RCDOW Burnt Oak

TakeHomeNews 2nd Sunday of Lent

2nd Sunday of Lent

One of the Gospel accounts of the Transfiguration is used each year on this second Sunday of Lent. Just as the Transfiguration gives Peter, James and John a vision to endorse their faith in Jesus, so for us in these early days of Lent it provides us with a scene which directs our minds towards the Resurrection. Like the apostles, we should respond to that voice from heaven which said; ‘ This is my Son, the Beloved. Listen to him.’

CAFOD Family Fast Day

Please return the envelope in the second collection today, or make a contribution to help feed the millions of children around the world suffering from malnutrition. Our prayers and donation will ensure more of God’s children have enough good food. This Lent, our donations will make double the difference. For every pound we donate to CAFOD, the UK Government will also donate a pound up to a total of £5 million meaning twice the number of lives can be transformed. Twice the number of children can have the opportunity to grow up healthy and strong.

Planned Giving Campaign

This weekend we launch our Stewardship renewal. Over the coming weeks we ask all parishioners to prayerfully reflect on their commitment to our parish. As a parish and as individuals, we have been blessed with many, varied gifts. Biblical Stewardship calls us to share our gifts of time, talent and financial blessings with our parish community and our world. These gifts come from God, so let us strive to return a sacrificial, not token, portion to Him.

Today, please take an appeal newsletter. We shall be hearing more about stewardship and the needs of our parish over the coming weeks. Please give prayerful consideration to this appeal. If you have any questions, there will be volunteers available after Mass today. Thank you.

Cardinal’s Lenten Appeal

Please take an envelope from the back of the church which explains the Cardinal’s Lenten Appeal. Money raised supports innovative programmes in Family Life, Youth and Civic Society. The funds allow the Church to have a renewed impact in these areas. The envelopes can be returned into the Lenten Alms Box by Our Lady’s altar or in the collection basket. Thank you.

Annual Mass for Bereaved Parents

The annual Mass for bereaved parents takes place on Saturday 10th March at 2.30pm in Westminster Cathedral. Parents will be invited to write the names of their deceased children on a card which will be taken up with the offertory. All are welcome.

Thanks From SPUC

The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children has written to thank us for our donations to the White Flower Appeal on 14th January. These amounted to £266.85.

We Adore You O Christ

Copies of the Lenten discussion booklet “We Adore You O Christ and We Praise You” are available in the porch price £2. they can be used individually or you can join one of the discussion groups:

Sheelagh Benson 0208 952 0016

Vince Randall 0208 952 6994

Stations Of The Cross

On Friday Stations of the Cross takes place here at The Annunciation at 7pm.

Lately Dead

Please pray for the repose of the souls of Patrick Maher of Oakleigh Ave whose funeral has already taken place and of Rita Buttigieg of Sunnyfields whose burial takes place on Saturday.

Baptism Preparation

The next session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised will be on Sunday 18th March at 4pm in the Dominic Room.

New Parish Council

At the Parish Annual General Meeting on 11th February, the following were elected to serve on the Parish Council:







They will join:







In addition,

LORIE SALAZAR has been co-opted onto the Parish Council The new Parish Council will meet on Thursday 15th March at 7.45pm in the Presbytery.

Christmas Mass Times

One of the topics that was discussed at the Parish Annual General Meeting was the timing of the Night Mass on Christmas Eve. Strong arguments were put for having the Mass at Midnight and the alternative of an earlier time at 10pm, as we did in 2017. The fairest way to solve the dilemma is to alternate each year. So this year and in 2020 and 2022, Mass will be at Midnight. In 2019 and 2021 the Mass will be at 10pm. I leave it to my successor to decide what to do in 2023.

A Day With The Lord

We will be having Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Friday 16th March starting after the 9am Mass and concluding with Benediction at 6.30pm. Please sign up for a half-hour slot on the sheet at the back of the church.

Parish Accounts

Copies of the Parish Accounts for 2017 are available in the porch. Please take a copy. They give a comparison with 2016 and were presented and explained at the recent Parish Annual General Meeting. If you have any questions, please ask Fr Colin or one of the Finance Committee who will be on hand after Masses next weekend.

St Rose’s Chapel

St. Rose’s Chapel. 160, Anson Road, Cricklewood, NW2 6BH “Stay here and keep watch with me.” Luke 39.Please come to a Lenten Day of Prayer and Reflection on Saturday 3rd March from 10.30 – 3.00pm: This will be led by Sister Mary Henry OP and Sister Avril OP. Soup, coffee and tea provided.

Cardinal’s Mass of Thanksgiving for the Sacrament of Matrimony

The Cardinal will be inviting to Westminster Cathedral, Saturday 19th May at 3pm, all couples in the Diocese who are celebrating their 5th 10th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th and 60th (and every year over 60) wedding anniversary of Catholic marriage in 2018. If you are celebrating an anniversary, please give your parish clergy the following details: husband and wife’s names, wedding date, full postal address and email (or telephone number, if no email). Closing date is Sunday 18th March.


Some people didn’t ‘get’ the last joke. ‘A young lad got a job and told his sister he must be at work at nine o’clock. He then thought she said you had better get a potato clock. What she really said was ‘you had better get up at 8 o’clock!!

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