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TakeHomeNews - 5th Sunday of Lent

RCDOW Burnt Oak

5th Sunday of Lent

In today’s Gospel Jesus reveals that the hour has come, the time for him to offer up his life for us. As we enter the Season of Passiontide, we focus on Jesus’ journey to Calvary and the Cross. We remind ourselves that ‘Passion’ means intense love. So, during Passiontide, we respond to Jesus’ intense love for us by being with him, following him through the Stations of the Cross and sharing his great love for us with others.

During Passiontide, the statues in the church are covered and there are no votive candles.

Planned Giving Campaign

Thank you for taking part in our Planned Giving Appeal last weekend. If you asked for a set of weekly offertory envelopes, you will find them on the table at the back of the church. There are also new sets of envelopes for those who have been using them before, unless you have transferred to donating by standing order. Please do not start using these envelopes until the weekend of 8th April.

If you missed filling in a form last weekend and would like a box of donation envelopes or to donate to the parish by standing order (bankers order) or wish to Gift Aid, please take a leaflet marked ‘My Parish Commitment’, complete it and put it through the presbytery letter box. Also, if you would like to volunteer to help in any way, please complete a sheet headed ‘Sharing my time and talents.’

Again, thank you for all you do for the parish.

Clocks Going Forward

Clocks should be put forward one hour next Saturday night. Summer time is beginning!

Arrangements for Palm Sunday

Next weekend is Palm Sunday. Masses (except Saturday at 6.30pm) will start from the Canon Smyth Parish Centre with the blessing of palms. We will then process to the church. Please wave your palm in the procession, recalling the greeting that Jesus received when he made his triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Please do not park any cars to obstruct the procession. Once in the church, we will have the Passion according to St. Mark. We invite you to take part by reading the words of the crowd, marked ‘C’ in the booklets.

Stations Of The Cross

Stations of the Cross on Friday will take place at St Alphage Church in Montrose Ave at 7pm.

Choir Rehearsal

There will be choir practice for Holy Week on Wednesday 28th March at 7.30pm in the church.

Holy Week Arrangements

If you did not do so last week, please take a blue card giving the times of the services for Holy Week. There will be a Reconciliation Service on Monday 26th March at 7.30pm, when several priests will be available for confession.

Children are invited to take part in the Children’s Stations of the Cross on Good Friday at 11.30am, either acting or reading. Those interested are asked please to gather in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre after the 10.30 Mass today. There will be a rehearsal on Maundy Thursday (29th March) from 2.30 to 4pm and again on Good Friday itself at 10am. This will all take place in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre.

Recommissioning of Eucharistic Ministers

At the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Maundy Thursday 29th March, after the commissioning of new Eucharistic Ministers, we invite current Eucharistic Ministers to be recommissioned. If you cannot be present please see Fr Colin for a private recommissioning.

Confirmation Programme

There will be a session for Confirmation candidates on Wednesday at 7pm.

First Communion Programme

The First Communion children will be taking part in a Celebration Mass at 10.30 this morning.

Baptism Preparation

This afternoon there will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised at 4pm in the Dominic Room.

Cardinal’s Lenten Appeal

Donations for this, can be put in the Lenten Alms Box by Our Lady’s Altar. There are envelopes available for this at the back of the church.

Feast Of The Annunciation

As 25th March falls on Palm Sunday this year, our Parish Feast Day has been transferred to Monday 9th April, when Masses will be at 7.30am and 7.30pm. There will be a reception in the Parish Centre after 7.30pm Mass, to which you are invited to bring along a dish of food.

Altar Servers Rehearsals

Saturday 24th March 11am

(for Holy Week)

Wednesday 28th March 4.30pm

(for Maundy Thursday)

Friday 30th March 12.15pm

(For Good Friday)

Saturday 31st March 11am

(For Easter Vigil)

Good Neighbour Scheme For Mill Hill & Burnt Oak


“The Italian Job”

Wednesday 21th March. Doors open 2pm, film commences 2.15pm at

Trinity Church Mill Hill Broadway Light refreshments served at the end.

Donations welcome.

World Meeting of Families

The next World Meeting of Families with Pope Francis takes place in Dublin from 21st – 26th August. This gathering brings together couples, families and individuals from all over the world to celebrate, pray, and reflect on the joys and challenges of marriage and family life. To find out about joining our Westminster Diocesan Group please email, and to visit the World Meeting of Families website just type in


When Noah lowered the ramp of the Ark for all of the animals to leave, he told them “Go forth and multiply.” All the animals left except for two snakes who lay quietly in the corner of the Ark. “Why will you not go forth and multiply.” All the animals left except for two snakes who lay quietly in the corner of the Ark. “Why will you not go forth and multiply?” demanded Noah. “We can’t said the snakes, “We’re adders.”


A man went to a store to buy a chimney. “How much is this one?” he asked. The sales assistant replied: “Oh, it’s on the house.”


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