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  • RCDOW Burnt Oak

TakeHomeNews - Fifth Sunday of Easter

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Jesus tells his disciples ‘I am the vine. You are the branches.’ In this imagery, we are given a beautiful depiction of the intimate relationship between the Father (the vinedresser), Jesus and his followers. It illustrates our dependence on Jesus who nourishes us so that much fruit is borne from the vine as a whole. What nourishes us as the branches is the word of God. So if we listen and follow God’s word, our branch will flourish and will also help the other branches on the vine to flourish.

Priest Training Fund

Many thanks for your generosity to the Priest Training Fund collection last weekend. The amount collected was £637.98. Envelopes are still available at the back of the church if you would like to make a donation.

Welcome to Mgr. Turner

We welcome Mgr. Harry Turner to the parish this weekend. He will be celebrating the Masses while Fr Colin is at Allen Hall for the Priests’ Selection Conference.

Lately Dead

Please pray for the soul of MICHAEL CASSIDY whose funeral will be on Tuesday at 11.30am. His body will be brought to the church at 6pm on Monday.

Also please pray for THOMAS O’NEILL of Devonshire Road whose funeral has already taken place.

Let it Be

‘Let it be done unto me according to your word.’ These are the words of Mary at the time of the Annunciation. CAFÉ have produced an inspiring new film on the life of Mary past and present. On Monday 14th May between 7.30 and 9pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre, there will be an opportunity to explore this new resource, with the possibility of discovering more in the following weeks. To register and for more information, please email Warren Brown at Telephone contact is 0207798 9152.

First Communion Programme

We pray for the first group of children who will be receiving their First Holy Communion at the 10.30 Mass next Sunday. Please be aware that the church will be particularly full and regular attenders at this Mass may prefer to attend one of the other Masses these three weekends. There will be a rehearsal for the 6th May First Communion children this Friday at 6pm in the church.

Slaves On Our Doorsteps Tuesday 1st May 2018

Join us for an evening of practical advice on combatting human trafficking and modern slavery in your community. Speakers will include: Bishop Paul McAleenan, Mick Duthie from the Santa Marta Group, the Hertfordshire Constabulary, the Shiva Foundation and Caritas Westminster. The event will be held on Tuesday 1st May, 7-9pm, at Our Lady Immaculate and St Andrew’s Hall, Hitchin, SG5 1QS. Tea and coffee will be available from 6.30pm. Please RSVP to, or call on 0207 931 6077.

Alternatively, you can confirm your attendance by going onto the Eventbrite page for the event

Baptism Preparation

There will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised at 4pm in the Dominic Room next Sunday. Application forms are available in the sacristy.

Confirmation Programme

There will be a meeting for parents of confirmation candidates at 7.30pm on Wednesday in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre.

Ascension Day

Starting this year, Ascension Day will now be celebrated on the 6th Thursday of Easter, 40 days after the Resurrection, not on the 7th Sunday of Easter as has been the case over the last few years. This means that 10th May is a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses will be at 9am and 7.30pm in the church, at 11am in the Infants School next door, and at 2pm in the Annunciation Junior School. The next Holy Day of obligation after this will be Saint Peter and St Paul on Friday 29th June.

Local Elections

The Canon Smyth Parish Centre will be used as a Polling Station for the local elections which take place on Thursday. The Good Neighbour Scheme lunch will therefore take place in the Dominic Room and there will be no Youth Club that evening.


I was sent these errors made by parish typists, but I assure you none could have possibly come from Burt Oak!

Pot Luck Supper on Sunday at 5pm. Prayer and medication to follow.>> The ladies of the church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.>> Ladies, don’t forget the rummage sale. It’s a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands.


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