Trinity Sunday (27th May)
Having celebrated the Feast of the Holy Spirit last Sunday, today we reflect on the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, three persons and yet one God. Jesus had explained his relationship with the Father and promised to send the Holy Spirit. As he was about to ascend to heaven, Jesus left his disciples the instruction to go out and make disciples of all nations and to baptise them in the name of the Trinity. So, when we were baptised we not only took on the name of Christ, but we were brought into a deep relationship with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
Corpus Christi (3rd June)
Before we return to the Sundays of Ordinary Time, we devote a Sunday to celebrate the great gift of the Eucharist that God has left us, the Body and Blood of Christ. We give thanks to God for his presence amongst us through the Eucharist. Coming into a church is not like coming into any other buildings. We come into the Real Presence of Jesus, present in the form of bread in the tabernacle. And at Mass we receive his Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity to enable us to become more like Him.
Day of Exposition
We will be having a Day of Exposition on Friday 1st June as we approach the Feast of Corpus Christi. Each parish has been encouraged to have an extended period of Exposition to pray and prepare for the success of the National Eucharistic Congress which takes place between 7th and 9th September. We will be sending 5 delegates to the Congress and they will be commissioned during Masses on 3rd June. For Friday’s Exposition, please sign up for a half - hour watching slot on the sheet on the table at the back of the church.
Meeting for Readers
There will be a meeting for those who read at Mass at 7.30pm on Thursday 21st June in the Church.
Meeting for Eucharistic Ministers
There will be a meeting for Eucharistic Ministers on Thursday 14th June at 7.30pm in the Church.
Baptism Preparation
The next session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised will be on Sunday 24th June at 4pm in the Dominic Room.
Thanksgiving Mass
There is an extra Mass this Sunday (27th May) at 3pm. It is a Thanksgiving Mass for all the children who received First Holy Communion over the last three weeks. The children are invited to come in their First Communion clothes. The Mass will be followed by a party in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre for the children and their families.
International Mass
Our annual International Mass will take place at 12 Noon on Sunday 15th July. Those who would like to do a reading or a Bidding Prayer in a different language are asked please to contact Fr Colin. If there is a group who would like to lead a hymn or song also please let Fr Colin know. The Mass will be followed by a barbecue and other foods for which we invite you to bring along an inter-
national dish. We will provide the drink.
Sacrament of Sick
The Sacrament of the Sick will be administered during the 7.30pm Mass on Friday 29th June, the Feast of St Peter and St Paul. This will be the next Holy Day of Obligation.
Lately Dead
Please pray for Fred Danquah whose funeral Mass will be on Tuesday at 11am and Trevor Wilson whose funeral will be on Wednesday 6th June at 12 noon.
Deacon Ronnie
Deacon Ronnie will be moving to another parish in the next few months to continue his diaconate ministry. We are very grateful for his ministry in this parish.
Come & See
Do you know of anyone who is thinking of becoming a Catholic. If so, bring them along to the Canon Smyth Parish Centre (stage area) on Wednesday 20th June at 8pm to find out about the process. The sessions will be starting in the autumn.
Quiz Night
The Summer edition of Four:12's Family Quiz Night will be on Friday 15th of June 2018 in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. Doors open at 7pm. £6/adult & £3/child (under 16). Book your places after weekend masses or email Fish and chips will be served.
Let it Be
This is a series of five videos on Our Lady produced by CaFÉ which will be shown in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre between 7.45 and 9pm on five successive Tuesdays starting on Tuesday 12th June. Refreshments will be available from 7.30pm. It will follow the Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help at 7pm in the church.
This newsletter covers two weeks. The next Takehomenews will be on 10th June.
My friend was working as an attendant in Canterbury Cathedral when one afternoon he was approached by two American tourists. “Are you a monk” one of them asked eagerly. “No” he replied “I wear this robe as part of my job, but I’m not a member of any religious order.” “Then where are the monks?” asked the woman looking around. My friend explained “Oh, there haven’t been any monks here since 1415.” Hearing this, the woman looked at her watch and announced to her friend, “Betty, we missed the monks.”