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TakeHomeNews - 16th Sunday of the Year

RCDOW Burnt Oak

16th Sunday of Year B

This Sunday is like an appendage to Good Shepherd Sunday, which we celebrate on the 4th Sunday of Easter. In fact the first reading refers to the ‘bad shepherds’, those who allow their flock to be scattered. Jeremiah insists that those charged with being shepherds keep the well-being of their charges as their priority. Jeremiah tells his leavers that the Lord himself will be their shepherd. And we see Jesus in his role of shepherd in today’s Gospel. The people were in desperate need of Jesus, seeking him out when He and His apostles went to a quiet place to be by themselves. It reminds us that we need Jesus at all times. We seek him out in prayer and he comes to our aid as the Good Shepherd.

Art Exhibition

There will be an art exhibition in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre, next weekend. The times of viewing are from 4 to 8pm on Saturday, and from 9.30am to 6pm on Sunday. The paintings are by local artist, Jean Boulton, and her late sister, Ingrid Fernando. Some of the paintings are for sale at affordable prices. There will also be a raffle as there are five paintings to be won, 10% of profits will be sent to the Westminster Sick and Retired Priests Fund. You are invited to go in and have a look, including before and after Masses next weekend.

First Communions in 2019

If your child is starting in Year 3 or above in September and would like to receive First Holy Communion next year, please take an application form from the porch and return it to the presbytery by 16th September at the latest. Application forms cannot be accepted after this date.

There will be an Introductory Meeting for Parents on Tuesday 25th September at 7.45pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre and they will have a further 7 sessions over the subsequent months. The First Communion will take place over three Sundays in May 2019.

Parish Council

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on Thursday 13th September at 7.45pm in the presbytery.

90th Anniversary of Parish

On 15th December 1928, the Annunciation was completed and was solemnly blessed by Fr Goggin, the Area Dean. It was used for the first time the next day.

To commemorate this anniversary, we are having a special Mass on Sunday 25th November at 12 Noon. This will be followed by a reception in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. We hope to produce a slide show with photographs from the past. If you have any yourself and are prepared to lend them to us, please let Fr Colin know. We also intend to produce a 90th anniversary booklet, with memories of parishioners. If you would like to write a small piece for this booklet, please let Fr Colin know. They can be memories of the distant past or more recent memories. Thank you.

RCIA Sessions

Sessions for those adults who are considering baptism, reception, into the church or confirmation start on Tuesday 9th October at 8pm, upstairs in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process whereby adults journey in the faith towards receiving the Sacraments and become full members of the Catholic Church. Please let those interested know about this, or you may like to introduce them to Fr Colin.

Baptism Preparation

The next session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised will be on Sunday 16th September at 4pm in the Dominic Room. Application forms can be collected from the sacristy.

Older Children For Baptism

Classes will be starting in the autumn for children aged 7 or over who wish to be baptised. They will take place on Saturday mornings at 11am. The start date will be announced. Please let Fr Colin know if you have an older child for baptism.

Novena & Holy Hour

The Tuesday Novena is now taking a break and will resume on 11th September at 7pm. The Wednesday Holy Hour resumes on 12th September at 9.30am.


Next weekend’s newsletter will be the final one before the summer break. Takehomenews will resume on 9th September.

Finance Committee

The next meeting of the Finance Committee will be on Thursday 6th September at 7.30pm in the Dominic Room.

St James’ Catholic High School Open Evening

Prospective parents and students are invited to view the school on Wednesday 19 September 2018 between 5:30pm – 8pm (final admission at 7:30pm). There will be a talk by the Head teacher in the Hall at 6pm and again at 7pm. Parking on-site will be available. Open mornings will also take place by appointment, during the week commencing Monday 8 October between 9:30am and 10:30am. Parents are welcome to come and view the school at work, to meet students and senior staff. Please contact the school on 020 8358 2800 for further details or email

Disability Access

There is a disability access to the church, using the slope to the left of the steps at the entrance to the church. Similarly, there is also a disability access to the Canon Smyth Parish Centre.

Loop System

If you are hard of hearing and have a hearing aid you can turn it to T and the microphone will come through our loop system. If it does not work, please let us know as it may be something wrong with our system.

A Message From Harrow Mencap

The kindness you showed to all our people from Harrow Mencap over this weekend was amazing. Everybody so enjoyed being with you at The Annunciation Church, and what a lovely celebration International lunch. It was good that the local MP and Cllr were able to engage with everybody too. It be lovely to share similar celebrations next year . I am thrilled to tell you that the weekend raised £362.20 for Harrow Mencap Connecting Communities.


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