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Takehomenews -24th Sunday of the year

RCDOW Burnt Oak

24th Sunday of Year B

In today’s Gospel the Lord reveals to his disciples that he is going to suffer, to be rejected by the authorities, to be put to death and then to rise again. This came as quite a shock to the apostles. Peter, seeing himself as the spokesman for the others, remonstrated with Jesus over this announcement. Jesus then goes on to explain that each of us needs to take up a cross to be a true disciple. Eternal life was much more important than life on earth.

Home Mission Sunday

In today’s Gospel Jesus presents us, as disciples, with a challenging question, ‘Who do you say I am? For some the most challenging element of this question is about whether we talk about him at all. Today on Home Mission Sunday we have been praying for the spread of the Gospel and in the second collection will have the opportunity to support it financially by giving what we can. The money you give to this collection does not go abroad but is used to help Catholics in England and Wales become more confident in sharing their faith.

For more information about the Home Mission Office please visit

RCIA Sessions

As a result of Home Mission Sunday or otherwise; there may be some who are interested in becoming Catholics. Sessions for those adults who are considering baptism, reception into the church or confirmation start on Tuesday 9th October at 8.00pm, upstairs in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process whereby adults journey in the faith towards receiving the Sacraments and become full members of the Catholic Church. Please let those interested know about this, or you may like to introduce them to Fr. Colin.

Baptism Preparation

Parents who wish to have their baby baptised are invited to a preparation session today (Sunday) at 4.00pm in the Dominic Room, downstairs in the Canon Smyth Centre.

Victor Braglia Rip

The Braglia family would like to thank everybody for your prayers and kind words at the loss of Victor at this difficult time.

Joan O’Sullivan Rip

The funeral mass for Joan O’Sullivan, mother of Carol Minihan, Head Teacher of the Annunciation Junior School will be on Wednesday at 11.00am. This will be in addition to the 9.00am Mass that day. Her body will be brought to the church at 6.00pm on Tuesday

Mission Sisters Appeal

Sister Teresa of the Franciscans Missionaries of St Jospeh has written to thank everybody for their generosity in her appeal two weeks ago. She says how good it was to meet everyone . The excellent sum of £1028.40 was raised.

47th London Ballycroy Reunion

The longest running Irish association will be having a dance with jiving competition at: The Mazenod Social Club, Quex Road, Kilburn, NW6. on Saturday 13 October 2018. Dancing 8 till late, music by Seamus Moore and his band alongside Slim Attraction. Tickets are £10.00 and limited by capacity, pre-buy from: Martin Campbell 07803231668, Brid Howard 07852167318. Get your dancing shoes on all welcome.

Secondary School Transfer

Fr. Colin will be available to sign secondary school application forms for those who attend Mass here regularly at the following times in the Canon Smyth Centre:

Tuesday 25th September 4-5pm

Wednesday 03rd October 4-5pm

Saturday 13 October 12-1pm

Thursday 18 October 4-5pm

St James’ Catholic High School Open Evening

Prospective parents and students are invited to view the school on Wednesday 19 September 2018 between 5:30—8:00pm (final admission at 7:30pm). There will be a talk by the Head teacher in the Hall at 6:00pm and again at 7:00pm. Parking on-site will be available. Open mornings will also take place by appointment, during the week commencing Monday 8 October between 9:30am and 10:30am. Parents are welcome to come and view the school at work, to meet students and senior staff. Please contact the school on 020 8358 2800 for further details or email:

New Stained – glass Window

You may have noticed a new stained-glass window of St James on the right-hand side as you enter the church, It has been given by the Bourke Family. It will be blessed at the end of the 9:00 Mass on Sunday 23rd September

Lately Dead

Please pray for the repose of the souls of JOAN O’SULLIVAN Mother of Carol Minihan, Head teacher of Annunciation Junior School and


CAFOD speaker from Zambia Wednesday 19th Sept 2.30pm, Oakwood North London

CAFOD will be hosting a supporter’s information afternoon with a special guest speaker, Sr Clara, who has first-hand experience of delivering our work in Zambia.

Listen to the inspiring Sr Clara explain, how CAFOD is helping communities, thanks to your support. The meeting will take place form 2.30—4.40pm at CAFOD’s volunteer centre, 1st floor, Catholic Church of Christ the King, 29 Bramley Road, London N14 4HE

Bookings taken on 020 8449 6970 or email : westminster

First Communion in 2019

Today (Sunday) is the final day for returning application forms for your child to be included in the First Communion Programme. They should be in Year 3 or above. Application forms cannot be accepted after today.

There will be an introductory Meeting for Parents on Tuesday 25th September at 7:45pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre and they will have a further 7 sessions over subsequent months. The first session for the children will be on Sunday 7th October at 9:15am, the first of 7 sessions. The First Communions will take place over three Sundays in May 2019.

Counting Heads

Starting next weekend and for the following three weekends in October, we will be counting heads at Masses. Many thanks to those who help us in this.

Banning Pro-Life Vigils

SPUC is urging people to send a postcard to the Home Secretary urging him not to recommend or promote legislation to outlaw peaceful pro-life vigils, which have helped many women to choose life for their unborn baby. The freedom to oppose abortion and offer help in public places is at risk. Postcards are available at the back of the church.

Older Children for Baptism

Children aged 7 or over who wish to be baptised are invited to join classes on Saturday mornings at 11:00am in the Dominic Room, starting on 6th October.

90th Anniversary of Parish

On 15 December 1928, the Annunciation was completed and was solemnly blessed by Fr. Goggin, the Area Dean. It was used for the first time the next day.

To commemorate this anniversary, we are having a special Mass on Sunday 25th November at 12:00 noon. This will be followed by a reception in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. We hope to produce a slide show with photographs from the past. If you have any photos yourself and are prepared to lend them to us, please let Fr. Colin know. They can be memories of the distant past or more recent memories. Thank you.


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