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RCDOW Burnt Oak

3rd Sunday of Advent

‘Rejoice in the Lord always’ goes the Entrance Antiphon in today’s Mass, Our Advent journey takes a step upwards today— a feeling of rejoicing that the coming of the Lord is nearer, an expectancy, an excitement. John the Baptist was the one who built up the initial excitement, preaching about repentance and God’s mercy. John the Baptist produced a code of conduct which would be endorsed and supplemented by Jesus when he started teaching and preaching.

Advent Litany

Lord Jesus you are the light of the world COME LORD JESUS

You are the light in our darkness COME LORD JESUS

Son of God, save us from our sins COME LORD JESUS

Bring hope into the lives of all people COME LORD JESUS

Give your peace to all nations COME LORD JESUS

Be the joy of all who love you COME LORD JESUS

Bless us as we gather here in your name COME LORD JESUS

Lord Jesus, stay with us. COME LORD JESUS

Advent Reconciliation Service

On Wednesday we have our Advent Reconciliation Service at 7.30pm. There will be several priests here to help with confessions.

Christmas Arrangements

Please take a card giving all the arrangements for services over the Christmas period. Please note this year there will be Mass at Midnight, both for Christmas and to see in the New Year. The card is also my Christmas card to you.

Christmas Posters

The Knights of St Columba have produced some colourful posters with the words ‘Keep Christ in Christmas’. Please take one and put it up in your window.

Carol Singing

Next Sunday we will be having carol singing around the streets together with the St Alphage congregation. Please gather in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre at 6.30pm. Please bring your Santa hat if you have one. We will return to the Parish Centre for warm refreshments.

Four: 12

We thank Four: 12 for providing us with an excellent Winter Wonderland evening last weekend. Their hard work on planning, decorating, shopping, cooking serving, washing up and tidying up was very much appreciated. We can truly be proud of the young people of our parish.

Four: 12 will be at it again today when they prepare the lunch for the senior citizens.


Next week’s newsletter will cover two weeks.


Christmas gifts, cards, and nativity sets are now on sale in the Repository.

Baptism Preparation

The next session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised will be on Sunday 20th January at 4pm in the Dominic Room.

Nativity Presentation

Children are invited to take part in a presentation of the Nativity at 6.30pm Mass on Christmas Eve, either acting, or reading. If you are interested please gather in the church after the 10.30 Mass today.

Mass at Appletree Court

There will be a Mass in Appletree Court on Wednesday at 11am.

Confirmation 2019

Today is the final day for submitting application forms for those who wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation next year. Candidates should be in Year 10 or above. There will be a session for parents in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre on Wednesday 30th January at 7.30pm. The first session for the candidates will be on Wednesday 6th February at 7pm. Bishop John Sherrington will be here to confirm the candidates on Friday 7th June at 7pm.

Good Neighbour Scheme

The Annual General Meeting of the Good Neighbour Scheme for Mill Hill and Burnt Oak will take place in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre on Monday 14th January at 7.30pm. Everybody Welcome.

Four:12 – Westminster Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage

Friday 19th – Friday 26th July 2019, £630 per volunteer

A reminder that all booking forms and deposits for the pilgrimage must be returned by Sunday 23rd December. If anyone else would like to find out more or obtain a booking form, please email or call Frances on 07732 392 749.

Signing School Forms

Fr Colin’s next signing session for school forms will be on Saturday 5th January between 12 Noon and in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre.

Christmas Flowers

There will be a second collection at Masses today to help finance the Christmas flowers and decorations.

Christmas Greeting from Fr Jozef Ubranic

I love, all of you, Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year—I keep you faithfully in my prayers and remember you at Mass, Many thanks for your Christian generosity towards me. My Annunciation memories are simply magnificent—spiritually uplifting. Yours in Our Lord’s Love and Mercy, Jozef .

Westminster Year Book 2019

The 2019 edition of the Westminster Year Book is available in the porch, price £4.50. It gives useful information about parishes, priests and deacons, schools, organisations and hospitals in the Westminster Diocese. It also includes a liturgical calendar and other useful information.

Church Etiquette

We welcome everyone, adults and children and babies to the Annunciation Church. In order for everyone’s attendance at Mass or visit to the church to be comfortable and spiritual, we are making the following requests:

Please switch off or turn to silent mobile phones and other electronic devices.

Please arrive at Mass on time to avoid distractions to those already there.

Please keep aisles clear. This is particularly important for the opening and closing procession, for the communion procession and for any emergency evacuation. Pushchairs should be parked on the left side of the church under the arches or in the space by the middle statues.

At Sunday Masses, please wait to be directed to come forward for Holy Communion.

When receiving Holy Communion, please consume the host in sight of the priest or minister. The Bishops of England and Wales do not allow intinction, dipping host in chalice.

If it is necessary to use the toilet during Sunday Masses, please go out of the church and use the ones in the Parish Centre, for which the door will be unlocked. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Please do not use the sacristy toilet while Mass is in progress.

Males are asked to remove any headgear when entering the church.

Please do not consume any food, drink or chewing gum in the church.

Please maintain silence in the church to enable others to pray.

The Sanctuary must be treated with the utmost respect at all times and no person should enter this space unless they have good reason to do so.

Please take a Takehomenews home with you. Apart from the 12 noon Mass, please leave Mass leaflets in the basket for the next congregation.

Unaccompanied children should not approach candle stands at any time.

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