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RCDOW Burnt Oak

4th Sunday of Advent

The final Sunday of Advent each year is the only one on which the Gospel explicitly refers to the birth of the one whose birth we celebrate at Christmas. Today, that proclamation takes place in the context of the famous meeting between Mary and her older relative Elizabeth. At the visitation, the child in Elizabeth’s womb leapt for joy. It was an indication of the significance of the feast that we are about to celebrate and also that John the Baptist would be an important character in spreading the news that the Messiah had arrived.

Advent Litany

Lord Jesus you are the light of the world COME LORD JESUS

You are the light in our darkness COME LORD JESUS

Son of God, save us from our sins COME LORD JESUS

Bring hope into the lives of all people COME LORD JESUS

Give your peace to all nations COME LORD JESUS

Be the joy of all who love you COME LORD JESUS

Bless us as we gather here in your name COME LORD JESUS

Lord Jesus, stay with us. COME LORD JESUS


We celebrate the Birth of the Saviour of the World, the one who brings peace, love and joy to the whole world. We should reflect on Jesus’ humble beginnings in this world and how that poverty has brought us richness. We should reflect on how the world of today needs Jesus just as much as those at the time of his birth, We can reflect on the fact that Jesus became one like us to show us how we can become like him. Our task for the coming year is to become more like Jesus.

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph (30th December)

We celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family on the Sunday after Christmas. The Gospel moves us forward 12 years to the time when Jesus is found in the Temple, listening to the learned, asking them questions and making intelligent replies. This was an early indication that Jesus was no ordinary child and yet his parents were so worried when they could not find him. On this feast day, we pray for all families that each member may bring a richness to enhance each other, modelling themselves on the Holy Family.

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (1st January)

We start the New Year with a feast day of Our Lady, celebrating her Motherhood. We read in the Gospel how Mary treasured all that had happened in Bethlehem and pondered them in her heart. We remember all mothers in the vital role they play in the lives of their children and that they have every reason to praise God, as did Mary.


This newsletter covers 2 weeks. The next Takehomenews will be on 6th January.

Fr Colin would like to wish everyone a very Happy and Holy Christmas and every blessing for the New Year. Many thanks for the cards and gifts you have already given me.

Baptism Preparation

The next session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised will be on Sunday 20th January at 4pm in the Dominic Room.

Good Neighbour Scheme

The Annual General Meeting of the Good Neighbour Scheme for Mill Hill and Burnt Oak will take place in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre on Monday 14th January at 7.30pm. Everybody Welcome.

Signing School Forms

Fr Colin’s next signing session for school forms will be on Saturday 5th January between 12 Noon and in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre.

Westminster Year Book 2019

Where has Fr. Derek moved to? Is Fr Carlos still the youngest priest in the diocese? What is the contact number for Barnet Hospital Chaplain? Where are the Catholic Schools if I move to Hertfordshire and where are the churches? These and thousands more questions can be answered in the new Westminster Year Book, available in the porch, price £4.50.

Carol Singing

There will be carol singing around the streets this evening (Sunday 23rd Dec), gathering in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre at 6.30pm and returning for warm refreshments afterwards.

Christmas Arrangements

If you have not already done so, please take a card giving all the arrangements over the Christmas period. Please note that this year there will be Mass at Midnight, both for Christmas and to see in the New Year.

Novena & Holy Hour

The Tuesday Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help resumes on the 8th January at and Wednesday Holy Hour on 9th January at 9.30am.

Crib Appeal

This year our Crib Offering will be donated to the Catholic Children's Society to support their work with disadvantaged children and families. This will provide mental health services, family support and emergency grants for vulnerable children in our diocese.

St Stephen’s Day

Mass on Wednesday 26th December will be at 10.30am when Marcellina and Charles Onuma will be celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary. During Mass, there will also be the enrolment of altar servers into the Guild of St Stephen.

No Friday Abstinence

There is no need to abstain from meat on Friday 28 December as we are within the Christmas Octave.

Supply Priests

I will be away from Wednesday 26th to Saturday 29th December. Mgr. Vladimir Felzmann will be celebrating the 10am Masses on the Thursday and Friday, and Fr Tony Pellegrini on the Saturday.

Uganda Collection

On the weekend of 5th/6th January there will be an appeal by a group called’ Empowering Vulnerable Children in Uganda’.

Four:12 – Westminster Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage

Friday 19th – Friday 26th July 2019, £630 per volunteer

A reminder that all booking forms and deposits for the pilgrimage must be returned by today (Sunday). Any queries, please email or call Frances on 07732 392 749.

Wedding bells!

Frances O’Neill and John Doyle extend an invitation to any parishioners who wish to do so to join them for their marriage ceremony, which will take place in the church on Friday 4th January 2019 at 2pm. Those attending are asked to please be seated by 1.45pm at the latest.

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