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RCDOW Burnt Oak

16th Sunday of Year C

Today we have the Gospel account of Martha and Mary. Martha was concerned with serving Jesus when he paid a visit, while Mary sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to him. Jesus said that Mary had chosen the better part. It is important that we serve others in the name of Jesus but we should also give time to listen to him. Prayer is a two-way conversation: we talk to Jesus with our needs, our sorrows, our thanks and our praise but we also need to be quiet to listen to him speaking to us in our hearts. It is in these moments that we are drawn into his presence and can feel his guidance, his consolation and his encouragement.

The Permanent Diaconate

In September, one of our parishioners, Tony Cecile, will be starting his training at Wonersh seminary near Guildford, towards being ordained a permanent deacon for this parish. The training involves two weekends a month at Wonersh while continuing his full-time employment and living with his family in this parish. Please pray for Tony as he sets out on this preparation. The preparation takes 3 years, so if all goes to plan, Tony will be a permanent deacon in this parish in 2022.

A Deacon embodies the truth that all ordained ministry in the Church is to be exercised as a service. Every priest and every bishop always remains a deacon, too. Everything a deacon does is to be characterised by this spirit of service. The model of service is Christ himself. A deacon is a minister of the Word, a minister of the Altar and a minister of Charity. Each priest on the way to ordination spends about a year as a deacon, As Deacon Carlos and Deacon Ronnie did in our parish. Tony will be able to do similar duties as they did but his time will be limited insofaras he has a permanent day-time job and will be living with his family.

As a parish we have a responsibility of supporting Tony in his journey towards diaconate ordination. We can do so by our prayers and also supporting him in the various activities he will be take part in the parish as part of the formation process. In the first year ,Tony will be involved as a reader at Mass, to lead Morning Prayer on occasions, prepare Bidding Prayers, be involved with liturgical music, attend Parish council Meetings and meet leaders of the Sacramental Preparation Groups. Some of these activities Tony has already started. In the second and third years, Tony will be gaining other experiences within the parish, Please support him with your prayers and encouragement.

Baptism Preparation

The next session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised will be on Sunday 15 September at 4pm in the Dominic Room. Application forms can be collected from the sacristy.

First Communions in 2020

If your child is starting Year 3 or above in September and would like to receive First Holy Communion next year, please take an application form from the porch and return it to the presbytery by 15th September at the latest. Application forms cannot be accepted after this date.

RCIA Sessions Sessions for those adults who are considering baptism, reception in the church or confirmation start on Tuesday 08 October at 8.p.m., upstairs in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process whereby adults journey in the faith towards receiving the Sacraments and become full members of the Catholic Church. Please let those interested know about this or you may like to introduce them to Fr. Colin.

Lately Dead

Please pray for the repose of the soul of PAULA DUGGAN of Angus Gardens whose cremation takes place on Friday.

Memorial Mass for Fr John Ball

Is taking place on Thursday 19th September at St. Michael's Catholic Grammar School, Nether Street, North Finchley N12 7NJ at 7pm - followed by refreshments. An email to or a call to 0208 446 2256 would be helpful if you are planning to attend. All most welcome.

Tuesday Novena and Wednesday Holy Hour

The Tuesday Novena will take place this Tuesday and then take a break until September. Similarly, there will be Holy Hour on Wednesday at 9.30am and then resume in September.

Harrow Mencap

Many thanks for the donation to the collection on 7th July which amounted to £306.

Westminster Record

The Summer edition of the Westminster Record is available in the porch. It includes a report on the celebration of Christian marriage which took place in Westminster Cathedral last month to which some of our parishioners joined, a report on the ordination of a priest at the Sacred Heart, Mill Hill, a celebration of priesthood in Westminster Cathedral, children taking part in the Adoremus project, and a new Rosary garden at theRosary Shrine, plus many other interesting features.

Sea Sunday Collection

The amount sent to Apostleship of the Sea from last Sunday’s collection was £326.49


Next week’s newsletter will be the final edition until September.

Divine Mercy Pilgrimage

To the Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St Simon Stock, The Friars Aylesford Priory, Aylesford, Kent ME20 7BX. Bank Holiday Monday - 26th August 2019 10 am - 5 pm led by Rt Rev Bishop Patrick Lynch SS CC - Auxiliary Bishop of Southwark Diocese and The Marian Fathers.

More information and coach booking fees: Divine Mercy Apostolate, Marian Fathers. 1 Courtfield Gardens, London W13 0EY, T: 020 8998 0925 ; Email:,; Registered Charity No: 1075608

Catholic History Walks


Wednesday, 24th July, 7pm. From Richmond, with its varied Tudor history, we walk along the river to Grey Court House, the childhood home of Bl John Henry Newman. Meet at St Elizabeth's Church, The Vineyard, Richmond, TW10 6AQ. Nearest station, tube, and overground: Richmond.

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