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RCDOW Burnt Oak

24thSunday Year C

Today we reflect on the need for us to repent of our sins and the power of God to forgive us. We can see how much God wants us to turn back to him in the parable of the hundred sheep of which one was lost. We can see God’s purpose in sending his Son into the world when St Paul in his letter to Timothy emphasises that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. We can see how deep God’s love is for the sinner who repents in the way the Father welcomes back his wayward son in the Parable of the Prodigal Son.

Home Mission Day

‘Rejoice with me!’ Isn’t it great that these are the words we are met with in Church today? To rejoice not because of some material gain but because someone has returned home to us, their family in Christ, just as the prodigal son returns to his father in the Gospel. Today is Home Mission Sunday so we are encouraged to think about our mission to people in need of Christ. The Home Mission Office exists to help us share the joy of meeting and choosing to follow Christ. However, to do this they need your help. Firstly through your prayers and then through your donation to the second collection. Your prayers help them remain sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and your donation funds the work done to inspire and support evangelisation throughout the year.


Next Weekend we will have a second collection for Survive-Mia. Founded in 1974, SURVIVE-MIA is a Catholic lay Association and Registered Charity, whose Patron is the Archbishop of Liverpool. We exist to provide one vital element to ensure the success of the Church’s healthcare and pastoral work with remote communities in impoverished parts of the world—mobility.

We have about 60 members, the vast majority Catholic lay men and women from all walks of life who give generously of their time to make appeals for funds at parishes throughout Scotland, Wales and England. There is a paid staff of four (two full-time, two part-time based in the Liverpool office who are involved in processing applications for transport grants (which originate from Asia, Africa and Central and South America) and in raising funds e.g. through administering the appeals carried our by our volunteer ‘Speakers’. Requests far exceed funds available, but our Allocations Committee (who are all returned missionaries and know the problems faced first hand) look to support outreach programmes which have been planned in collaboration and consultation with local communities in response to their needs and priorities. Such work must be aimed at bringing about advances in the spiritual and human development of the people they live among and serve. We don’t export vehicles, but transfer the funds to Diocesan accounts overseas for purchase in-country: it is the people ‘on the ground’ who know best their own requirements.

Reflections at Rosary Priory with Sr Avril OP Autumn 2019

Mondays at 11am in the convent chapel. 14th October Part Two: Martha, 4 November: Jean Vanier and the Gospel of Love, 2 December: Advent through listening windows.

RCIA Sessions

Sessions for those adults who are considering baptism, reception in the church or confirmation start on Tuesday 08 October at 8.p.m., upstairs in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process whereby adults journey in the faith towards receiving the Sacraments and become full members of the Catholic Church. Please let those interested know about this or you may like to introduce them to Fr. Colin.

Memorial Mass for Fr John Ball

Is taking place on Thursday 19th September at St. Michael's Catholic Grammar School, Nether Street, North Finchley N12 7NJ at 7pm - followed by refreshments. An email to or a call to 0208 446 2256 would be helpful if you are planning to attend. All most welcome.

Mass for Bereaved Parents

The Mass for Bereaved Parents will be celebrated by Bishop Paul McAleenan at St Aloysius Church, Phoenix Road, Euston on Saturday 26th October. All are welcome.

Baptism for Older Children

We will be starting sessions on Saturday 5th October from 11.15am until 12 for children aged 7 or over who wish to be baptised. Please come to the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. For the first session, we would like the parent to attend as well so we can get to know each other.

Baptised and Sent

October 2019 has been designated by Pope Francis as an Extraordinary Month of Mission. The purpose is to help us understand better the rich diversions of evangelising mission of the Church and all to commit ourselves to participate in it. The title given to this special month is Baptised and Sent. For our Autumn Faith Sharing this year, our booklet considers six missionary witnesses who were themselves ‘baptised and sent’ and the distinctive insights they give. Please take one of the booklets from the porch and use it either in a group discussion of individually. They cost £2,00 and money can be put in the papers box.

Last Day for 1st Communion Applications

Today is the final day for submitting applications for your child to receive 1st Holy Communion next year. No applications can be accepted after today.

There will be an introductory meeting for parents on Tuesday 24th September at 7.45pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre and there will be a further 7 sessions over subsequent months. The first of seven sessions for the children will be on Sunday 6th October at 9.15 am. The First Communions will take place over three Sundays in May 2020.

Novena and Holy Hour

The Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help resumes on Tuesday at 7pm. The Holy Hour resumes on Wednesday at 9.30am

Baptism Preparation

There will be a preparation session this afternoon, Sunday, for parents who wish to have their baby baptised at 4pm in the Dominic Room.

Parish Council

The Parish Council meet on Thursday 19th September at 7.45pm in the presbytery.

Let them eat cake!

You are all invited to the world’s biggest coffee morning. Enjoy a cup of tea/coffee and a slice of cake and other treats on Sunday 29th September 2019, 0900-1330, outside the Church of the Annunciation. All proceeds will go to Macmillan Cancer Support.

Mass Count

We will be counting heads at Mass next Sunday and on the following 3 Sundays. Thank you to those who help us in this.

Westminster Record

Copies of the Autumn edition of the Westminster Record are available in the porch. This edition includes articles about John Henry Newman to be canonized in October, the July priestly ordinations, the new programme on catechesis called Sycamore and the Annual Report and Accounts for the Diocese.

Secondary School Transfer

Many Schools are having their Open Evenings during September, I have arranged 3 one-hour sessions for signing Secondary School forms in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre as follows:

Thursday 3rd October 4-5pm.

Wednesday 9th October 4-5pm.

Saturday 12th October 12-1pm

Lately Dead

Please pray for BETTY GILHOOLEY, formerly of Henshaw Drive, Her funeral Mass will be at St Sebastian and St Pancras Church, Kingsbury Green on Tuesday 17th September at 11.00am.

Luggage scales

A parishioner lent Fr. Raphael some luggage scales. Please collect them from the presbytery.


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