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RCDOW Burnt Oak

30th Sunday of Year C

The Sunday Gospels in recent weeks have presented us with parables relating to prayer. Today’s Gospel concerns the need to repent of our sins. The Pharisee’s prayer is one of claiming how good he is and how much better than the tax collector, who beats his breast and asks for God’s mercy. The lesson for us from this parable is to regularly ask God for his mercy, to be aware of our sinfulness and to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The parable also tells us not to compare ourselves favourably with others, but to pray for all of us sinners.

All Saints Day

On Friday we celebrate the Feast of All Saints. On this day, we praise and thank the Lord for bringing into his company those souls who have remained faithful to him and now share eternal glory. This includes those we have known, relations and friends who have completed their journey to heaven as well as the saints recognised as such by the church. This feast is an encouragement to us to work tirelessly towards that heavenly goal. Friday is a Holy Day of Obligation which means that Catholics are expected to attend Mass on that day.

There are 4 Masses in the parish on Friday as follows.

9.00am In the Church, In the Infants school next-door,

2.00pm In the Junior School in the Meads and 7.30pm In the Church.

All Souls Day

On Saturday we commemorate all the faithful departed on All Souls Day. Mass will be at November is the month to pray for all the faithful departed, including our relations, friends and forgotten souls. The Remembrance Book is on a table near the statues. You can write the names of those you wish to be remembered in this book, but there is no need to re-write names you have entered in previous years. The book will be placed in front of the altar during November. Alternatively, you can write names on a piece of paper and put it in one of the envelopes available in the porch. These names will be placed in a box in front of the altar during November. There will be several Masses for the Holy Souls during November.

Year of the Word

Please put your favourite scripture, quote on a form at the back of the church and place it in the box nearby, this week’s quotes:

Do not let people disregard you because you are young, but be an example to all the believers in the way you speak and behave, and in your love, your faith and your purity. 1 Timothy 4:12 (This is why our Youth Group is called Four:12).

My Steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed, says the Lord, who has compassion on you. Isaiah 54:10.

You are worthy, Our Lord and God, to receive glory and honour and power, for you created all things. And by your will they existed and were created. Rev 4:11

Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire. St Catherine of Siena - sent in by Oscar Year 6.

Bereavement Mass

The Bereavement Mass takes place on Friday 22nd November at 7.30pm. There will be refreshments in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre afterward.

Weddings in 2020

Couples who wish to be married in this church next year or require us to prepare them for their marriage elsewhere, please get in touch with Fr Colin.

Confirmation 2020

Those who are currently in year 10 or above are invited to apply to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Application forms are available in the porch and should be returned by 15th December at the latest. There will be seven sessions for the candidates starting in February and there will be a meeting for parents on Wednesday 29th January at 7.30pm. Bishop John Sherrington will be coming on Friday 22 May to administer the Sacrament

RCIA Sessions

We continue our sessions for those considering becoming Catholics and those who wish to know more about their faith on Tuesdays at 8pm, upstairs in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. Everyone is welcome.

Lift to Mass

A Lady who lives in Page Street, Mill Hill, was wondering whether there is anybody who could give her a lift to the 10.30 Mass. If so, please speak to Father Colin.

Baptised and Sent

This month has been designated by Pope Francis as Extraordinary Month of Mission. Copies of the booklet ‘Baptised and Sent’ are available in the porch for £2.00. The discussion group continues on Wednesdays at 11am in the Dominic Room

Good Neighbour Scheme

Without volunteers, we would not be able to offer the variety of services which we provide at present. If you are able to spare an hour or so once a week, once a month or occasionally, it would make a real difference to someone's quality of life. Volunteers provide help at the Lunch Clubs, drive people to local hospitals, GPs or dentists, visit people in their homes, do their shopping, help in the GNS office, and a variety of other neighbourly tasks. If you can help please contact us, the General office it is open Monday to Friday from 9am - 1pm - Tel. 020 8906 3340 (24 hour answerphone).

Baptism Preparation

There will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised on Sunday 17th November at 4pm in the Dominic Room. Application forms can be collected from the sacristy.

Blessing of the Graves

This will take place at Hendon Cemetery on Sunday 10th November at 2.30pm.

Mary’s Meals

With only one week to go before Mary’s Meals will be at our Church on the morning of Sunday 3rd November please remember to bring along your unwanted clothing/bedding (no duvets or pillows please). Put all clothing/bedding into tied black sacks and bring them with you when you come to church— the cut off time is 12.00 noon. Mary’s Meals is a no-frills charity committed to spending 93p in every £1 received on its charitable activities with only 6p spent on Fundraising and 1p on Governance.

Parish Bazaar

This takes place on Saturday 16th November. in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. You are invited to bring along any unwanted gifts for the tombola, bottles for the bottle stall, books, CD’s and donations for the raffle prizes, as well as tins and cakes. toys, face painting, Santa’s grotto as well as refreshments and other surprises. Children are invited to prepare a poster to advertise the event. Please do not donate clothes, blankets/duvets or electrical goods. Help will be needed on the evening before the event to set up stalls and also on the day. Please contact Frances 07743355748 or Linda 07884046118.

The Passage Working with Homeless People

“The Passage, a Christian Charity working with homeless people, is holding a fundraising concert at the Royal Festival Hall on Tuesday 5 November on the theme Magic of Italian Opera with Petroc Trelawny as presenter. The music includes Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves and Nessum Dorma with soloists Joyce El-Khoury, Michael Fabiano, Clare Presland and Simon Thorpe . For more details call 020 7592 1856 or email”

Annunciation Schools Admissions Meetings

The infants will be having their admissions meeting in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre on Wednesday 6th November at 7.30pm. Parents are invited to attend this meeting if they wish their child to be considered for a Nursery or School place at the Infants School in September 2020. This includes those who wish to move from Nursery to Reception Class.

The Junior School Admissions Meeting is on Monday 18th November at the school itself in The Meads. This is for parents who wish their child to be considered for a place in September 2020, including those currently in Year 2 of the Infants School.


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