31st Sunday of Year C
Today we are presented with the story of Zacchaeus, the wealthy tax collector, who climbed a tree to get a view of Jesus and ended up being a follower of his. Coming into the presence of Jesus made all the difference to his life. We can’t be just a spectator as far as Jesus is concerned. He enfolds us and converts us and we want to do his will, Zacchaeus paid back those he had cheated. Our kindness can pay back any wrong we have done and it is Jesus inside us who makes this happen.
Mary’s Meals
Thank you to everyone who has brought along black bags filled with clothes to help the Mary’s Meals Charity. The van will collect the clothes soon after 12Noon today so please do not bring any after this Mass time. Our contributions help to feed young schoolchildren in countries where food is scarce. This charity has made a major difference to many young lives.
Sick and Retired Priests Fund
Next week our parish will take up a second collection to support the sick and retired priests of the Diocese of Westminster. At present, 80 priests are receiving support from the fund after years of dedicated service to God and their parishioners. Most priests offer their resignation at 75, but many continue to serve in our schools, hospitals, hospices and parishes. By supporting the Sick & Retired Priests’ Fund, you can help cover essential costs such as ensuring they have a suitable place to live, and regular visits from carers when they are sick. Best of all, you’ll help give them peace of mind that in the event of an emergency, their needs will be met.
This is our chance to say thank you to our sick and retired priests who have given so much. You will find a donation envelope at the back of the church today. Please take one home, and bring it back next weekend with your donation. Please continue to pray for the wellbeing of all of our clergy: active, retired and ill. You can donate online at www.rcdow.org.uk/donations
Infants and Nursery Admissions Meeting
This takes place this Wednesday at 7.30pm. in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. Parents are invited to attend this meeting if they wish their child to be considered for a Nursery or School place at the Infants School in September 2020. This includes those who wish to move from Nursery to Reception Class.
Junior School Admissions Meetings
The Junior School Admissions Meeting is on Monday 18th November at 7.pm. in the school in the Meads. This is for parents who wish their child to be considered for a place in September 2020, including those who are currently in year 2 of the Infants School.
Lately Dead
Please pray for GERRY KEOGH of Booth Road whose Mass will take place on Wednesday 6th November at 6pm. Also JACQUELINE VINCELLI of Angus Gardens, whose funeral Mass will be on Tuesday 12 November at 1.00pm.
Bereavement Mass
The Bereavement Mass takes place on Friday 22nd November at 7.30pm., followed by refreshments in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre.
Weddings in 2020
Couples who wish to be married in this church next year or require us to prepare them for their marriage elsewhere, please get in touch with Fr Colin.
Confirmation 2020
Those who are currently in year 10 or above are invited to apply to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Application forms are available in the porch and should be returned by 15th December at the latest. There will be seven sessions for the candidates starting in February and there will be a meeting for parents on Wednesday 29th January at 7.30pm. Bishop John Sherrington will be coming on Friday 22 May to administer the Sacrament
RCIA Sessions
We continue our sessions for those considering becoming Catholics and those who wish to know more about their faith on Tuesdays at 8pm, upstairs in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. Everyone is welcome.
Lift to Mass
A Lady who lives in Page Street, Mill Hill, was wondering whether there is anybody who could give her a lift to the 10.30 Mass. If so, please speak to Father Colin.
Baptism Preparation
There will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised on Sunday 17th November at 4pm in the Dominic Room. Application forms can be collected from the sacristy.
Good Neighbour Scheme
Without volunteers, we would not be able to offer the variety of services which we provide at present. If you are able to spare an hour or so once a week, once a month or occasionally, it would make a real difference to someone's quality of life. Volunteers provide help at the Lunch Clubs, drive people to local hospitals, GPs or dentists, visit people in their homes, do their shopping, help in the GNS office, and a variety of other neighbourly tasks. If you can help please contact us, the General office it is open Monday to Friday from 9am - 1pm - Tel. 020 8906 3340 (24 hour answerphone).
Baptised and Sent
Copies of the booklet ‘Baptised and Sent’ are available in the porch for £2.00. The discussion group continues on Wednesdays at 11am in the Dominic Room.
Year of the Word
This week’s quotes: The trials you have had to bear are no more than people normally have. You can trust God not to let you be tried beyond your strength, and with any trial he will give you a way out of it and the strength to bear it. 1 Corinthians 10:13
If one here were to give all the wealth of one's house for love, it would be utterly scorned. Song of Songs 8:7
First Communion Programme
There will be a meeting for parents of First Communion Children on Tuesday at 7.45pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. The children have a session next Sunday at 9.15am.
Parish Bazaar
This takes place on Saturday 16th November. in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. You are invited to bring along any unwanted gifts for the tombola, bottles for the bottle stall, books, CD’s and donations for the raffle prizes, as well as tins and cakes. toys, face painting, Santa’s grotto as well as refreshments and other surprises. Children are invited to prepare a poster to advertise the event. Please do not donate clothes, blankets/duvets or electrical goods. Help will be needed on the evening before the event to set up stalls and also on the day. Please contact Frances 07743355748 or Linda 07884046118.
Month of the Holy Souls
During November we remember all the faithful departed. Names you wish to be remembered can be placed in the Memorial Book but there is no need to re-write names you have entered in previous years. Alternatively, you can write names on a piece of paper and put it in one of the envelopes found at the back of the church.
Next Sunday we remember in particular those who have lost their lives at war and there will be a 2—minute silence during the 10.30. Mass.
Finance Committee Meeting
The Finance Committee meet on Thursday 11th November at 7.30pm. in the Dominic Room.
Advent Day of Prayer
Begin the season of Advent and new liturgical year with fresh spiritual energy in the tranquil Niland Centre. We welcome Fr John Hemer for our annual reflection day on Thursday, 28 November (from 10am with Holy Mass at 2.30 pm). Refreshments provided (from 9.30am). Please bring a packed lunch. Suggested donation £15. Rosary Priory, 93 Elstree Road, Bushey Heath, Herts. WD23 4EE.
Details and registrations: 07746 707 247 or events@nilandconferencecentre.co.uk.
Blessing of the Graves
This will take place next Sunday at Hendon Cemetery at 2.30pm.