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RCDOW Burnt Oak

Christ the King

Today we end the Church’s Year with the triumphant feast of Christ the King. But the Gospel scene is not of one sitting on a throne wearing a golden crown in a grand palace. It is of someone nailed to a cross wearing a crown of thorns beside two criminals. This is how Jesus secured for us a place in His kingdom. As described in today’s preface, this is a kingdom which is eternal and universal, one of truth, life, holiness, grace, justice, love and peace. Today we join in praising the Lord as our King who has invited each one of us to be part of his kingdom.

Second Collections

The Parish Finance Committee and the Parish Council have been reviewing the second collections that take place in the parish. The general view was that there were too many of them. It was thought that it was too much to expect parishioners to contribute to a second collection frequently in addition to the normal Sunday collection, even if they were paying by standing order. In addition it is recognised that parishioners make regular donations to charities apart from the ones through the church. There are 14 second collections that the diocese require us to hold each year. Apart from these, there are various charities who make a request to hold an appeal from time to time. It has been decided to limit these and also not to have a second collection for Christmas and Easter flowers and for the Christmas dinner. These will be paid out of parish funds.

Kanyike Project

Bearing in mind what was mentioned above, we have made a commitment to continue to support the Kanyike project in Uganda which we have been contributing to bi-annually for several years. Fr. Kakuba will be here next weekend to update us on the project.

Finance Committee

We are looking for a parishioner to join our Parish Finance Committee. If you are interested, please speak to Fr. Colin. We meet every second month to look at the finances of the parish.

Lately Dead

Please pray for MARY PERSSE whose funeral Mass will be on Thursday at 11.30. This is in addition to the 9.00 Mass that morning. Her body will be brought to the church at 7pm on Wednesday. Also please pray for ANNE CHRISTIAN whose funeral will be on Wednesday 4th December at 10.30. Her body will be brought to the church on Tuesday 3rd at 6pm and CONNIE LONGMAN, previously from this parish.

School Signing

Fr. Colin will be available to sign forms on Tuesday between 3 and 4pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre.

Pilgrimage Holy Land

14-21st May to the Holy Land. 4 places left £1333 per person in shared accommodation. If interested or for more information please contact Fr Carlos at Bishop Stortford Parish 01279 654063.

Christmas Arrangements

We will be issuing a card with all the Christmas arrangements in mid-December. Please note that this year the Mass will be at 10.00pm.

Accommodation Required

A mother with 3 children is looking for a 3 bedroom flat or house to rent in the area. If you know of anything please ring. 07789860615.

Parish Bazaar

Many thanks to all who helped, contributed and came along to the Parish Bazaar on 16th November. It was a great

occasion with many families coming along. A total of £1982 .00 was raised.

First Communion Programme

There will be a meeting for parents of First Communion children on Tuesday at 7.45pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. The children meet next Sunday at 9.15.

Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch

This takes place on Sunday 15th December in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre starting at Application forms are available in the porch and should be returned as soon as possible as there is a limit to the numbers we can cater for.

CAFOD World Gifts

As we begin to think about Christmas gifts to our family and friends, it is good to think about gifts for the needy throughout the world. As in recent years, CAFOD has produced a catalogue of suggestions for various gifts that can be sent to the needy such as a goat, a pig, a vegetable garden and a sewing kit. Please take a catalogue and make your order direct to CAFOD.

Advent Day of Prayer

Begin the season of Advent and new liturgical year with fresh spiritual energy in the tranquil Niland Centre. We welcome Fr John Hemer for our annual reflection day on Thursday, 28 November (from 10am with Holy Mass at 2.30 pm). Refreshments provided (from 9.30am). Please bring a packed lunch. Suggested donation £15. Rosary Priory, 93 Elstree Road, Bushey Heath, Herts. WD23 4EE.

Details and registrations: 07746 707 247 or

Confirmation 2020

Those who are currently in year 10 or above are invited to apply to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Application forms are available in the porch and should be returned by 15th December at the latest. There will be seven sessions for the candidates starting in February and there will be a meeting for parents on Wednesday 29th January at 7.30pm. Bishop John Sherrington will be coming on Friday 22 May to administer the Sacrament

Youngsters Choir

Children, Youngsters, Teenagers are being invited to come and join for a new Youngster's Choir Initiative for the 12 noon mass on second Sunday of every month. Before we get going with it, we would need a few practice sessions with them. The practice has already begun and is taking place in the church on all Sundays from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Please support this initiative by sending the kids for the practice sessions. For any queries, please speak to Fr. Colin or contact Nancy Joseph - 07459436414. We look forward to meeting you.

Four:12 Sleepout in aid of Emmaus UK

The youth of the parish will be taking part in a sponsored sleep out on Friday 29th November, in aid of Emmaus UK. If any young people in year 7 or above would like to take part, please email or call 07732 392 749 by Wednesday 27th November. To sponsor the group, please visit Many thanks for your support!

Winter Wonderland 2019

The Parish’s annual winter get-together takes place on Saturday 7th December; doors open at 7:15pm. Enjoy a 3-course meal and an evening of festivities. Tickets are priced at £8 for adults, £5 for 5-16-year-olds and free for under 5s and they will be on sale after all weekend Masses until Sunday 1st December. Please only purchase tickets if you intend to come to the event – last year we had to disappoint some people after we ran out of tickets but then fifteen ticket-holders failed to turn up on the night. All tickets must be paid for and collected by Sunday 1st December; there will be no tickets available for purchase or collection on the door.

90th Anniversary of Affiliation to the Guild of St Stephen

This year marks the 90th anniversary of the affiliation of the altar servers of this parish to the Guild of St Stephen. To celebrate, the servers will be hosting a reception in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre after the St Stephen’s Day Mass, which will take place on Thursday 26th December at 10.30am. All are welcome.

St James’ Senior Citizens Christmas Party

A Senior Citizens Christmas Party is taking place at St James’ Catholic High School on 4th December at 4pm. Admission is by ticket only. We have been allocated 10 tickets. Please let Susan in the office know if you would like any.

Thank you

Madonna would like to thank all for your gifts and cards. She has donated £1,000 to the Royal Free Aneurysm Charity No: 187.

Private Tuition-Tutorial College London

Maths, English, Science, Economics and Business. 11+, SATs, GCSE and A-Level. Call us today! 07493 819640 group bookings available.


Christmas stock now available, come look and buy!


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