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RCDOW Burnt Oak

29th Sunday of Year B

Jesus and John make a plea with Jesus to sit at his right hand and left hand in Glory. Jesus uses this moment to explain that to be exalted to positions like this requires humility and service. They will need to share in Jesus’ Cross. So too for us. We need to bear our cross, to serve one another and to act humbly in order to find an exalted place in heaven.

Today is World Missions Sunday

World Mission Sunday is your chance to support missionaries and our Church in proclaiming the Gospel of hope to those who suffer around the world. By supporting Missio, the Pope’s official charity for the overseas mission, you will be sharing the love of Christ with all people by helping everyone in need, regardless of background or belief. Today, your prayers and donations will help build a future of hope both in Ethiopia and around the world. Please give what you can, and if possible, please use the Gift Aid envelopes if you are a taxpayer. Thank you.

Mary’s Meals

With only 1 week to go before Mary’ Meals will be at our church on the morning of Sunday 28th October please remember to bring along all your unwanted clothing/bedding (no duvets or pillows please). Put all clothing/bedding into tied black sacks and bring them with you when you come to church—the cut off time is 12.00noon. Mary’s Meals is a no-frills charity committed to spending 93p in every £1.00 received on its charitable activities with only 6p spent on Fundraising and 1p on Governance.

End of Summer Time

Summer time ends next weekend when clocks go back one hour on Saturday night. If you forget you will be an hour early for Mass on Sunday morning!

Baptism Preparation

The next session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised will be on Sunday 18th November at 4pm in the Dominic Room. Application forms are available in the sacristy.

Confirmations 2019

Those who are in year 10 or above are invited to apply for Confirmation. Application Forms are available in the porch and should be returned by 16th December at the latest. Sessions start in January. Bishop John Sherrington will be coming on Friday 7th June to administer the Sacrament.

Weddings in 2019

Couples who wish to be married in this church next year or require us to prepare them for their marriage elsewhere, please get In touch with Fr Colin. There is a couple who asked for their marriage to be convalidated on 23rd January but left no contact details. Please get in touch with me.

Mass Count

The number of people at Mass here last weekend was 673, giving an average of 639 for the four weeks, 40 fewer than last year.

Lately Dead

The funeral Mass of FR. RICHARD GEORGE DANGERFIELD who was a priest in this parish in the 1960s will be held at Westminster Cathedral on Tuesday at

The Funeral Mass for JEAN SEXTON of Montrose Avenue will be on Tuesday 06 November at 12.00 noon. Jean is one of our longest serving parishioners and until recently wrote the ‘Watch This Space’ section in the Takehomenews.

Also pray for the soul of MARIAN WALLACE whose funeral has already taken place.

90th Anniversary of Parish

We commemorate this anniversary on Sunday 25th November at the 12 noon Mass followed by a reception in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. Do you have any photographs from the past? If so, could we borrow them please to produce a slide show during the reception. We are also planning to produce a booklet to include memories from the past and invite you to write down something to include in this booklet. We would like to get this all prepared by the end of October. Thank you.

St Rose’s Chapel and Prayer Garden

Cricklewood, NW2 6BH

On Saturday, 27th October from 10.00am to 4pm, there will be Adoration and Prayer for the intentions of Pope Francis and the whole Church.

As it is the month of The Holy Rosary, the rosary will be recited at the beginning of each hour.

Please do come and spend some time in Adoration and Prayer.

Annunciation Schools Admissions Meetings

The infants will be having their admissions meeting in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre on Wednesday 7th November at 7.30pm. Parents are invited to attend this meeting if they wish their child to be considered for a Nursery or School place at the Infants School in September 2019. This includes those who wish to move from Nursery to Reception Class. The Junior School Admissions Meeting is on Monday 19 November at 7pm in the school itself in the Meads. This is for parents who wish their child to be considered for a place in September 2019, including those currently in year 2 of the Infants School.

Catholic History Walks

The King's Good Servant Sunday 21st October, 4pm. The story of heroic St Thomas More, as we walk around his Chelsea estate. Meet at the Church of Our Most Holy Redeemer and St Thomas More, Cheyne Row. SW3 5HS. Nearest Tube: Sloane Square or South Kensington.

A Royal Walk Sunday 18th November, 3pm. A walk around Westminster to see Catholics and Royalty, from Henry VIII and his break with Rome to the present day. We walk towards Buckingham Palace. Meet on the steps of Westminster Cathedral. Nearest Tube: Victoria.

Cost: £5.00, concessions available. Please wear suitable footwear and plan for the weather. Walks may take up to 2 hours.

See the Poster on our noticeboard

E mail:

Month of the Holy Souls

November is the month to pray for all the faithful departed, including our relations, friends and forgotten Souls. All Souls Day is on Friday 2nd November when Masses in the church will be at 9am and 7.30pm.

The Remembrance Book is on a table near the statues. You can write the names of those you wish to be remembered in this book, but there is no need to rewrite names you have entered in previous years, the book will be placed in front of the altar during November.

Alternatively you can write names on a piece of paper and put it in one of the envelopes available in the porch. There names will be placed in a box in front of the altar during November. There will be several Masses for the Holy Souls during the month.

The Blessing of Graves at Hendon Cemetery will be at 2pm on Sunday 4th November.

The Bereavement Mass takes place on Friday 23 November at 7.30 pm.

Parish Bazaar

This will take place on Saturday 17 November. If you have any ideas or can offer your help on the day, please come along for a chat on Thursday 1st November at 8.15pm in the Dominic Room. This follows the 7.30pm Mass in the church for All Souls Day.


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