Easter Sunday
Today we celebrate the greatest event in the history of the world—The resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord. By rising from the dead, Jesus has conquered death and brought about new life. He has opened up the gates of heaven for us so that we may share in the glory that Jesus has won by this victory over death. Each Sunday is in fact a celebration of the resurrection. Once the holy day of the week was the Saturday, but because of the resurrection the holy day for Christians is Sunday. Today we are presented with the marvellous account of the discovery of the empty tomb. There is quite a lot of confusion at first, Mary Magdalene thought that the body of Jesus had been stolen. There is much running to and fro to tell each other what had happened. It was the first time that the Good News was spread and the Apostles would continue this task for the remainder of their ministry. It has then become the task of all Christians to spread the Good News that Jesus is risen and we have all been set free. During the Easter Season, We are treated to accounts of Jesus’ appearances after he rose from the dead. All these are faith—filling accounts that what seemed impossible has come true. Jesus who died on the Cross is truly alive and is there for us at all times, in all places and for all people. We have been saved.
2nd Sunday of Easter (C) - 24th April
Jesus’ first post– resurrection appearance was on that same evening when Jesus appeared to the Apostles in the Upper Room. They had hid themselves away out of fear. That fear was banished when Jesus appeared to them. His first words were ’Peace be with you’. These are words that we can take to heart today. It is then that the Apostles received the power to forgive and retain sins as Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit on them. This event is recognised in the naming of this day as Divine Mercy Sunday. This is the day we give thanks to God for the great mercy that Jesus has given us through his Death and Resurrection. Thomas was one of the Apostles who was not present at Jesus’ appearance on Easter evening. He could not believe what the other Apostles had told him, unless he could see for himself. So, Jesus makes this special appearance so that he could believe with his own eyes. The words which Thomas said; ‘My Lord and my God’ are words we can whisper as Jesus appears to us in the form of bread and wine at the consecration of the Mass.
On the weekend of the 23rd/24th April, we will be having an appeal from the Spiritans, also known as the Holy Ghost Fathers. The Spiritans were founded in 1703 by Fr. Poullart des Places in Paris in response to witnessing child labour and students could not afford to pay educational fees. Since this time the Spiritans has grown into a worldwide movement, operating in more than 60 countries and preaching the Gospel of peace and justice. They stand alongside the powerless in society to work with them for a better world through education, health, development and tolerance. At home they work with people seeking refuge or asylum, people suffering from drug and alcohol abuse, prisoners and those who feel abandoned by society. They remain faithful to the vision of Christ and go beyond national boundaries to reach people of all colour, creed and class. The Spiritans run several parishes in this country, the nearest to us being in New Barnet.
Many thanks for the Easter Offerings as well as the cards and gifts. Very many thanks to all who have worked hard to make our Holy Week Services so dignified and for those who have worked behind the scenes, giving their time to cleaning and decorating the church. Fr. Colin and Fr. David wish everyone a very holy and happy Easter.
There is no need to abstain from meat on Friday 22nd April as Easter week is like a week of Sundays, celebrating the Resurrection.
This newsletter covers 2 weeks. The next Takehomenews will be on 1st May.
Father Jozef Urbanic sends parishioners his greetings for Easter from Slovenia.
As the 23rd April falls in Easter week, the Feast of St George has been transferred to Tuesday 26th April.
There will be a meeting for First Communion parents on Tuesday 19th April at 7.45pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. The children have their next session on Sunday 24th April at 9am and they will be taking part in a Celebration Mass on Sunday 1st May at 10.30.
The Confirmation candidates have their next session on Wednesday 20th April at 7pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. There will be a meeting for parents of Confirmation candidates on Wednesday 27th April at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre.
Parents who wish to have their baby baptised are asked to come to a preparation session on Sunday 15th May at 4pm in the church.
Items for the local foodbank can be left in one of the boxes in the porch. Many thanks to those who have donated already. It has been very much appreciated
The Mums and Toddlers Playgroup will be re-opening on Wednesday 20th April from 9.30—11.00 and will be open each Wednesday during term time.
Fr Colin Away
Fr Colin will be away from Thursday 21st to Tuesday 26th April.