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Takehomenews Sunday 12 December 2021

RCDOW Burnt Oak

3RD Sunday of advent (C)

An element of Joy creeps into our liturgy today, Gaudete Sunday. We have reached the middle point of our Advent journey. Rose-coloured vestments are worn and the rose-coloured candle is lit on the Advent Wreath. This all points to the element of joy and expectancy at the imminent coming of the Lord. John the Baptist is again the central character in our Gospel. People from different walks of life were asking John what they should do to make way for the Lord. His answers centred around the virtues of honesty and integrity. John the Baptist also gives an outline of what the Messiah will be like. He will baptise with the Holy Spirit and will be more powerful than any other prophet.


Please take a card with arrangements for the Christmas period. This year we are not holding a Reconciliation Service but putting on extra time for confessions. In addition to the usual Saturday confession times (10.30-11am and 5.45-6.15pm but not Christmas Day), the priests will be available for confessions after Mass on weekdays starting Monday 20th December. You will see that Mass on the night of Christmas Eve is at 10pm NOT MIDNIGHT, bur there will be a Midnight Mass to welcome in the New Year. The card is also our Christmas card to you.


There will be carol singing around the streets next Sunday, 19th December. Parishioners from St Alphage will be joining us. Please gather in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre at 6.30pm. We will return later for refreshments.


The Good Neighbour Scheme for Mill Hill and Burnt Oak is holding a Christmas Raffle to raise funds to have a defibrillator installed in Burnt Oak and Mill Hill. It will be available for anybody in an emergency. Raffle tickets are available after Mass, £1.00 each or £5.00 for a book of five. The draw will be made on 22nd December.


This takes place today (Sunday) at in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. Applications for places are now closed. We thank Four:12 for their hard work in putting on this occasion.


Many thanks to everyone involved in the Annunciation Infants and Junior Schools Christmas Fayre last Friday, organised by their Parents and Teacher Association. We are grateful for all the hard work put in by the organisers as well as to everyone who came along.


Lord Jesus you are the light of the world COME LORD JESUS You are the light in our darkness COME LORD JESUS

Son of God, save us from our sins COME LORD JESUS Bring hope into the lives of all people COME LORD JESUS

Give your peace to all nations COME LORD JESUS Be the joy of all who love you COME LORD JESUS

Bless us as we gather here in your name COME LORD JESUS Lord Jesus, stay with us. COME LORD JESUS


As in previous years, we are encouraged to send a Christmas gift to share the peace and joy of Christmas with our brothers and sisters throughout the world. Catalogues for this are available in the porch. There are several suggestions such as PPE for a Health Worker, Trees for Life, Water for a Family, A Goat, Chirpy Chickens, an Energy Saving Stove, Emergency Food and many others.


Items for the local foodbank can be left in one of the boxes in the porch. Many thanks to those who have donated already. It has been very much appreciated.

Baptism Preparation

The next session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised will be on Sunday 16th January at in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre.

Weddings in 2022

Couples who wish to be married in this church next year or require us to prepare them for their marriage elsewhere, please get in touch with Fr Colin or Fr David.


The 2022 edition of the Westminster Year Book is available in the porch priced £4.50. It gives useful information about parishes, priests, schools and organisations in the Westminster Diocese together with a liturgical calendar for the year.


It was sad when the Universe, a major Catholic newspaper, had to cease publication because few people were buying it in church. This became particularly evident when the churches were closed for a time last year. A new Catholic newspaper has now been produced called The Catholic Post. At the moment we don’t know how frequently it will be produced. Please take a copy and see what you think. There are plenty.


Applications are now complete for the Confirmation Programme. There will be a meeting for the parents of the candidates on Wednesday 26th January at 7.30pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. The first session for the candidates will be on Wednesday 2nd February at 7.00pm, also in the Parish Centre. Bishop John Sherrington will minister the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday 12th May at 7pm.


Applications are now complete for the First Holy Communion Programme. There will be a meeting for the parents of candidates on Tuesday 11th January at 7.45pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. The first of seven sessions for the children will be on Sunday 16th January at 9am, also in the Parish Centre. The dates of the First Communions will be Saturdays 11th and 18th June at 2pm and 3.30pm. The allocation of these dates will be revealed at the first parents meeting on 11th January.


There will be a meeting for all Mass Readers on Thursday 13th January at 7.30pm in the church. Anybody who would like to become a Mass Reader is invited along as well. Sunday 23rd January is the Day of the Word when Readers will be commissioned or re-commissioned.


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