3rd Sunday of Lent (A)
The story of the Samaritan woman at the well is a wonderful episode of how a person can be changed by coming into the presence of Jesus. She had simply come along to the well to collect water but found herself face to face to Jesus. Jews and Samaritans would not normally mix with one another. In their conversation, Jesus explains a deeper meaning of the water, how it wells up to eternal life. He was referring to the waters of baptism. Jesus also reveals that he knows that the Samaritan woman has 5 husbands. Even more dramatic for the woman, Jesus reveals that he is the Messiah. The woman was so moved by the revelation that she forgot about the water she needed and hurried to tell other members of the community that she had found Christ. They too became believers. This is an example of how the Good News of Jesus Christ can grow through one person’s spiritual encounter.
Cardinal’s Lenten Appeal
Over the last couple of weeks, we have been focusing on the needs in the Third World through CAFOD Fast Day. Many thanks for your contributions to this cause. Now we need to turn our attention back to the Cardinal’s Lenten Appeal, relating to the needs of the people nearer home. There is a box near Our Lady’s altar for contributions to this appeal as well as envelopes on which you can Gift Aid your contribution. Funds raised this year will be shared between Marriage and Family Life, Youth and Evangelisation, The Education Service and Caritas Westminster. The effects of the pandemic, followed by the cost of living crisis, are still making daily life harder for all. Price rises last year meant many families faced an impossible choice: HEAT or EAT. And this crisis if far from over. The church continues to respond, with thousands of people putting their faith into action by serving those in need. Cardinal Nichols has expressed his gratitude to everyone who supports the Appeal, with whatever they can afford. And for those who can’t give financially, your time is a priceless commodity - please see the posters on how you can volunteer in the diocese and help those in need. Donation envelopes also give more information. You can use the QR code to make your donation on line. Thank you for your generosity.
New Offertory envelopes will be available after Masses next weekend. One of the Finance Committee will be available to hand you your box from the presbytery lobby. We are not allowed to put the boxes on display in the church because of data protection.
The recitation of the Rosary now takes place after the 9am Mass on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Divine Mercy devotions are at 3pm of Fridays in the church.
There will be a session for confirmation candidates at 7.00pm on Wednesday in the Parish Centre.
FIRST Communion programme
There will be a session for the children today (Sunday) at 9am in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre . Tomorrow (Monday) there will be a session for parents at 7.45pm in the Parish Centre. Next Sunday (19th March) the children will be taking part in a Celebration Mass at the 10.30am Mass.
Coming Feast Days
St Patrick’s Day is on Friday with Mass at 9am. St Joseph’s Day has been transferred this year from 19th March to Monday 20th March. Masses will be at 7.30am and 12 Noon.
Our Parish Feast Day, the Annunciation of the Lord, falls on Saturday 25th March. Mass will be at 10am on that day but we will celebrate the Feast on the Vigil, Friday 24th March, with a Mass at 7.30pm. There will be a get-together in the Parish Centre after Mass to which we invite you to bring along a dish of food, we will provide the drink. As it is a Solemnity, your dishes can include meat. We do not need to abstain from meat on the evening of Friday 24th March.
Stations of the Cross this Friday takes place here at the Annunciation at 7pm.
Next week there will be a card available giving the arrangements for Holy Week services. Palm Sunday will be on 2nd April.
Evening for catechists at Edgware
All catechists are invited to St Anthony’s Church in Edgware on Thursday 16th March for a 90 minute session starting at 6.30pm. It will include: The tasks of catechists -Skills and practical advice for preparing the learning environment -Planning ideas on sharing scripture and prayer -Help catechists understand the role of discipline. Please email edgware@rcdow.org.uk if you would like to attend, or ring 020 8952 0633 and leave a message at the office.
Flower Arranging
We are very grateful to those who arrange the flowers in the church. However, we do need more flower arrangers to join the rota. No experience is required. If you would like to help, please speak to Emilia or one of the priests.
There will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised on Sunday 26th March at 4pm in the church.
Annual Mass of Thanksgiving for the Sacrament of Matrimony Westminster Cathedral, Saturday 13th May 2023 at 2:30pm.
The Cardinal is inviting to this Mass all couples in the Diocese, who are celebrating their 5th 10th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th and 60th (and every year over 60) wedding anniversary of Catholic marriage in 2023. If you are celebrating an anniversary, please give your parish clergy the following details: husband and wife’s names, wedding date, full postal address and email (or telephone number, if no email).
Foodbank for the community
Non – perishable food is required for the foodbank, please leave your donations in one of the marked boxes in the church porch. Thank you.
Lenten Taizé Prayers
In Notre Dame de France (French Church, 5 Leicester Place WC2H 7BX) at 19:30 25th March 2023. A time of prayer with Taizé chants, scripture and silence in the heart of London. All are welcome!